- Version: 6.4.0 - 8.0.0-pre
- Platform:
- Subsystem:
Several hash functions hard crash when supplied 'ucs2' encodings.
Snippet for Hash:
Snippet for Hmac:
crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'w00t').digest('ucs2');
This is because for both the binding layer functions end up calling
with UCS2
, which has a hard check:
CHECK_NE(encoding, UCS2); // <- this can be controlled from JS
CHECK_LE(buflen, Buffer::kMaxLength);
The Sign::SignFinal
binding function does this too, but the js wrapper always
calls it with the encoding set to null
. So you'd have to call handle directly
to crash:
const private_key = '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
'MHcCAQEEIF+jnWY1D5kbVYDNvxxo/Y+ku2uJPDwS0r/VuPZQrjjVoAoGCCqGSM49\n' +
'AwEHoUQDQgAEurOxfSxmqIRYzJVagdZfMMSjRNNhB8i3mXyIMq704m2m52FdfKZ2\n' +
'pQhByd5eyj3lgZ7m7jbchtdgyOF8Io/1ng==\n' +
'-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n';
crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA256')._handle.sign(crypto._toBuf(private_key), 'ucs2');
I'm not sure if this was intentional for sign.sign()
(to be always called with
null encoding), but I suspect not.
+@mlfbrown for joint work.