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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 18, 2021. It is now read-only.

triggerReport() fails on x86 Windows #26



Node v6.9.1 win-x86

Reproduced on Windows 7 (Visual Studio 2012 or 2015) and Windows 10 (Visual Studio 2015)

Looks like the report is truncated, exit code suggests an ACCESS_VIOLATION.

C:\work\node\github\nodereport>npm test

> nodereport@1.0.5 test C:\work\node\github\nodereport
> tap test/test*.js

test/test-api.js ...................................... 4/7
  not ok Process exited cleanly
    +++ found
    --- wanted
    compare: ===
      line: 15
      column: 9
      file: test/test-api.js
      type: ChildProcess
      function: child.on
    stack: |
      ChildProcess.child.on (test/test-api.js:15:9)
    source: |
      tap.equal(code, 0, 'Process exited cleanly');

  Validating NodeReport.20161117.185734.4656.001.txt
  not ok Checking report contains JavaScript Heap section
    found: "====================================================================
============\r\n==== NodeReport ================================================
================\r\n\r\nEvent: JavaScript API, location: \"nodereport::TriggerRe
port\"\r\nFilename: NodeReport.20161117.185734.4656.001.txt\r\nDump event time:
 2016/11/17 18:57:34\r\nModule load time: 2016/11/17 18:57:34\r\nProcess ID: 465
6\r\n\r\nNode.js version: v6.9.1\r\n(v8:, libuv: 1.9.1, zlib: 1.2.8,
ares: 1.10.1-DEV)\r\n\r\nOS version: Windows 7\r\n\r\nMachine: IBM826-R93F9G4 \r
======\r\n==== JavaScript Stack Trace ==========================================
==========\r\n\r\nJavaScript VM state: EXTERNAL\r\n\r\n 0: [pc=0x1FB353CE] C:\\w
ork\\node\\github\\nodereport\\test\\test-api.js:6:14\r\n 1: [pc=0x1FB35128] Mod
ule._compile (module.js:570:32)\r\n 2: [pc=0x1FB2FC8E] Module._extensions..js (m
odule.js:579:10)\r\n 3: [pc=0x1FB2E19A] Module.load (module.js:487:32)\r\n 4: [p
c=0x1FB2DE1A] tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)\r\n 5: [pc=0x1FB255D9] Module._lo
ad (module.js:438:3)\r\n 6: [pc=0x1FB25222] Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)\r\
n 7: [pc=0x1FB25118] run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7)\r\n 8: [pc=0x2AE38DB2] startu
p (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)\r\n 9: [pc=0x2AE37606] bootstrap_node.js:509:3\r\n"
    pattern: /==== JavaScript Heap/
      line: 31
      column: 11
      file: test/common.js
      function: REPORT_SECTIONS.forEach
    stack: |
      REPORT_SECTIONS.forEach (test/common.js:31:11)
      fs.readFile (test/common.js:30:23)
      FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:445:3)
    source: |
      t.match(reportContents, new RegExp('==== ' + section),

  Validating NodeReport.20161117.185734.4656.001.txt
  not ok Checking report contains System Information section
    found: "====================================================================
============\r\n==== NodeReport ================================================
================\r\n\r\nEvent: JavaScript API, location: \"nodereport::TriggerRe
port\"\r\nFilename: NodeReport.20161117.185734.4656.001.txt\r\nDump event time:
 2016/11/17 18:57:34\r\nModule load time: 2016/11/17 18:57:34\r\nProcess ID: 465
6\r\n\r\nNode.js version: v6.9.1\r\n(v8:, libuv: 1.9.1, zlib: 1.2.8,
ares: 1.10.1-DEV)\r\n\r\nOS version: Windows 7\r\n\r\nMachine: IBM826-R93F9G4 \r
======\r\n==== JavaScript Stack Trace ==========================================
==========\r\n\r\nJavaScript VM state: EXTERNAL\r\n\r\n 0: [pc=0x1FB353CE] C:\\w
ork\\node\\github\\nodereport\\test\\test-api.js:6:14\r\n 1: [pc=0x1FB35128] Mod
ule._compile (module.js:570:32)\r\n 2: [pc=0x1FB2FC8E] Module._extensions..js (m
odule.js:579:10)\r\n 3: [pc=0x1FB2E19A] Module.load (module.js:487:32)\r\n 4: [p
c=0x1FB2DE1A] tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)\r\n 5: [pc=0x1FB255D9] Module._lo
ad (module.js:438:3)\r\n 6: [pc=0x1FB25222] Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)\r\
n 7: [pc=0x1FB25118] run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7)\r\n 8: [pc=0x2AE38DB2] startu
p (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)\r\n 9: [pc=0x2AE37606] bootstrap_node.js:509:3\r\n"
    pattern: /==== System Information/
      line: 31
      column: 11
      file: test/common.js
      function: REPORT_SECTIONS.forEach
    stack: |
      REPORT_SECTIONS.forEach (test/common.js:31:11)
      fs.readFile (test/common.js:30:23)
      FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:445:3)
    source: |
      t.match(reportContents, new RegExp('==== ' + section),

test/test-exception.js ................................ 8/8
test/test-fatal-error.js .............................. 7/7 5s
test/test-signal.js ................................... 0/1 751ms
  Skipped: 1
    Unsupported on Windows

total ............................................... 19/23

  19 passing (8s)
  1 pending
  3 failing

npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.



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