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Stefano Balietti edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 2 revisions


  • status: complete
  • version: 7.x


NodeGame is an asynchronous event-driven framework, meaning that the flow of execution is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key presses), and / or incoming messages from the server.

Events are emitted using node.emit() and caught using node.on().

It is possible to define any custom event, but some already reserved by the nodeGame engine. The complete list follows.

Alphabetical List

Important! Some events can be disabled / enabled by the server and client configuration options.

Incoming Messages

The following events are fired whenever an incoming message is received, and contain the game message as input parameter msg.

  • in.say.ALERT: an alert message is going to be displayed. Alert text in msg.text.

  • in.say.DATA: generic data message. It is possible to use the alias to catch any data message based on the label of the data found in msg.text.

  • in.say.HI: first message sent from the server to the client, upon successful connection. The message contains the client id and a welcome message in Before this message is received, other messages will be discarded.

  • in.say.GAMECOMMAND: a game command was received. If the command is valid, it will be emitted as NODEGAME\_GAMECOMMAND and

  • in.set.LANG: a game command setting the language of the client was received. LANGUAGE\_SET will be emitted.

  • in.say.MCONNECT: an admin (monitor) connected to the same game room. The client data is contained in This message is sent only to other administrators. Will emit UPDATE\_MLIST.

  • in.say.MDISCONNECT: an admin (monitor) disconnected from the same game room. The client data is contained in This message is sent only to other administrators. Will emit UPDATE\_MLIST.

  • in.say.MLIST: a game command containing a new list of currently connected admins (monitors) is received. The list is contained in This message is sent only to other administrators.

  • in.say.MRECONNECT: a previously disconnected admin (monitor) reconnected. There is no default handler at the moment, and if one is defined nothing will happen, and the monitor will not be automatically re-added to the monitor list.

  • in.say.PCONNECT: a client (player) connected to the same game room. The client data is contained in Will emit UPDATE\_PLIST.

  • in.say.PDISCONNECT: a client (player) disconnected from the same game room. The client data is contained in Will emit UPDATE\_PLIST.

  • in.say.PLAYER_UPDATE: a player update is received from a client connected to the same game room. The update data is contained in, and the client-id of the client to update is contained in msg.from. Will emit UPDATE\_PLIST.

  • in.say.PLIST: a game command containing a new list of currently connected clients (players) is received. The list is contained in Will emit UPDATE\_PLIST.

  • in.say.PRECONNECT: a previously disconnected client (player) reconnected. There is no default handler at the moment, and if one is defined nothing will happen, and the client will not be automatically re-added to the player list.

  • in.say.REDIRECT: redirects a client connected remotely to a new uri. The uri of the new location is contained in If the window-object is not found an error message will be logged.

  • in.say.SERVERCOMMAND: this message has no effect on the client, but it is used to control the server, and to receive information back. It is available to administrators only, with the following options:

    • ROOMCOMMAND: execute a room command to all or a subset of clients. The room command (SETUP, START, PAUSE, RESUME, STOP) must be specified in, the room-id in Optionally, it is possible to specify the id of the clients in which the commands should be executed in an array in, if the logic of the game room should be included or not in, and whether the operation should be forced, if not allowed, in

    • STARTBOT: starts a bot on the server. At the moment only PhantomJS bots can be started. Configuration options must be passed in See Server Configuration for details.

    • INFO: request information from the server. The type of information requested is specified in and it can assume any of the values: CHANNELS, ROOMS, CLIENTS, GAMES.

  • in.say.SETUP: executes the registered setup function for the requested feature with the given data payload. The feature name is contained in msg.text, and the data payload is in If no payload is found an error message will be logged. See the Client Configuration for which features are available for setup.

Internal Events

The following events are emitted when something happens internally (no trigger from the server). Examples are: a callback function has been executed, a new stage has been loaded, the game has been paused, etc.

  • BEFORE_PLAYING: the client is about to emit PLAYING. The control has not yet been yielded to the player / bot and the buffer has not yet been cleared. See PLAYING.

  • BEFORE_GAMECOMMAND: a game command was received, and it will executed next. The name of the game command is passed as input parameter to the handler, possibly with additional options. Game commands described in NODEGAME\_GAMECOMMAND\_XXX.

  • DONE: the current step / stage is done, and the game _should_ continue to the next one. If a done handler is registered in the stager, the function will be executed. If the done handler returns TRUE, the STAGE\_LEVEL will be set to 100 (DONE), and the REALLY\_DONE event will be emitted. See REALLY\_DONE.

  • INIT: the initialization function is about to be executed. See game.start().

  • GAME_ALMOST_OVER: the GAME\_OVER event is about to be fired. This event handler is fired before the game-over handler is executed. See

  • GAME_OVER: the game has reached the end of the sequence. The game-over handler has been exeucted. It will not be possible to step forward. See

  • LANGUAGE_SET: the language of the client has been set. See node.setLanguage.

  • LOADED: the game-window has finished loaded a frame. If this happens after the STEP\_CALLBACK\_EXECUTED event has been fired already, the PLAYING event will be fired subsequentely. See node.window.loadFrame.

  • NODEGAME_GAMECOMMAND_XXX: where XXX is one of the options below:

    • clear_buffer: the client received the game command to clear the buffer of previously received messages. All buffered messages will be emitted. node.socket.clearBuffer.

    • erase_buffer: the client received the game command to erase the buffer of previously received messages, without emitting them. See

    • goto_step: the client received the game command to go to a specific step. If the game is not steppable, or the step is not-existing in the client, an error message will be logged. See

    • pause: the client received the game command to pause the game. If the game cannot be paused, an error message will be logged. See

    • restart: the client received the game command to restart the game. If the game cannot be restarted, an error message will be logged. See

    • resume: the client received the game command to resume the game. If the game cannot be resumed, an error message will be logged. See

    • start: the client received the game command to start the game. If the game cannot be started, an error message will be logged. See

    • step: the client received the game command to go to the next step. If the game is not steppable, an error message will be logged. See

    • stop: the client received the game command to stop the game. If the game cannot be started, an error message will be logged. See

  • NODEGAME_READY: the client has received a HI message from the server, and it is ready to create the session. This handler is executed before the session and the player are actually created (unless diversely initialized).

  • PAUSING: the client is about to be paused. This handler is executed before a pause event-handler is set, and before PAUSED is emitted. See PAUSED and

  • PAUSED: the client is paused. A pause event-handler has been set, and only messages with high priority will be emitted directly and the others will be buffered. See node.socket.onMessageFull.

  • PLAYER_CREATED: the player was created in node.player. From now on, messages can be sent to server. See node.createPlayer and node.startSession.

  • PLAYING: the client is releasing control to the user / bot. This event is executed for every new stage / step, after the step callback is executed and the window has finished to load all frames (if executed in the browser at all). After this event is fired, it is possible again to send and received messages normally; before this event, messages received will be buffered. See LOADED, and STEP\_CALLBACK\_EXECUTED.

  • REALLY_DONE: the stage / step was terminated, and the done handler returned TRUE. The game will now determine if it should continue immediately with the next step, or wait for other clients to be done as well.

  • RESUMING: the client is being resumed, after being paused. This handler is executed while the game is still paused, and _before_ restoring the default message handler. See, and RESUMING.

  • RESUMED: the client was resumed. Normal message-handler is in place again. See

  • STEPPING: the client is about to step into the next stage. Callback handler receives the old and new game stages as input paramters. What follows next is: stage is updated, old event-handlers are cleared, and the new step will be executed. See

  • STEP_CALLBACK_EXECUTED: the step callback has been executed. After this event handler, the LOADED event might be invoked. See LOADED.

  • SOCKET_CONNECT: a socket connection is established. Under normal conditions, this happens after the player object has been created, therefore it is usually not possible to send game messages immediately after catching this event. See node.socket.connet..

  • SOCKET_DISCONNECT: a previously established connection is terminated. It will not be possible to send game or receive game messages until a new SOCKET\_CONNECT is emitted.

  • UPDATED_PLIST: one client communicated a change in his state, and the change was applied to the player list in Updates includes: connections, disconnection, change of stage-level, change of state-level, or if the player list is replaced completely. After an UPDATED\_PLIST event, it is always checked if the game should step, or if the PLAYING event should be emitted. See, and PLAYING.

Outgoing Messages

All outgoing messages will fire an event of the type .[say|get|set].[target] in debug mode. (Note: this might become a configuration option emitOutMsg in the future.)

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