These dotfiles are managed with GNU stow, so you'll need it installed.
To install these dotfiles, there is an installer script included. Clone the repository, and run the script install.sh install
to install all available packages.
For a quick guide for managing and using dotfiles managed with GNU stow, I recommend alexpearce's guide on the same.
- bspwm: A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
- dunst: Lightweight notification daemon for X11
- mako: Lightweight notification daemon for Wayland
- picom: A lightweight compositor for X11
- polybar: A fast and easy-to-use status bar
- sxhkd: Simple X hotkey daemon
- swww: Efficient animated wallpaper daemon for wayland
- swaybg: Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors
- xwallpaper: Wallpaper setting utility for X11
- feh: Image viewer and wallpaper setter
- GUI:
- dmenu: Dynamic menu for X11
- fastfetch: Fast system information tool
- imv: Image viewer for X11/Wayland
- kitty: Fast, feature-rich, GPU-based terminal emulator
- mpv: Free and open source media player
- pqiv: Powerful image viewer with minimal UI
- thunar: Modern file manager for Xfce
- zathura: Document viewer with vim-like interface
- CLI:
- bandwhich: Network utilization monitor
- bat: A cat clone with syntax highlighting
- bottom: Graphical process/system monitor
- brightnessctl: Backlight and LED control
- cava: Console-based audio visualizer
- delta: A syntax-highlighting pager for git
- eza: Modern replacement for ls
- fd: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
- fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder
- gh: GitHub's official command line tool
- glow: Terminal markdown viewer
- handlr: A better xdg-utils implementation with regex support
- hexyl: Command-line hex viewer
- hub: Extension to command-line git
- hyperfine: Command-line benchmarking tool
- jq: Command-line JSON processor
- maim: Screenshot utility for X11
- mimeo: Open files by MIME-type and handle associated applications
- mmv: Mass rename utility
- mopidy: Extensible music server
- navi: Interactive command-line cheatsheet
- ncmpcpp: NCurses Music Player Client Plus Plus
- neovim: Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor
- newsboat: Terminal RSS/Atom feed reader
- pipewire: Low-latency audio/video router and processor
- playerctl: MPRIS media player controller
- ripgrep: Fast grep alternative
- slop: Select Operation - region selector for X11
- surfraw: CLI to search engines
- tealdeer: A fast tldr client in Rust
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer
- trash-cli: CLI interface to FreeDesktop.org trash
- udiskie: Automounter for removable media
- ueberzug: X11 image display for terminals
- vivid: LS_COLORS generator
- xdotool: Command-line X11 automation tool
- xh: Friendly and fast HTTP tool
- xsecurelock: X11 screen lock utility
- yq: YAML processor
- yt-dlp: Command-line program to download videos
- GUI:
- oomox: Theme generator for GTK and icons
- papirus-icon-theme: SVG icon theme base
- GTK/Qt Themes:
: Custom black and white theme generated with oomox
- Icon Themes:
: Custom monochrome variant of Papirus
- Cursor Theme:
- Bibata: Modern material-based cursor theme
- Supported Environments:
- GTK 2.0/3.0/4.0: Complete theme support
- Qt 5/6: Theme integration via qt5ct and qt6ct
All the global keybindings use the Super/Win
key as the main modifier.
You can use these layout diagrams to familiarize yourself with the key bindings, or you can customize them to fit your liking!
Default desktop - clean
(to be added)
Default desktop - floating window with alternate bar
(to be added)
Default desktop - busy
(to be added)
Menu interaction
(to be added)
Sample GTK application (file manager)
(to be added)