This is a PoC I prepared to demonstrate CDC (change data capture).
Here is my post about this PoC.
- Source database
- Message broker
- Destination (consumer)
- Maxwell
- Kafka
- Python
Open up a terminal and browse to the cloned folder and execute the following command to see the magic happen:
docker-compose up
Or to have everything run at the background silently, add -d
docker-compose up -d
Open another terminal to observe the Kafka consumer output:
docker ps
Note the container id of the Kafka consumer container (that is spawned using the image python:3
docker logs <noted-container-id> --follow
Open an SQL client (like Sequel Pro) and use the following information to connect:
User: root
Password: root
Add a new database, a new table, insert, delete and update some rows and observe the logs on the Python consumer console (which is the final Kafka consumer, subscribed to the topic called maxwell