Validates the paths stored in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable.
Test-PowdrgitPath [-PassThru] [-Failing] [<CommonParameters>]
Validates the paths stored in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable. The functions evaluates each path and returns the count of paths in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable that are valid git repositories. Test-PowdrgitPath will ignore duplicate and empty/whitespace paths in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable, and will evaluate and/or output paths in alphabetical order. A warning message is also generated when:
- a path doesn't exist; or
- a path is not a git repository; or
- the $Powdrgit.Path module variable is not defined (i.e. an empty string or $null).
A PassThru parameter allows a string array of only valid paths to be returned instead of the count of valid paths.
## Valid paths ##
# This example assumes that:
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1 directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1'
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath
## Valid and invalid paths ##
# This example assumes that:
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1 directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo directory exists but is not a git repository (i.e. does not contain a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder directory does not exist.
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder'
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath
WARNING: [Test-PowdrgitPath]Directory does not exist: C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder
WARNING: [Test-PowdrgitPath]Path is not a repository: C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo
## The $Powdrgit.Path module variable is undefined ##
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = $null
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath
WARNING: [Test-PowdrgitPath]The $Powdrgit.Path module variable is not defined.
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = ''
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath
WARNING: [Test-PowdrgitPath]The $Powdrgit.Path module variable is not defined.
## Valid and invalid paths - suppress warnings with -WarningAction Ignore##
# This example assumes that:
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1 directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo directory exists but is not a git repository (i.e. does not contain a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder directory does not exist.
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder'
PS C:\> $myWarnings = $null
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath -WarningVariable myWarnings -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
PS C:\> $myWarnings
[Test-PowdrgitPath]Directory does not exist: C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder
[Test-PowdrgitPath]Path is not a repository: C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo
# Warnings were not returned to the console, but were still captured in the myWarnings variable.
PS C:\> $myWarnings = $null
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath -WarningAction Ignore -WarningVariable myWarnings
PS C:\> $myWarnings
PS C:\>
# $myWarnings is empty because warnings were never generated.
## Valid and invalid paths - return an array of valid paths with PassThru ##
# This example assumes that
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1 directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo directory exists but is not a git repository (i.e. does not contain a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder directory does not exist.
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder'
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path -split ';'
# All paths in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable were returned.
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath -PassThru -WarningAction Ignore
# Only the paths that are valid git repositories were returned.
## Valid and invalid paths - return an array of invalid paths with Failing and PassThru ##
# This example assumes that
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1 directory exists and is a git repository (i.e. contains a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo directory exists but is not a git repository (i.e. does not contain a .git subdirectory).
# - C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder directory does not exist.
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NotAGitRepo;C:\PowdrgitExamples\NonExistentFolder'
PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path -split ';'
# All paths in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable were returned.
PS C:\> Test-PowdrgitPath -Failing -PassThru -WarningAction Ignore
# Only the paths that are not valid git repositories were returned.
Causes the function to return the count of paths in $Powdrgit.Path that either do not exist or are not git repositories.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Returns a string array of only valid paths.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
Returns Int32 objects by default. When the PassThru parameter is used, returns String objects.
Author : nmbell