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ninjin edited this page Apr 20, 2011 · 28 revisions


This page contains user and developer installation instructions for brat.


Since Brat (and this page) is very much under development the information on this page may not be up to date. If not, bash the developers ASAP.



This is where we should have written instructions for previous releases.



Will become the same as refactor, so for now, no instructions.


Check out brat using git.

git clone

Enter the brat directory, create a local branch refactor and check it out.

cd brat
git branch refactor
git checkout refactor

Then pull from the remote branch refactor.

git pull refactor

When running brat it needs to write data to several directories, let's create them.

mkdir svg sessions data

It would be better to use more restrictive permissions, but the author is lazy and wants to hack.

chmod 777 data sessions svg

XXX: More to come!

Third-party Stuff

This part largely focuses on Ubuntu, but use your *NIX-foo to turn it into what you need if you don't have the misfortune to have the "Brown Lunix Distribution".


Hopefully you are lucky enough a sensible OS and can get it through a package manager:

sudo apt-get install git

Apache 2

Install apache2, maybe you have a package manager.

sudo apt-get install apache2

Let's edit the httpd.conf.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

If you are installing brat into your home directory, add the following four lines.

<Directory /home/*/public_html>
    AllowOverride Options
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Finally tell apache2 to load your new config.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
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