- Java JDK 8
- CMake v3.0+
- C++ compiler tool chain (see below)
As this project is under development. The goal is to provide native libraries for Linux, Windows and OSX in 32bit and 64bit. Currently the following platforms and architectures are tested:
- Windows 10, 64bit
- compiler tool chains
- [ok] NMake 32bit+64bit
- [ok] MS Visual Studio 2010 32bit+64bit
- [ok] MS Visual Studio 2013 32bit+64bit
- [ok] MS Visual Studio 2015 32bit+64bit
- [fail] mingw 64bit
- compiler tool chains
- OSX El Capitan v10.11.1
- compiler tool chains:
- [ok] Xcode, AppleClang 7.0.2
- compiler tool chains:
- Linux, Ubuntu 14.x, 64bit
- compiler tool chains:
- [ok] GNU CC 4.9.2
- compiler tool chains:
The jbrotli-native Maven modules are configured to automatically be activated on your platform. E.g. on Windows with a 64bit JDK the module 'win32-x86-amd64' will be picked up. If you want to build the 32bit version on Windows, you also need the 32bit JDK installed and to setup different ENV variables for your Windows SDK (or Visual Studio). See build.bat files for more details.
cd jbrotli-native
mvn package
Each native module contains a small build script. E.g. for Windows 64bit, you may use this ...
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
cd jbrotli-native/win32-x86-amd64
This is only needed when native method signatures change.
mvn -pl jbrotli compile
javah -v -d jbrotli-native/src/main/cpp -classpath jbrotli/target/classes org.meteogroup.jbrotli.BrotliCompressor org.meteogroup.jbrotli.BrotliDeCompressor org.meteogroup.jbrotli.BrotliStreamCompressor org.meteogroup.jbrotli.BrotliStreamDeCompressor org.meteogroup.jbrotli.BrotliError
Once you build everything, you're able to run the benchmark. Example for Linux 64bit
cd jbrotli-native/linux-x86-amd64
mvn install
cd ../..
mvn -pl jbrotli install
mvn -pl jbrotli-performance package
java -jar jbrotli-performance/target/jbrotli-performance-0.2.0.jar
The pipeline is still under construction.
jbrotli comes with it's own Continuous Integration pipeline based on configuration files, which describe a virtual build infrastructure. The tools which you need to have installed on your box are Vagrant and Virtual Box. The pipeline is build by using the great Concourse CI tools and ideas behind that project.
vagrant init
vagrant up
This fly tool is required to work with the pipeline. Please follow the Concourse CI's Getting Started Guide to learn how to install this tool.
fly set-pipeline -p jbrotli -c ./pipeline.yml
Once the pipeline is set, you can open the Web UI via and start the pipeline manually.
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=0.4.1-SNAPSHOT -Dartifacts=jbrotli-parent,jbrotli,jbrotli-native,jbrotli-native-win32-x86-amd64,jbrotli-native-win32-x86,jbrotli-native-linux-x86-amd64,jbrotli-native-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt,jbrotli-native-darwin-x86-amd64,jbrotli-performance,jbrotli-servlet,jbrotli-servlet-examples-dropwizard,jbrotli-servlet-examples-simple-web-app,jbrotli-servlet-examples-spring-boot,jbrotli-servlet-examples -Dproperties=version.jbrotli.native