- create new users, - edit only Managers, - Change passwords for all Managers, - block the account of the Manager (the user can not enter the account),
- edit all Clients - to change the territorial coefficient of the Client (3 territories, each has a percent surcharge factor of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%), - can remove Clients - can edit loans - can change the period for issuing a loan
- create a client
- modify customer data
- mark the client for deletion
- create a loan
- create new customers
- edit loan
- can not change the territorial coefficient of the Client
- receive information about other users
- edit your attributes
- name (required field)
- passport data (required field)
- phone (required field)
- email (required)
- territory (is installed automatically from the client)
- full name
- territory
- phone
- login
- password
- full name
- territory
- phone
- passport data
- surcharge factor - amount of money given out
And as there are 2 buttons; "Back" and "Issue a loan."
- name of the client - loans already issued - the maturity date of each loan issued
- loan amount
- loan issuance ratio (equal to the territorial coefficient, the manager can not change it when creating a manager's ratio is taken)
- Date of issue of loan
- Maturity date of the loan repayment (the manager can change it, but by default it is calculated for a period of 30 calendar days)
- Total loan repayment amount.
Total is calculated according to the following principle:
Loan amount * coefficient + 1 calendar day of loan (equal to 1% of the premium to the total loan amount)
Example: 10 000 (loan) * 0.5% (amount) + 105 (days loan) = total
10. In case of delay of one day of the loan, and the delay is considered from the moment when the principal maturity of 30 calendar days has expired
Total will be:
Loan amount * coefficient + 1 calendar day of delay (equal to 15% of the total loan amount)
Example: 10 000 (loan) * 0.5% (amount) + 1507.5 (calendar day of delay) = total
- cp .env.sample .env
- docker-compose up
- open http://localhost:8080
- npm install
- cp .env.sample .env
- up mongo-db
- npm run start
- npm run tests
- docker-compose run app npm run tests