182 | 182 | "date": "Data",
183 | 183 | "id": "Id",
184 | 184 | "owner": "Proprietario",
185 |
| - "change-owner": "Change Owner", |
| 185 | + "change-owner": "Cambia Proprietario", |
186 | 186 | "date-added": "Data Aggiunta",
187 | 187 | "none": "Nessuno",
188 | 188 | "run": "Avvia",
214 | 214 | "confirm-delete-generic-items": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare i seguenti elementi?",
215 | 215 | "organizers": "Organizzatori",
216 | 216 | "caution": "Attenzione",
217 |
| - "show-advanced": "Show Advanced", |
218 |
| - "add-field": "Add Field", |
219 |
| - "date-created": "Date Created", |
220 |
| - "date-updated": "Date Updated" |
| 217 | + "show-advanced": "Mostra Avanzate", |
| 218 | + "add-field": "Aggiungi campo", |
| 219 | + "date-created": "Data di Creazione", |
| 220 | + "date-updated": "Data di aggiornamento" |
221 | 221 | },
222 | 222 | "group": {
223 | 223 | "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-group": "Sei sicuro di volerlo eliminare <b>{groupName}<b/>'?",
277 | 277 | "admin-group-management-text": "Le modifiche a questo gruppo si rifletteranno immediatamente.",
278 | 278 | "group-id-value": "Id Gruppo: {0}",
279 | 279 | "total-households": "Famiglie Totali",
280 |
| - "you-must-select-a-group-before-selecting-a-household": "You must select a group before selecting a household" |
| 280 | + "you-must-select-a-group-before-selecting-a-household": "Devi selezionare un gruppo prima di selezionare una famiglia" |
281 | 281 | },
282 | 282 | "household": {
283 | 283 | "household": "Famiglia",
467 | 467 | "calories-suffix": "calorie",
468 | 468 | "carbohydrate-content": "Carboidrati",
469 | 469 | "categories": "Categorie",
470 |
| - "cholesterol-content": "Cholesterol", |
| 470 | + "cholesterol-content": "Colesterolo", |
471 | 471 | "comment-action": "Commento",
472 | 472 | "comment": "Commento",
473 | 473 | "comments": "Commenti",
514 | 514 | "recipe-updated": "Ricetta aggiornata",
515 | 515 | "remove-from-favorites": "Rimuovi dai Preferiti",
516 | 516 | "remove-section": "Rimuovi Sezione",
517 |
| - "saturated-fat-content": "Saturated fat", |
| 517 | + "saturated-fat-content": "Grassi saturi", |
518 | 518 | "save-recipe-before-use": "Salva la ricetta prima dell'uso",
519 | 519 | "section-title": "Titolo Sezione",
520 | 520 | "servings": "Portate",
528 | 528 | "total-time": "Tempo Totale",
529 | 529 | "trans-fat-content": "Trans-fat",
530 | 530 | "unable-to-delete-recipe": "Impossibile eliminare ricetta",
531 |
| - "unsaturated-fat-content": "Unsaturated fat", |
| 531 | + "unsaturated-fat-content": "Grassi insaturi", |
532 | 532 | "no-recipe": "Nessuna Ricetta",
533 | 533 | "locked-by-owner": "Bloccato dal Proprietario",
534 | 534 | "join-the-conversation": "Unisciti alla conversazione",
619 | 619 | "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Hai un sacco di ricette che vuoi importare contemporaneamente?",
620 | 620 | "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Prova l'importatore massivo",
621 | 621 | "scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Hai dei dati grezzi HTML o JSON?",
622 |
| - "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly", |
| 622 | + "scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "È possibile importare direttamente dai dati grezzi", |
623 | 623 | "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importa parole chiave originali come tag",
624 | 624 | "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rimani in modalità Modifica",
625 | 625 | "import-from-zip": "Importa da Zip",
669 | 669 | "no-food": "Nessun Alimento"
670 | 670 | },
671 | 671 | "reset-servings-count": "Reset Servings Count",
672 |
| - "not-linked-ingredients": "Additional Ingredients" |
| 672 | + "not-linked-ingredients": "Ingredienti Aggiuntivi" |
673 | 673 | },
674 | 674 | "recipe-finder": {
675 | 675 | "recipe-finder": "Recipe Finder",
676 | 676 | "recipe-finder-description": "Search for recipes based on ingredients you have on hand. You can also filter by tools you have available, and set a maximum number of missing ingredients or tools.",
677 |
| - "selected-ingredients": "Selected Ingredients", |
678 |
| - "no-ingredients-selected": "No ingredients selected", |
679 |
| - "missing": "Missing", |
680 |
| - "no-recipes-found": "No recipes found", |
681 |
| - "no-recipes-found-description": "Try adding more ingredients to your search or adjusting your filters", |
| 677 | + "selected-ingredients": "Seleziona ingredienti", |
| 678 | + "no-ingredients-selected": "Nessun ingrediente selezionato", |
| 679 | + "missing": "Mancante", |
| 680 | + "no-recipes-found": "Nessuna ricetta trovata", |
| 681 | + "no-recipes-found-description": "Prova ad aggiungere altri ingredienti alla tua ricerca o a regolare i tuoi filtri", |
682 | 682 | "include-ingredients-on-hand": "Include Ingredients On Hand",
683 | 683 | "include-tools-on-hand": "Include Tools On Hand",
684 |
| - "max-missing-ingredients": "Max Missing Ingredients", |
685 |
| - "max-missing-tools": "Max Missing Tools", |
686 |
| - "selected-tools": "Selected Tools", |
687 |
| - "other-filters": "Other Filters", |
| 684 | + "max-missing-ingredients": "Max Ingredienti Mancanti", |
| 685 | + "max-missing-tools": "Massimo Strumenti Mancanti", |
| 686 | + "selected-tools": "Strumenti Selezionati", |
| 687 | + "other-filters": "Altri filtri", |
688 | 688 | "ready-to-make": "Ready to Make",
689 | 689 | "almost-ready-to-make": "Almost Ready to Make"
690 | 690 | },
0 commit comments