The following npm packages and libraries have been used for this project -
- husky@9.1.6
- lint-staged@15.2.10
- prettier@2.7.1
- turbo@2.1.3
- typescript@5.6.2
- algolia@4.20.0
- axios
- country-state-city
- env-cmd
- moment@2.30.1
- mui@5.13.1
- react@18.2.0
- react-hook-form@7.48.2
- react-image-gallery@1.3.0
- react-international-phone@4.0.4
- react-router-dom@6.11.2
- redux-toolkit@1.9.5
- yup@1.3.2
- @sendgrid/mail@8.1.3
- algoliasearch@4.20.0
- brcypt@5.1.1
- chalk@4.1.2
- cookie-parser@1.4.6
- cors@2.8.5
- csv-parse@5.5.6
- dotenv@16.4.5
- express@4.21.1
- express-mongo-sanitize@2.2.0
- helmet@7.1.0
- http-status@1.7.4
- jsonwebtoken@9.0.2
- moment@2.30.1
- mongoose@7.6.1
- pdfkit@0.15.0
- razorpay@2.9.4
- redis@4.7.0
- slugify@.1.6.6
- swagger-ui-express@5.0.1
- winston@3.15.0
- yaml@2.5.1
- yup@1.3.2