Expt. No. | Problem Statement | Link |
A1-01 | Design suitable Data structures and implement Pass-I of a two-pass assembler for a pseudo-machine. Implementation should consist of a few instructions from each category and a few assembler directives. | Link |
A1-02 | Design suitable Data structures and implement Pass-II of a two-pass assembler for a pseudo-machine. The output of Pass-I (intermediate code file, symbol table, and literal table) should be input for Pass-II. | Link |
A2-01 | Design suitable data structures and implement Pass-I of a two-pass macro-processor. | Link |
A2-02 | Design suitable data structures and implement Pass-II of a two-pass macro-processor. The output of Pass-I (MNT, MDT, and intermediate code file without any macro definitions) should be input for Pass-II. | Link |
Programming language: C / C++ / JAVA / Python
Expt. No. | Problem Statement | Link |
B1 | Write a program to solve Classical Problems of Synchronization using Mutex and Semaphore. | Link |
B2 | Write a program to simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF (Preemptive), Priority (Non-Preemptive), and Round Robin (Preemptive). | B2_Link |
B3 | Write a program to simulate Memory placement strategies – best fit, first fit, next fit, and worst fit. | Link |
B4 | Write a program to simulate Page replacement algorithms. | Link |
(Any Two assignments from each elective subject are compulsory, all the assignments should be covered among different batch students)
Programming tools recommended: GUI in Python
Sr | Problem Statement | Link |
1 | Design a paper prototype for a selected Graphical User Interface. | Link |
2 | Implement GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules) modeling technique to model the user's behavior in a given scenario. | 2_Link |
3 | Design a User Interface in Python. | 3_Link |
4 | Redesign an existing Graphical User Interface with screen complexity. | Link |