:bdg-info:`New` scikit-bio tutorials given at ISMB 2024 are now publicly available. From basic sequence operations to protein language models. Code, instructions and test datasets included.
.. button-link:: https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio-tutorials :color: primary :shadow: Tutorial repository
Also check out the classical scikit-bio-cookbook: A series of Jupyter Notebooks containing executable "recipes" for bioinformatics workflows using scikit-bio.
.. button-link:: https://nbviewer.org/github/biocore/scikit-bio-cookbook/blob/main/Index.ipynb :color: primary :shadow: Cookbook frontpage
We are thrilled with the successful completion of our scikit-bio workshop at ISMB 2024! :fa:`beer-mug-empty` Huge thanks to everyone who attended and participated. It was great to connect with the bioinformatics community and explore the latest in the field. Stay tuned for more!
- When: 9:00 - 18:00 EDT, July 12, 2024 | Where: Montreal, Canada
.. button-link:: https://www.iscb.org/ismb2024/programme-schedule/tutorials#ip3 :color: primary :shadow: ISMB 2024 workshop
An Introduction to Applied Bioinformatics, or IAB: An interactive bioinformatics textbook developed by By Dr. Greg Caporaso and colleagues at NAU.
Available in Jupyter Book, Markdown, and PDF formats, IAB guides readers through the core concepts of bioinformatics with their practical application using Python libraries like scikit-learn and scikit-bio. This approach equips readers with the skills to develop their bioinformatics tools and pipelines, emphasizing rapid project initiation over theoretical depth. Focused on actionable knowledge, IAB prepares readers for effective roles in the bioinformatics field.
.. button-link:: https://readiab.org/ :color: primary :shadow: IAB frontpage
Check out our previous presentations at SciPy conferences:
.. youtube:: ZpgkRQooGqo
.. youtube:: hgBx_DBiPxA