tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/ninstar/Rich-Presence-U/releases Release notes from Rich-Presence-U 2025-02-19T09:31:50Z tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.3.0 2025-02-19T09:33:24Z Rich Presence U - 1.3.0 <ul> <li>Reworked the database to support external URLs for icons</li> <li>Fixed theming when exporting the application with newer versions of the IDE</li> <li>Removed "Display Elapsed Time" option as Discord now displays elapsed time for all games by default</li> <li>Updated translations</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.2.3 2023-10-21T00:57:19Z Rich Presence U - 1.2.3 <ul> <li>Added an option to prevent the screensaver from taking over</li> <li>Added language options: Deutsch, Magyar, Nederlands</li> <li>Increased maximum amount of recent games and descriptions from 5 to 8</li> <li>Your global name will be displayed in the status panel in place of your username</li> <li>The splash screen color will now match the selected UI theme</li> <li>The default platform is now set to "Nintendo Switch" instead of "Wii U"</li> <li>The default database refresh interval is now set to "weekly"</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.1.3 2023-01-27T06:28:57Z Rich Presence U - 1.1.3 <ul> <li>New language option: Español</li> <li>Additional details about the licenses and their terms</li> <li>Added missing locales (Português)</li> <li>More detailed debug log</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.1.2 2022-12-21T23:21:27Z Rich Presence U - 1.1.2 <p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1aef1d229dfc92d8ed75dedd38ff0dc86253f0149f39399d479ba19dc18d336a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e697463682e7a6f6e652f6157316e4c7a45774f444d354d444d344c6d64705a673d3d2f6f726967696e616c2f5176537444792e676966"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1aef1d229dfc92d8ed75dedd38ff0dc86253f0149f39399d479ba19dc18d336a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e697463682e7a6f6e652f6157316e4c7a45774f444d354d444d344c6d64705a673d3d2f6f726967696e616c2f5176537444792e676966" alt="demo" data-canonical-src="https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzEwODM5MDM4LmdpZg==/original/QvStDy.gif" style="max-width: 100%;"></a></p> <ul> <li>Now you can automatically hide your status after a set period of time</li> <li>Fixed an error related to the minimum length of custom descriptions</li> <li>Updated locales</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.1.1 2022-10-13T20:23:40Z Rich Presence U - 1.1.1 <ul> <li>Fixed multi-client support</li> <li>Fixed window position on startup</li> <li>New icons for each platform (App)</li> <li>Tweaked translations</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.1 2022-09-04T15:42:06Z Rich Presence U - 1.1.0 <ul> <li>Universal macOS support (<a href="https://github.com/Abdera7mane/Godot-UnixSocket/pull/1" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/Abdera7mane/Godot-UnixSocket/pull/1/hovercard">UnixSocket upstream</a>)</li> <li>Added "Minimal status" toggle</li> <li>Fixed Discord connection dialog</li> <li>Tweaked translations</li> <li>Small UX improvements</li> <li>Source code: Optimized svgs</li> <li>Source code: Changed locale keys</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.0.2 2022-07-11T19:53:03Z Rich Presence U - 1.0.2 <ul> <li>Tweaked dark and light themes</li> <li>Minimal window size will now be adjusted accordingly to the UI scale</li> <li>Fixed history not displaying the title of custom entries</li> <li>Fixed history saving blank descriptions</li> <li>Fixed status hash when changing consoles</li> <li>Fixed maximum length of the renaming field</li> <li>General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.0.1 2022-06-23T01:29:18Z Rich Presence U - 1.0.1 <ul> <li>Added missing translations</li> <li>Fixed some texts not being translated</li> <li>Fixed the license tab container</li> <li>Changed internal URLs</li> <li>Removed unused tooltips</li> </ul> ninstar tag:github.com,2008:Repository/227008975/1.0 2022-06-20T18:53:14Z Rich Presence U - 1.0.0 <ul> <li>Support for Linux, macOS (experimental) and 32 bit Windows</li> <li>Improved UI and user experience</li> <li>Added adaptive tabs</li> <li>Added Discord's dark and light themes</li> <li>Added database information on the main page</li> <li>Added adjustable database refresh (12 hours~1 week)</li> <li>Added adjustable interface scale (50%~200%)</li> <li>Added a menu for recently used descriptions (game specific) and games</li> <li>Added a visibility toggle for NNID/FC</li> <li>Added custom party size</li> <li>Added option for auto connection on start</li> <li>Added option for removing temporary data and reseting settings</li> <li>Added option to always display NNID/FC as an icon</li> <li>Added option to change region only for specific games</li> <li>Added option to rename any game</li> <li>Added an option for generating debug logs to help with troubleshooting</li> <li>Accounts can now be switched while the app is running</li> <li>Connections can be manually re-established if necessary</li> <li>The activity status can now be modified while set to invisible</li> <li>Descriptions are now automatically clamped to 128 characters (Discord's limit)</li> <li>Moved the status visibility toggle from the settings menu to the right side of the status button</li> <li>The "More about this game" button now uses Google by default</li> <li>The window size is now adjustable to any size</li> <li>New updates will now display the changelog within the app</li> <li>New logo and icons</li> </ul> ninstar