This document is mainly concerned with how to parse data with the C++ interface, and how to benchmark SLAM and registration algorithms.
The main interfaces are defined in the std_data header.
For example, it contains the data structure mbes_ping
that is the common
data structure for representing multibeam swath data. Similar to other data
structures, it defines a vector of itself, PingsT
. In this way, mbes_ping::PingsT
can be used to represent all multibeam swaths from the deployment.
The data structure also contains information about the vehicle positions if available.
It also contains a flag, first_in_file_
, that is set to true
if the swath
was the first one of a parsed file, and otherwise to false
All multibeam data structures defined below can be converted into this
common mbes_ping
type through conversion functions (see the example).
The data_tools
project contains the following libraries: navi_data
, all_data
, xtf_data
, gsf_data
, csv_data
for reading data of different types.
- for reading ASCII data exported from NaviEdit, contains parsers for:mbes_ping
- standard auvlib multibeam swath data structurenav_entry
- NaviEdit navigation exports
- for reading.all
data files from Kongsberg, contains data structures and parsers for:all_mbes_ping
- Kongsberg multibeam swath data structureall_nav_entry
- Kongsberg navigation infoall_nav_depth
- Kongsberg depth infoall_echosounder_depth
- Kongsberg single echosounder depth dataall_sound_speed_profile
- Sound speed profile dataall_raw_range_and_beam_angle
- Raw range and beam angle dataall_installation_param
- Installation parameters
- for reading.xtf
sidescan filesxtf_sss_ping
- xtf side scan swath data structure
- for reading.gsf
files containing various sensor datagsf_mbes_ping
- Kongsberg multibeam swath data structuregsf_nav_entry
- Kongsberg navigation infogsf_sound_speed
- Kongsberg depth info
- for reading.csv
navigation files collected for the change detection experimentcsv_nav_entry
- csv navigation exports
Again, note that all multibeam data can be converted into mbes_ping
This is the recommended path for software using the library, since the
same software can then be used for different data types.
See the corresponding headers to identify the conversion functions.
All data structures contain equivalents to PingsT
of mbes_ping
representing arrays of the data. Similarly, all data types also have the
flag. Moreover, they also contain a readable time stamp
called time_string_
and a counter of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00
, called time_stamp_
The library supports parsing many different data types, as specified above.
Parsing is always done through the templated interfaces parse_file
and parse_folder
For example, if you want parse multibeam data from a folder of .all
files, write:
all_mbes_ping::PingsT pings = parse_folder<all_mbes_ping>(boost::filesystem::path("/path/to/folder"));
Or, if you want to read just one sidescan .xtf
xtf_sss_ping::PingsT pings = parse_file<xtf_sss_ping>(boost::filesystem::path("/path/to/file.xtf"));
Parsing, especially of ASCII data, can take a long time.
We might therefore want to save our data structures in a binary for
after we have parsed them so that we can read them faster next time.
This can be achieved by the templated write_data
and read_data
They can be used with all data structures defined in this library.
To save a bunch of gsf
multibeam data that we have just parsed, write
gsf_mbes_ping::PingsT pings = parse_folder<gsf_mbes_ping>(boost::filesystem::path("/path/to/folder"));
write_data(pings, boost::filesystem::path("/path/to/file.cereal"));
Then you can use the following code to read them faster next time:
gsf_mbes_ping::PingsT pings = read_data<gsf_mbes_ping>(boost::filesystem::path("/path/to/file.cereal"));
You can run a toy example with data provided in this repo.
In the scripts
folder, execute ./
. This creates
a bunch of data files within the scripts
folder. Next, go to your
build folder and run
./parse_sim_data --folder ../scripts --file example_problem.cereal
This creates the optimization problem example_problem.cereal
. You can view it with
./visualize_slam_process --file example_problem.cereal
Now, we can optimize it by running
./slam_process_ceres --file example_problem.cereal --output example_results.cereal
Again, the results example_results.cereal
can be viewed using the visualizer.
The navi_data
library contains tools for parsing files exported from NaviEdit.
See this example program, also available in the test folder.
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <cxxopts.hpp>
#include <data_tools/data_structures.h>
#include <data_tools/navi_data.h>
#include <gpgs_slam/transforms.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string folder_str;
cxxopts::Options options("MyProgram", "One line description of MyProgram");
options.add_options()("help", "Print help")("folder", "Input folder", cxxopts::value(folder_str));
auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
if (result.count("help")) {
cout <<{ "", "Group" }) << endl;
boost::filesystem::path folder(folder_str);
boost::filesystem::path pings_path = folder / "mbes_pings.cereal";
boost::filesystem::path entries_path = folder / "nav_entries.cereal";
boost::filesystem::path submaps_path = folder / "submaps.cereal";
// parse the files from the folder
mbes_ping::PingsT pings = parse_folder<mbes_ping>(folder / "Pings");
nav_entry::EntriesT entries = parse_folder<nav_entry>(folder / "NavUTM");
// match timestamps of pings and nav entries
match_timestamps(pings, entries);
// Divides the tracks into roughly square pieces
// write to disk
write_data(pings, pings_path);
write_data(entries, entries_path);
// read from disk
pings = read_data<mbes_ping::PingsT>(pings_path);
entries = read_data<nav_entry::EntriesT>(entries_path);
// convert to submaps
pt_submaps ss;
tie(ss.points, ss.trans, ss.angles, ss.matches, ss.bounds) = create_submaps(pings);
for (const Eigen::Vector3d& ang : ss.angles) {
ss.rots.push_back(euler_to_matrix(ang(0), ang(1), ang(2)));
// write to disk
write_data(ss, submaps_path);
// read from disk
ss = read_data<pt_submaps>(submaps_path);
return 0;
You read the gsf-based data in much the same way, using the data_tools
The main differences are highlighted in the example below, with a full example in
the apps directory:
#include <cxxopts.hpp>
#include <data_tools/gsf_data.h>
#include <data_tools/transforms.h>
using namespace std;
// we divide the map by hand into submaps right now
void divide_gsf_map(mbes_ping::PingsT& pings)
pings[3926].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[5200].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[10151].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[10400].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[15500].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[16376].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[20700].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[22601].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[25800].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[28827].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[30750].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[33300].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[34500].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[35052].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[36800].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[37800].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[40300].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[43700].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[44600].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[47000].first_in_file_ = true;
pings[47502].first_in_file_ = false;
pings[48000].first_in_file_ = true;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string folder_str;
string sounds_file_str;
string poses_file_str;
cxxopts::Options options("MyProgram", "One line description of MyProgram");
("help", "Print help")
("swaths", "Input gsf mb swaths folder", cxxopts::value(folder_str))
("sounds", "Input sound speed file", cxxopts::value(sounds_file_str))
("poses", "Input nav file", cxxopts::value(poses_file_str));
auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
if (result.count("help")) {
cout <<{"", "Group"}) << endl;
if (result.count("swaths") == 0 || result.count("sounds") == 0 || result.count("poses") == 0) {
cout << "Please provide input swaths, sounds and poses args..." << endl;
boost::filesystem::path folder(folder_str);
boost::filesystem::path sounds_path(sounds_file_str);
boost::filesystem::path poses_path(poses_file_str);
// this should read from the folder containing the .gsf swath files
gsf_mbes_ping::PingsT pings_unfiltered = parse_folder<gsf_mbes_ping>(folder);
// the first and last entries are not valid, discard them
std::stable_sort(pings_unfiltered.begin(), pings_unfiltered.end(), [](const gsf_mbes_ping& ping1, const gsf_mbes_ping& ping2) {
return ping1.time_stamp_ < ping2.time_stamp_;
gsf_mbes_ping::PingsT pings(pings_unfiltered.begin() + 2300, pings_unfiltered.begin() + 52600);
pings[0].first_in_file_ = true;
// read the dr poses, called something like
gsf_nav_entry::EntriesT entries = parse_file<gsf_nav_entry>(poses_path);
// read the sounds speed data, called something like
gsf_sound_speed::SpeedsT speeds = parse_file<gsf_sound_speed>(sounds_path);
// match ping times with sound speeds
match_sound_speeds(pings, speeds);
// convert to mbes_ping format
mbes_ping::PingsT new_pings = convert_matched_entries(pings, entries);
// divide the map manually, per the function above
return 0;
To know which files to look at, it may also help to look at the tests in data_tools
The tests also contains an example of how to use the benchmark system. Also check out the benchmark headers for details. After having read your files like above, simply do something like the following:
// create a new benchmark object with some arbitrary name
track_error_benchmark benchmark("medgaz");
// add ground truth pings
// may be something more interesting but, add gt as initial value of optimization
benchmark.add_benchmark(pings, "initial");
// save the benchmark to disk, for use later
write_data(benchmark, boost::filesystem::path("my_benchmark.cereal"));
Now, in the file where we do our optimization, we can load our benchmark again, add our optimized pings to the benchmark again, and save the results:
// load the benchmark saved above
track_error_benchmark benchmark = read_data<track_error_benchmark>(boost::filesystem::path("my_benchmark.cereal"));
mbes_ping::PingsT optimized_pings;
// fill in the pings using some slam algorithm ...
// add the benchmark with a random name e.g. "slam"
benchmark.add_benchmark(optimized_pings, "slam");
// print the results of the benchmark
// save the benchmark to disk, for use later
write_data(benchmark, boost::filesystem::path("my_benchmark.cereal"));
In the file where we do our registration, we can create another benchmark that summarizes all of our registration results. Again, add our optimized pings to the benchmark, and save the results.
// read data from disk
mbes_ping::PingsT initial_pings = read_data<mbes_ping::PingsT>(pings_path);
// create a new benchmark with some arbitrary name
registration_summary_benchmark benchmark("medgaz");
for (const pair<int, int>& match : matches) {
// get just the pings of the two submaps
mbes_ping::PingsT pair_pings = registration_summary_benchmark::get_submap_pings_pair(initial_pings, match.first, match.second);
mbes_ping::PingsT optimized_pings;
// fill in the pings using some registration algorithm ...
benchmark.add_registration_benchmark(pings_pair, optimized_pings, match.first, match.second);
// print the results of the benchmark
// save the benchmark to disk, for use later
write_data(benchmark, boost::filesystem::path("my_registration_benchmark.cereal"));