ReGIS in Common Lisp
This is for now a prototype only inspired by
Citing from the VT330/VT340 Graphics Programming Manual1:
ReGIS is a graphics instruction set from Digital2. ReGIS provides a set of commands you can use to draw images on the screen.
Of course, those terminals are hardly in use today, however, there still are some terminal emulations that support ReGIS graphics. Besides some commercial ones, we are only aware of good old XTerm, however, it must be compiled with --enable-regis-graphics
contrary to Sixel3 support which is enabled by default. This is, however, no big deal (see below).
Borrowed from
$ sudo apt install -y libxaw7-dev libncurses-dev libxft-dev
$ wget
$ tar xf xterm.tar.gz
$ cd xterm-392
$ ./configure --enable-regis-graphics
$ make
$ sudo make install
Although ReGIS, short for Remote Graphic Instruction Set, we will not use an USART but
rather print directly to the screen with (format ...)
We will try the following two examples:
The string from
(defvar regis-ex1 (concatenate 'string
"W(I(B))P[200,300]C(W(S1))[+100]C(W(S1,E))[+050]W(I(W))T(S02)\"hello world\""))
and the sample from Wikipedia
(defvar regis-ex2
Note that the begin
and end
control sequences were removed. Those have to be added, as can be seen from the following code that is used for the examples:
(defun rbeg () (format t "~C~C~C~C" #\Esc #\P #\1 #\p))
(defun rend () (format t "~C~C" #\Esc #\\))
(defun ex1 ()
(progn (rbeg)(format t "~A" regis-ex1)(rend)))
(defun ex2 ()
(progn (rbeg)(format t "~A" regis-ex2)(rend)))
Running (ex1)
Running (ex2)
Mapping the instruction set in a KISS manner to CL and likely to interface with some great libraries like VECTO4, CL-VECTORS5 and so on.