myVaccinator is a discord bot that alerts you about the available vaccination slots in your area every hour. Simply type !vaccine
in a common server and get your vaccination slot the smart way.
When you type !vaccine
, required details are collected conversationaly by the bot. It then stores this data to a mongoDB database and and sends you alerts on regular intervals as DM in discord. Vaccination slot details are fetched using the CoWin API. In order to overcome the rate limtations of the API the server caches the slot availability data every 10 minutes so that the API limit will never be exhausted.
axios - v0.21.1
body-parser - v1.19.0"
discord.js - v12.5.3
dotenv -v9.0.2
mongoose - v5.12.10
node-cron - v3.0.0
In order to run the bot on your own Server and Database,
- Clone the repo
- Install required packages
- Run the app using
node bot.js
In a common server type !vaccine
in a channel to invoke the bot and start recieving alerts.
Type !help
in a channel to find all the available commands.