This code is for the dual-purpose hash-finder and hash-verifier device used in the @base58btc World Famous Bitcoin LARP.
It allows for a user to enter in a previous block hash, transaction commitment, time, target, and nonce.
If a nonce is provided, the BASIC will show the blockhash produced by the inputs.
If the nonce is left empty or set to zero, the unit will begin hunting for a nonce that will produce a blockhash underneath the given target value.
Once it finds a suitable nonce, it will display first the winning nonce. You can advance
the screen to the Blockhash that nonce hashes to with the #
Be sure to write down the winning nonce value before advancing to the Blockhash screen.
To enter a number, and advance to the next input: press the #
To erase a number: press the *