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Convert a MediaWiki source document e.g. in Wikiversity into a Reveal Presentation


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Wiki2Reveal 2.1.23

Version Date: 2023/09/14 18:42:15

Convert a MediaWiki source document e.g. in Wikiversity into a Reveal Presentation. The main challenges is the cross-origine call to retrieve the wiki source text of an article in the MediaWiki. Transcoding of the wiki syntax to other formats like PanDoc

Table of Contents

Header, Footer, Course Link

With Wiki2Reveal you are able to create

With the course link you can either start

  • the preview of the Wikiversity source content and
  • RevealJS rendering of the slides with the possibility to annotate the slides in lectures and seminars

Call of MediaWiki API

The following URL is an example call for retrieving the source of an MediaWiki article:

The call retrieves the article about Swarm intelligence from the english Wikiversity.

  • The abbreviation en is the language
  • defines the Wiki product by the domain name. This can be replaced e.g. by, to download the corresponding article in Wikipedia instead of the learning resource in Wikiversity.
  • addessing the API is performed by /w/index.php. To read the corresponding article in the browser the users will use the URL
  • The API call above has to parameters with key-value pairs.
    • title=Swarm_intelligence for the definition of the title
    • action=raw to get the raw sources of the article in the Wiki syntax

This job will be performed by the library wtf_wikipedia.js (see wtf_wikipedia.html demo.

Images Download wget

  • The link refers to the current version of the image Annweiler_Rathaus.JPG.
  • Size of image can be determined by (here resize the width to 300 pixels.
  • To download images for local use will be performed by Javascript implementation of wget (e.g. wgetjs NPM module)

Termplate Engine

After download the MediaWiki markup language the syntax will be parsed. Examples for relevant content elements are:

  • Headers of sections,
  • images,
  • links,
  • citations,
  • .... Dependent on the output format
  • RevealJS,
  • LaTeX,
  • LibreOffice,
  • ... a template engine will handle the output. Just by replacement of the template engine a different format will be exported. The template engine uses HandleBars.
var section_tpl = "<h1> {{title}} </h1>";
var section = Handlebars.compile(source);  // 'section' is HandleBars function
var context = {"title": "My New Section in the Wiki"};
var vHTML_section = section(context);

This will allow to create new export formats much easier just by replacement of the format specific templateengine. A template engine for an output format will have TemplateEngine as super class. In a browserified version of PanDocElectron the user does not need an installation of an Electron application and all the other modules like ImageMagick.

Retrieve MediaWiki Content in a Browser

The following approaches are tested and compared. So that other programmers can follow the decision making process for designing the module for

  • retrieving,
  • parsing and
  • compiling MediaWiki content in different output formats. The main requirement is, that the whole process runs in browser. Wiki2Reveal is a browserified component of the PanDocElectron/Wikipedia concept library and convert PanDocElectron in pure browser application.

See Alternative MediaWiki Parsers for other programming languages as well.

NodeJS Module: nodemw

Node module nodemw is able to handle MediaWiki calls as shown in PanDocElectron. Seems to be a good solution, but nodemw has the fs module as dependencies and browsers cannot write to the local file system in comparison to NodeJS applications.

  • Look at browser-filesystem or browser-fs as replacement in JS-file src/api.js and src/bot.js.
  • remove dependencies to fs and check the use of fs in the winston logger
  • check if request module can be browserified (DONE with npm run buildrequest) and check the browserified module dist/request4browser.js. The objective here is, to transform the NodeJS modules nodemw so that src/api.js and src/bot.js run in browser.

See the following modules:

Alternative Javascript MediaWiki libraries

  • wtf_wikipedia extracts citations, images, ... from the MediaWiki, helpful to access meta information for PanDoc processing in a browser. Downside switching to other Wikis than Wikipedia is not well documented (code analysis necessary). API should be documented, so that is runs with any MediaWiki server (even local) for Page retrieval from the server to the browser client.
  • wikipedia.js developed by the Open Knowledge Foundation. Constraints of building on this libraries are similar to [wtf_wikipedia]( because it only return the first part of the Wikipedia source file, due to size limitation of the call back JSON. Furthermore it is dependent on DBpedia request. Check if the library can work with arbitrary servers (even local MediaWiki installation) cross origin.
  • wiki2html.js Used the non-working example on as a starting point and created a test HTML in test/wiki2html.html to check the features in a sandbox. It converts some markup syntax but especially links are not parsed properly. Adaptation of regular expressions is necessary.

Generate an AJAX Call in HTML5 Environment

  • use JQuery for AJAX call
  • size limitation of retrieved data existing libraries seem to support for the very beginning of the Wiki article due to the limited size of the returned JSON. The used module needs violates the cross-origin policy when you call AJAX from a different server on which the MediaWiki is installed. So it cannot be used directly and workload for programming seems to be very time consuming decision.
        // request type ( GET or POST )
	type: "GET",

        // the URL to which the request is sent
	url:  "",

        // data to be sent to the server
	//data: { action:'query', format:'json', lgname:'foo', lgpassword:'foobar' },
  data: { action:'raw',title:'Swarm_intelligence' },

        // The type of data that you're expecting back from the server
        // e.g. 'json','text','script','html','xml',...
        dataType: 'text',

        // Function to be called if the request succeeds
	success: function( jsondata ){
		alert( jsondata.result );


wtf_wikipedia.js seems to be the an appropriate library to download the MediaWiki markup source from any Wiki Product from the Wiki Foundation. The HTML file wtf_wikipedia.html shows, how a HTML file with Javascript can download a MediaWiki source text and store the source text into a textarea. Furthermore the structure of the Wiki document is parsed and stored in JSON file. The stringified output of the JSON file is stored in a textarea as well. Thank you Spencer Kelly and many contributors that provide the wikipedia markup parser wtf_wikipedia.js.

Wiki2HTML converter

The first milestone downloaded the MediaWiki source text. Now the source must be converted to HTML, so that the slides in RevealJS can be generated from the sections of the MediaWiki source text.

With JavaScriptClassCreator JSCC a JavaScript class will be generated that performs the following tasks.

  • Handle the Math expressions and convert them into displayed MathJax expressions in RevealJS.
  • Convert local links and references into remote links in the RevealJS presentation, so that a click on link in the slide will display the corresponding link in the MediaWiki (e.g. Wikipedia or Wikiversity).
  • Convert references to images, video and audio in the slide to the correponding links in WikiMedia Commons.
  • Break down long sections from the MediaWiki source text into a set of slides. Could be helpful if the section is to long and the slide is exceeding the size of the screen.

Download Example HTML

The following in example is stored in test/wtf_wikipedia.html that uses the library test/js/wtf_wikipedia.js.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script src="js/wtf_wikipedia.js"></script>
  <body style="margin:10px;">
      wtf.from_api("Swarm intelligence", "enwikiversity", function(markup){// Callback function after success
        console.log("LOG (PlainText result): "+wtf.plaintext(markup));
        // store result in textarea
        document.getElementById("wikimarkup").value = markup;
    <b>Download Wiki-Markup:</b></br>
    <textarea id="wikimarkup" rows="35" cols="120">

Browserify and Watchify

Browserify and Watchify are used in this repository to control the WebApp-javascript development with the required Javascript libraries installed with NPM Node.js and similar framework world that greatly improve your javascript workflow: Using them, you no longer need to micro-manage your script tags but instead you just declare the libraries each of your client-side modules is using - or you can even create your own reusable modules! Also, installing (or updating) javascript libraries is as easy as running a single command!

Global Installation of Browserify, Watchify, UglifyJS and DocToc

Requirement: NPM is intalled. Now call for global installation of Browserfy, Watchify, UglifyJS and DocToc by:

npm install -g browserify watchify uglify-js doctoc node-lint

This is recommended because you will not (want to) install Browserfy, Watchify and UglifyJS for all your repositories separately.

  • Browserfy converts node_modules in a single library, that can be imported in WebApp. Browserify resolves dependencies and included the required libraries into the bundled javascript code.
  • Watchify watches changes in the source code and runs the build process whenever it detects changes in your source code.
  • UglifyJS compresses the source code of class_editor_uml.js into class_editor_uml.min.js to reduce download time and WebApp performance during load.
  • DocToc is used to create a helpful table of contents in the README (see [DocToc-Installation] for further details on NPM DocToc ). Run doctoc for updating the table of contents.
  • jsLint is used to check the Javascript code, quality of code can be improved by application of jsLint

Package Installation of Browserify and Watchify - Alternative

If your prefer that browserify and watchify is installed with your npm install command, save these to modules to your dev-dependecies in your package.json by calling

  • (Install Browsersify) npm install browserify --save-dev
  • (Install Watchify) npm install watchify --save-dev
  • (Install UglifyJS) npm install uglify-js --save-dev
  • (Install DocToc) npm install doctoc --save-dev
  • (Install jslint) npm install node-lint --save-dev

The difference between --save and --save-dev is, that development dependencies are installed with npm install because they are required for the development process of the code but they are not added to the generated Javascript-bundle that are used in the WebApp ClassEditorUML. The --save-dev commands for browserify and watchify will install the two modules with all the the dependencies in node_modules and add the dev-dependencies to your package.json.

"devDependencies": {
  "browserify": "^14.5.0",
  "watchify": "^3.9.0",
  "uglify-js": "^2.6.2",

In the current repository Browserfy and Watchify are expected to be installed globally, because the package.json does not contain the dev-dependencies mentioned above.

Start Watching the Files with Watchify

Watchify will trigger the npm run build process if files were change due to alteration of code. To start watching the files, run the npm-watch script by npm run watch, which is defined in package.json

Main Library for Storing Configuration Data for Wiki2Reveal

The configuration data for the cross compilation of MediaWiki markup language will be performed by the modified JSON editor docs/js/editor4json.js forked from Jeremy Dorn

Webbased Test Environments

The /docs folder is this repository published as server root directory for

The content of the files can be explored under

In the Settings/Options/GitHub pages of this repository

Tools for the repository

  • npm run build to automate code generation from modular javascript libraries in the folder src/ to the bundled distribution in /dist and the export to a WebApp in the folder /docs. The folder /dist is used to store the uncompressed build (extension wiki2reveal.js) and the compressed bundle of the code (extension wiki2reveal.min.js). The folder /docs is used to access the WebApp directly in your browser by the URL
  • Browserify and Watchify to combine modular Javascript libraries for use in a browser. This is necessary because the browser does not understand the require(...) of NodeJS. Browserify parses the libraries and library dependencies and replaces the require-command by an aggregated script call of used javascript sources for the WebApp.



Convert a MediaWiki source document e.g. in Wikiversity into a Reveal Presentation







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