I have a Projects dir where I have all my projects, and remote git repository is linked to every project. I don't want to navigate to each project dir to push it to remote repository so in this scenario, you can use this shell/bash script to push all the projects to their respective remote repositories at once.
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is C80A-3BD9
You need to configue your git befor using
//add username
git config --global user.name "your_username"
//add email
git config --global user.email "your_email_address@example.com"
//check configuration
git config --global --list
- Go the the Projects DIR where you have all your projects
- Clone the SHELL script using
git clone https://github.com/nidhey27/git-bulk-push-shell-script.git
- Copy the push_to_git.sh file to the Root DIR of the Projects where you have all other projects Example:
│ push_to_git.sh
- Now you have your shell script in the root DIR, using the following command to run the script
$ . push_to_git.sh