Implementation of a virtual globe application for Android. This project is based on the virtual globe framework osgEarth and it's android branch.
Besides the Android SDK, the setup of this project needs the Android NDK framework. In this project the version r8b of this framework was used. To install the Android NDK its necessary to execute the following steps:
cd Android
After this installation, its necessary to define two environmental variables:
export ANDROID_NDK=/home/jgr/Android/android-ndk-r8b
export ANDROID_SDK=/home/jgr/Android/android-sdk-linux
The Android folder used is then where both the SDK and the NDK frameworks are installed. The compilation of this project is supported by the cmake tool, used to generate the necessary Makefiles. To compile this project the version 2.6.4, or higher, of cmake is necessary.
The necessary source code can be obtained from following repository:
To download the code the following steps should be taken:
git clone
cd osgearthandroid/
In this manner, all the code will be in the folder osgearthandroid.
The compilation of OpenSceneGraph depends on several auxiliary libraries. So, before the compilation process one should download these libraries into the appropriate folder.
cd OpenSceneGraph
This compilation is executed in two steps.
# Move into osgearthandroid/3rdparty/jni
cd ../3rdparty/jni
# Move into osgearthandroid
cd ../..
cmake . -DOSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_ANDROID=ON -DJ=4 -DOSG_DIR="./OpenSceneGraph" -DDYNAMIC_OSGEARTH=OFF -DOPENTHREADS_LIBRARY="./OpenSceneGraph/obj/local/armeabi/libOpenThreads.a" -DCURL_LIBRARY="./OpenSceneGraph/3rdparty/build/curl/obj/local/armeabi/libcurl.a" -DGDAL_LIBRARY="./osgearthandroid/OpenSceneGraph/3rdparty/build/gdal/obj/local/armeabi/libgdal.a" -DGEOS_LIBRARY="./3rdparty/obj/local/armeabi/libgeos.a" -DSQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR="./3rdparty/jni/sqlite-autoconf-3071401" -DSQLITE3_LIBRARY="./3rdparty/obj/local/armeabi/libsqlite3.a"
The generation of the Android application is made in two steps. First we build the library and than the osgViewer.apk.
cd osgViewer/jni
The makefile includes two debug instructions that present the computed PATH. The output of the execution of this makefile (via ndk-build) should be similar to the following:
value of LOCAL_PATH is: /home/jgr/GIS/osgearthandroid/osgViewer/jni
value of OSGEARTH_ANDROID_DIR is: /home/jgr/GIS/osgearthandroid/osgViewer/jni/../..
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6] libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Install : => libs/armeabi/
After opening Eclipse IDE, go to File → Import..., choose the option “Existing Android Code Into Workspace”. In the following dialog, its necessary to point out the folder with the source code (osgearthandroid) and select the project osgViewer. After the project is imported into Eclipse we should be able to execute it. The generated apk is localized in osgViewer/bin/osgViewer.apk.