Magnolia ASK is a fake Question & Answer website that illustrates the usage of microservices with Magnolia as a facade. The microservices are written in Go and are communicating to each other either through pub/sub (using kafka) or req/res (using HTTP).
- Install Docker Toolbox if you don't have docker on your local environment
- Clone the repo:
git clone --recursive
- Create a local machine called dev:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
- Start your machine:
docker-machine start dev
- Initialize Docker environment variables:
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
Before starting Magnolia Ask, please make sure that your environment is started and correctly setup (see above). Magnolia Ask can be started either using docker-compose, the Makefile or the shell script provided in the distribution:
- either
make start env=dev
- or
docker-compose up dev -f deploy/dev.yml up -d
- or
./ dev
note: It seems that a race condition prevents starting all the services at the same time through the Makefile or docker-compose. I recommend instead to use the '''' script that will start the services one by one.
To load some test data, run the following script : ./test-data/
You can now open the author instance at this address http://<dev_machine_ip>:3001/
and the website at this address http://<dev_machine_ip>:3001/home
where dev_machine_ip
is the IP of the dev docker-machine: docker-machine ip dev
note: The host and port of the services are hardcoded in the definition of the registry, do not forget to adapt the files ./ms-frontend-resources/services/*.yaml
- Slides:
- Webinar:
- Forms: Submitting new questions and answers
- Votes: Voting and rating questions and answers
- Prod environment: Sample of a deployment procedure in production
- Search : Integrating a search engine, ideally using the existing solr integration in Magnolia
- Security : Demonstrating how to leverage Magnolia security and the users microservice