Grove - Serial Camera Kit includes one control board and two interchangeble lenses, one is standard lens and the other is wide-angle lens. It's a great camera for Arduino centered image recognition projects, because 30W pixel wouldn't be overwhelming for Arduino, so that real-time image recognition is possible. To make it more fun and playable, lenses of two specs are shipped in this kit. The standard one is for common photo shots and the wide-angle one is specially suitable for monitoring projects.
- Input Voltage: 5V
- Pixel: 300,000
- Resolution: 640480, 320240, 160*120
- Uart Baud Rate: 9600~115200
- Communication: RS485 and RS232
- Photo JPEG compression, high, medium and low grades Optional
- Auto Exposure Event Control
- Automatic White Balance Control
- Focus adjustable
This code include two examples which can show you how to use the kit.
For more information, please refer to wiki page.
This software is written by loovee for seeed studio
and is licensed under The MIT License. Check License.txt for more information.
Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by
forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests (follow the links above
for operating guide). Adding change log and your contact into file header is encouraged.
Thanks for your contribution.
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