Automatic generation of Fusion Functions used by yinyang fuzzer for Semantic Fusion.
is the main entry point to run the tool as a standalone program. Simply type the following command in the shell:
This will run with default parameters. For a complete list of the options please type:
python3 -h
You can customize the number fusion functions that are generated and the number of operators that appear in each formula.
By default, the functions are saved in out/fusion_functions.txt
Here you can find a complete overview of yinyang usage.
Follow these instructions to set up a basic testing environment.
- Download the latest version of at least one SMT solver compatible with SMT-LIB format (Z3, CVC5, ...)
- Initialize the yinyang and fusion seed submodules
- Run this generator to obtain the fusion_functions.txt file
- Run yinyang using the generated functions and the pre-categorized seeds
Example command (for sat oracle, quantifier free linear integer algebra, Z3):
python3 yinyang/bin/yinyang "z3" \
-o sat semantic-fusion-seeds/QF_LIA/sat/ \
-s [path-to-tmp-folder] \
-b [path-to-bugs-folder] \ # This folder will contain the bugs that are found during yinyang execution
-l [path-to-log-folder] \
-c out/fusion_functions.txt
The script is used to generate all the code under src/operators. To re-generate everything, type:
python3 src/gen/ operators
This script can be used also to create a stub implementation of a new visitor in src/visitors:
python3 src/gen/ stub your-visitor-name-here
To add a new theory, it is enough to modify the Add the new theory description by following the guideline and examples already there.
Afterwards, you will need to re-generate the gen folder and (if needed) update the visitors. To update a visitor, make the visitor inherit from the new visitor class associated with the theory you created, and implement all of its methods.
The repository provides unit tests using unittest testing framework. To run them, simply type:
python3 -m unittest discover -v
A Dockerfile is provided to try out new features of the project with all the dependencies required compiled in debug mode.
The script run can be used to start yinyang with some generated functions in order to find bugs.
The script starts also a slack notifier job which sends updates automatically to a slack channel.
To this end, environment variables SLACK_TOKEN
should be passed to the container when starting it.
This guide can be used to reproduce the experiments as reported in this report.
A Docker image ffg
with the latest version of cvc5 and z3 instrumented with gcov is available by building the provided Dockerfile:
docker build ./benchmarking -t ffg
To run it, simply type:
docker run -it --name ffg ffg
This will create a container named ffg
in interactive mode. Note that the shell is bash
To keep data between multiple runs of the container type:
docker run -it --mount source=ffg-vol,destination=/app/ --name ffg ffg
Note that this will also persist changes in the gcov files used to count the coverage information. Just mount the volume in a different directory if you want to have fresh build of z3 and cvc5.
To open a new bash shell on a container (named ffg
) running a benchmark:
docker exec -it ffg /bin/bash
To get a list of mounted volumes to a running container, type:
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' <container-id>
See docs. is a list of useful links to documentation or tools.