Some helpful scripts for getting BinderHub deployed on Google Cloud
- Use Google Cloud Shell Google documentation which will give you access to the gcloud command-line tool.
- pip install --user cookiecutter
- export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
- cookiecutter
Here you will need to direct cookiecutter to your google password file. By default, the template will look in ~/.secret/BinderHub.json
- cd binder-deploy && ./ && ./
I have been seeing an error that I don't know much about: "Error: could not find a ready tiller pod". If you see this too, just wait a few seconds, and then re-run ./ Lastly:
- ./
The command will tell you the IP address of your BinderHub deployment. When you are all done:
- ./
- Click on the links that are splashed up, and shut down any remaining resources.
Configure and deploy Kubernetes cluster.
Install and connect jupyterhub/binderhub.
Tear down jupyterhub/binderhub and kubernetes cluster. Splash the URL's to double-check all resources are down.