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97 lines (80 loc) · 4.65 KB


Stay authenticated in awscli with vault without affecting other profiles that you wish to keep un-managed.

Installation & Running

  • Make sure consul-template is installed and in your $PATH
  • Run pip3 install --upgrade vault-aws-login
  • Run wget -O - | tar -C "$HOME" -zxf -
  • Update ~/.vault-aws/config with:
    vault_addr =
    #      (overrides your current VAULT_ADDR env var.)
    #      (leave it empty if you dont want such thing to happen)
    vault_login_method = <your auth type to vault>
    #      Type of authentication to use such as "userpass" or "ldap". Note this
    #      corresponds to the TYPE, not the enabled path. Use -path to specify the
    #      path where the authentication is enabled. The default is token.
    #      (leave it empty if you dont want this parameter)
    #      (use extra_vl_flags = ["-path", "/your/path"] fort the given example above)
    vault_login_username = <your vault username>
    #      The -method flag allows using other auth methods, such as userpass, github, or
    #      cert. For these, additional "K=V" pairs may be required. For example, to
    #      authenticate to the userpass auth method:
    #      $ vault login -method=userpass username=my-username
    #      (vault_login_<K> = <V> is also valid for K=V pairs other than username)

Assuming you have aws credentials under the vault secret /aws/dev/sts/admin and you want to have them available to you under the aws-profile dev, run this command:

vault-aws-login -l dev &

This will keep consul-template running in the background keeping your dev aws-profile credentials updated and valid. aws --profile dev sts get-caller-identity can help you double-check this.

Overrides, Template, and Configs

As you can see, the -l/--login flag (login_id) conflates both the resulting aws-profile name and the source vault secret which is a convenient convention, but it is not always ideal. You can override both the aws-profile and vault secret that will correspond to a given login_id by adding a login_override section in your ~/.vault-aws-login/confg file:

[login_override dev_as_default]
aws_profile_name = default
vault_secret_path = /aws/dev/sts/admin

Likewise, the login_template describe the generic values that correspond to each login_id:

aws_profile_name = %(login_id)s
vault_secret_path = /aws/%(login_id)s/sts/admin

Both the template and overrides are implemented by python3's ConfigParser.BasicInterpolation and ConfigParser.get(vars=overrides)

The above means both that

  • A property in login_template can depend on a property in login_override, and viceversa.
  • In case of a name clash, the property in login_override has higher priority

This allows the templates to render on arbitrary data, and not just the corresponding login_id (Note: login_id is populated by the script itself, so it cannot be overridden)

The [default] config profile section contains the properties that the main script will use. Most importantly the args given vault login, and the -l/--login/login_ids you want by default. You can choose to take those properties from any other section by using the -p/--profile flag, and you can use a completely different config file with the -c/--config flag as well.

For consul-template specific configs, you can modify ~/.vault-aws-config/credentials.hcl if you want to fine-tune its behavior. There's also the ~/.vault-aws-config/config option named extra_ct_flags in the config profile section (.i.e [default]) in case you want to add extra flags like -once. If you want to keep multiple credentials.hcl files, you might want to setup consul_template_hcl to different values in different config profile sections

Code overview

The general workflow of this script is: 0. Log into vault if vault token lookup fails.

  1. Generate the following json and invoke consult-template:
    [{ 'aws_profile_name': 'dev'
       'vault_secret_path': '/aws/sts/admin' }, .. ]
  2. consul-template generates the following credentials file and invokes aws_credentials_merge:
    aws_access_key_id = <info from vault>
    aws_secret_access_key = <info from vault>
    aws_session_token = <info from vault>
  3. aws_credentials_merge takes this new credentials and merges them into ~/.aws/credentials.