A User needs to have tokens which she/he will then provide to her/his bot.
Bots and Users can play a game as a given player. The game needs to know if the User/Bot is allowed to play as this player.
Some games can allow multiple players to play simultaneously.
Users might play multiple players in debug mode.
Points 3 and 4 imply that the User needs to say which player she/he wants to play.
The token used by bots is used to create the connection which will last until every game is finished. Thus it needs to contain an identifier which can be used by the backend to identify which player the bot can play during each game.
When Users and Bots are rescheduled from one game to the next their player number might change. Thus we can’t use playerNumber as identifier. We need a unique identifier.
Users should be able to know how well their bot performs against bots from other teams. We want to encourage teams to provide their bots all the time so that they play against each other. Thus every match scheduled automatically will count toward the final score. This will also create a sense of urgency.
We want to avoid teams winning because they provided a basic bot very early and other teams forgot to do it. Thus early matches make you win less points than the last matches.
A Game State is just a JSON object.
A Game State has a flag indicating if the game is ongoing or finished.
A Game State has one or more Player Spots.
A Game State is not dependent on who are the Players.
A Game has a Game State.
A Game can be reset to a past or future state by just replacing its state.
A Game has one or more Players.
A Game links Players to Player Spots in the Game State.
A single Player can control multiple Player Spots. This is useful when a user debugs a bot, as she/he can control multiple oponent players at the same time.
Each Player spot has a unique number.
Each Player spot has a flag indicating if the corresponding player is currently playing.
Multiple Player spots can play at the same time if the game allows it.
A User belongs to a Team.
A User is authenticated via a browser.
A User has a User Token. It enables the server to recognize her/him at every request.
A Bot is owned by a Team.
A Bot connects to a Game Schedule using a token.
A Bot has a name which can be changed whenever its owner want. This enables the creation of win/loss statistics during the training phase.
A Team regroups multiple Users and their Bots.
A Team can be composed of a single User or multiple Users.
Users join a Tournament and form Teams.
Teams fight in the Tournament Arena to win.
Teams can train in the Training Arena
Teams can test and debug their Bots in their own Debug Arenas.
A Game Schedule is a sequence of Game to which subscribers play.
Multiple Players can subscribe to a single Game Schedule. They move together from Game to Game.
There are two kinds of Game Schedule: Debug Game Schedule and Versus Game Schedule.
A Team has one Debug Arena per User in the Team.
Every User in a Team has access to every Debug Arena of this Team.
A Debug Arena runs successive Games. Users control when a new Game is started.
Users can configure the Game which will be started.
A Debug Arena has a single Game Schedule to which every Player connects.
A Debug Arena provides tokens for each Player Spot so that Bots can play them.
It is possible to select to play against a bot connected to the training arena.
Multiple Teams can connect to the Training Arena whenever they want.
A scheduler starts automatically matches between every connected bot.
The results of each match is aggregated
A match is stopped and deleted if either:
If a match is not finished after 5 minutes it is automatically dropped.
If the name of a bot changed during a match, this match is dropped.
Each Team has a single Game Schedule in the Training Arena. Teams Bots and Users connect to this Game Schedule.
The Tournament Arena opens only once.
Games in the Tournament Arena are scheduled automatically.
The Team winning the most Games in the Tournament Arena wins the Tournament.
Once a winning Team is chosen the Tournament is closed.
Each Team has a single Game Schedule in the Tournament Arena. Team’s Bots and Users connect to this Game Schedule. Every time a new Game is accepted the Game Schedule sends this Game to every player.
classDiagram class Game class TournamentGame class DebugGame class Player { +UUID PlayerId } class Observer class Tournament class TeamMember class Team class DebugArena class TournamentArena class TournamentRound class GameRules { +number numberOfPlayers } Game <|-- TournamentGame Game <|-- DebugGame Player "2..*" --> "*" Game: plays Observer "*" --> "1" DebugGame: observes Observer "1" --* "1" DebugArena Tournament "1" *-- "1" TournamentArena TournamentArena "1" *-- "1..*" TournamentRound TournamentRound "1" *-- "*" TournamentGame TournamentGame "*" --> "2..*" Team Tournament "1" *-- "*" Team Team "1" o-- "1..*" TeamMember Tournament "1" *-- "1" GameRules Team "1" *-- "1..*" DebugArena TeamMember "1" --> "1" DebugArena: manages DebugArena "1" *-- "1" DebugGame
Each Game stores its state as a javascript object. This object contains some mandatory fields.
classDiagram class Game { +Map[PlayerId,PlayerNumber] playerAssignments } class GameState { +boolean end +Array[PlayerNumber]? winners +Array[PlayerNumber] playing } Game "1" *-- "1" GameState
Both user and Bots use tokens to authenticate to the server.
classDiagram class UserJWTokenData { +UserId userId +string JWTFingerprint } class BotJWTokenData { +PlayerId playerId }
sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Teammate Browser participant User Browser User Browser -) Server: Observe Debug Arena (UserJWTokenData, TeamMemberId) activate Server Server ->> Database: subscribeDebugArena (TeamMemberId) Database -->> Server: Response (GameId) Server --) User Browser: Subscription Event (GameId) loop For each new game Teammate Browser ->> Server: Create new game (UserJWTokenData, TeamMemberId, Config) activate Server Server ->> Database: Create new game (TeamMemberId, Config) Server -->> Teammate Browser: Success deactivate Server Database --) Server: Subscription Event (GameId) Server --) User Browser: Subscription Event (GameId) end User Browser ->> Server: End Observation deactivate Server
sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Bot participant User Browser User Browser -) Server: Observe Debug Game (UserJWTokenData, GameId) activate Server Server --) User Browser: Subscription Event (Game History) loop For each new game state update Bot ->> Server: Play Game (BotJWTokenData, Action) activate Server Server -->> Bot: Success deactivate Server Server --) User Browser: Subscription Event (GameState patch) end Server --) User Browser: Game end (End Observation) deactivate Server
Note that bots don’t know if they connect to tournament or debug games. All they know is that they have a set of games scheduled which they have to play.
sequenceDiagram autonumber Bot -) Server: Subscribe as player (BotJWTokenData) activate Server Server --) Bot: Subscription Event (PlayerSchedule & list of GameIds) loop For each new scheduled game Server --) Bot: Subscription Event (GameId) end Bot ->> Server: End Subscription deactivate Server
sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Other Bot participant Bot Bot -) Server: Subscribe to game as player (BotJWTokenData) activate Server Server --) Bot: Subscription Event (Game & GameSate) loop For each new scheduled game alt Bot turn to play Bot ->>+ Server: play (BotJWTokenData, action) Server -->>- Bot: Success else Other Bot turn to play Other Bot ->>+ Server: play (BotJWTokenData, action) Server -->>- Other Bot: Success end Server --) Bot: Subscription Event (GameState patch) end Server --) Bot: Game end (End Subscription) deactivate Server
A set of games is automatically scheduled during each Tournament Round. When a tournament is created two formats are available:
exhaustive matches: players play agaist every other player. This creates a lot of matches. For example it schedules 190 matches at each round for only 20 players. This format is not recommended for more than 20 players.
random draw: multiple small group of players are randomly created. Every player plays other players in its group. New groups are randomly created with the winners of each group. The group size can be configured. For example it schedules only 240 games for 100 players with a group size of 5 players.
This is what a random draw looks like with 10 players and a group size of 3.
flowchart BT p1["player1"] p2["player2"] p3["player3"] p4["player4"] p5["player5"] p6["player6"] p7["player7"] p8["player8"] p9["player9"] p10["player10"] p3l2["player3"] p4l2["player4"] p9l2["player9"] p4win["player4 (winner)"] subgraph level 1 subgraph group 1 p1 p2 p3 end subgraph group 2 p4 p5 p6 end subgraph group 3 p7 p8 p9 p10 end end subgraph level 2 subgraph group 1 p3l2 p4l2 p9l2 end end p3 --> |wins| p3l2 p4 --> |wins| p4l2 p9 --> |wins| p9l2 p4l2 --> |wins| p4win
stateDiagram-v2 state "Waiting next Round" as wait state "Retrieving connected players" as connectedPlayers state "DrawingGroups" as drawingGroups state "Scheduling games" as scheduleGames state "Waiting for games to end" as waitGames state "Saving level results" as SaveLevelResults state "Saving round results" as SaveRoundResults [*] --> wait: start Tournament wait --> connectedPlayers: new Round triggered connectedPlayers --> RunLevel state RunLevel { [*] --> drawingGroups drawingGroups --> scheduleGames scheduleGames --> waitGames waitGames --> SaveLevelResults SaveLevelResults --> [*] } RunLevel --> RunLevel: run next level RunLevel --> SaveRoundResults: last level finished SaveRoundResults --> wait