Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework.
- This project has 3 goals:
- Extract as much schema information from DRF as possible.
- Provide flexibility to make the schema usable in the real world (not only toy examples).
- Generate a schema that works well with the most popular client generators.
The code is a heavily modified fork of the DRF OpenAPI generator, which is/was lacking all of the below listed features.
- Features
- abstraction of serializers into components (better support for openapi-generator)
- recursive components (e.g. nested PersonSerializer->PersonSerializer->...)
- components are named after Serializers (i.e. the main interface of your API)
decorator for customization of APIView, Viewsets, function-based views, and@action
- additional manual query parameters
- request/response serializer override
- response status code override
- polymorphic responses (manual by providing serializer list or rest_polymorphic)
- and more customization options
- easy to use hooks for extending the spectacular
- authentication methods in schema (default DRF methods included, easily extendable)
type via type hinting or@extend_schema_field
- schema tags for operations plus override option (very useful in Swagger UI)
- support for django-polymorphic / django-rest-polymorphic (automatic polymorphic responses for PolymorphicSerializers)
- description extraction from doc strings
- sane fallbacks where there are no serializers available (free-form objects)
- operation_id naming based on endpoint path instead of model name (preventing operation_id duplication)
- Incomplete features (in progress):
- optional separate component versions for PATCH serializers (no required fields)
- optional input/output serializer component split
Provided by T. Franzel, Cashlink Technologies GmbH. Licensed under 3-Clause BSD.
- Python >= 3.6
- Django (2.2, 3.0)
- Django REST Framework (3.10, 3.11)
Install using pip
$ pip install drf-spectacular
then add drf-spectacular to installed apps in
and finally register our spectacular AutoSchema with DRF
'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema',
# OR this for usage with rest_polymorphic/django-polymorphic
# 'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_spectacular.contrib.rest_polymorphic.PolymorphicAutoSchema',
drf-spectacular is KISS. It only generates a valid OpenAPI 3 specification for you and nothing else. You can easily view your schema with the excellent Swagger UI or any other compliant UI or tool:
$ ./ spectacular --file schema.yml
$ docker run -p 80:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/schema.yml -v ${PWD}/schema.yml:/schema.yml swaggerapi/swagger-ui
drf-spectacular works pretty well out of the box. The toy examples do not cover your cases? No problem, you can heavily customize how your schema will be rendered.
Most customization cases should be covered by the extend_schema
decorator. We usually get
pretty far with specifying OpenApiParameter
and splitting request/response serializers, but
the sky is the limit.
from drf_spectacular.utils import extend_schema, OpenApiParameter
from drf_spectacular.types import OpenApiTypes
class AlbumViewset(viewset.ModelViewset)
serializer_class = AlbumSerializer
responses={201: AlbumSerializer},
def create(self, request):
# your non-standard behaviour
return super().create(request)
# extra parameters added to the schema
OpenApiParameter(name='artist', description='Filter by artist', required=False, type=str),
description='Filter by release date',
# override default docstring extraction
description='More descriptive text',
# provide Authentication class that deviates from the views default
# change the auto-generated operation name
# or even completely override what AutoSchema would generate. Provide raw Open API spec as Dict.
def list(self, request):
# your non-standard behaviour
return super().list(request)
responses={204: None},
@action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
def set_password(self, request, pk=None):
# your action behaviour
Still not satisifed? You want more! We still got you covered. We prepared some convenient hooks for things that are probably up to taste. If you are careful, you can change pretty much anything.
Don't forget to register your custom AutoSchema in the DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS
from drf_spectacular.openapi import AutoSchema
class CustomAutoSchema(AutoSchema):
def get_operation_id(self, path, method):
return 'YOUR-ID'.replace('-', '_')
got endpoints that yield list of differing objects? Enter PolymorphicProxySerializer
serializers=[SerializerA, SerializerB],
def poly_list(request):
return Response(list_of_multiple_object_types)
Install testing requirements.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run with runtests.
$ ./
You can also use the excellent tox testing tool to run the tests against all supported versions of Python and Django. Install tox globally, and then simply run:
$ tox