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This repository was archived by the owner on May 24, 2023. It is now read-only.


Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.

Ansible NGINX Controller Installation Role

This repository has been archived. There will likely be no further development on the project and security vulnerabilities may be unaddressed.

This role installs NGINX Controller on your target host.


NGINX Controller

NGINX Controller tarball file from the F5 Customer Portal.


  • This role is developed and tested with maintained versions of Ansible core (above 2.11).
  • You will need to run this role as a root user using Ansible's become parameter. Make sure you have set up the appropriate permissions on your target hosts.
  • Instructions on how to install Ansible can be found in the Ansible website.

Molecule (Optional)

  • Molecule is used to test the various functionalities of the role. The recommended version of Molecule to test this role is 3.3.
  • Instructions on how to install Molecule can be found in the Molecule website. You will also need to install the Molecule Docker driver.


Ansible Galaxy

Use ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx_controller_install to install the latest stable release of the role on your system. Alternatively, if you have already installed the role, use ansible-galaxy install -f nginxinc.nginx_controller_install to update the role to the latest release.


Use git clone to pull the latest edge commit of the role from GitHub.


The NGINX Controller install Ansible role supports all platforms supported by NGINX Controller:

  - 7.4+
  - stretch (9)
  - 7.4+
  - bionic (18.04)
  - focal (20.04)

Role Variables

Variable Default Description Required
nginx_controller_tarball "" Source path to the NGINX Controller tarball Yes
nginx_controller_remote_source true If the NGINX Controller tarball is already present remote host No
nginx_controller_install_path "" The path where the NGINX Controller tarball will be extracted on the remote host Yes
nginx_controller_bundled_db true Specify if NGINX Controller should use a bundled PostgreSQL database (versions >=3.8) -- mutually exclusive with all other database variables No
nginx_controller_db_host "" External PostgreSQL database IP address or FQDN No
nginx_controller_db_port "5432" External PostgreSQL database port No
nginx_controller_db_user "" External PostgreSQL database user No
nginx_controller_db_password "" External PostgreSQL database password No
nginx_controller_db_enable_ssl "" Use SSL to connect to the external PostgreSQL database No
nginx_controller_db_ca "" Path to the CA certificate file to use for SSL connection to the external PostgreSQL database No
nginx_controller_db_client_cert "" Path to the client certificate file to use for SSL connection to the external PostgreSQL database No
nginx_controller_db_client_key "" Path to the key file to use for SSL connection to the external PostgreSQL database No

| nginx_controller_self_signed_cert | false | Specify if the NGINX Controller installation process should create a self signed cert/key for SSL -- mutually exclusive with *_apigw_* variables | No | | nginx_controller_apigw_cert | "" | Path to the NGINX Controller SSL certificate | No | | nginx_controller_apigw_key | "" | Path to the NGINX Controller SSL key | No |

| nginx_controller_tsdb_volume_type | "" | Time series database volume type (local, nfs, aws) -- resiliency support requires remote volume | Yes | | nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_path | "" | Time series database NFS path (if tsdb_volume_type is nfs) | No | | nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_host | "" | Time series database NFS host (if tsdb_volume_type is nfs) | No | | nginx_controller_tsdb_aws_volume_id | "" | Time series database AWS EBS Volume ID (if tsdb_volume_type is aws) | No | | nginx_controller_configdb_volume_type | "" | Config database backing volume type (local, nfs or aws) -- resiliency support requires remote volume | No | | nginx_controller_configdb_nfs_path | "" | Config database NFS path (if configdb_volume_type is nfs) | No | | nginx_controller_configdb_nfs_host | "" | Config database NFS host (if configdb_volume_type is nfs) | No | | nginx_controller_configdb_aws_volume_id | "" | Config database AWS EBS Volume ID (if configdb_volume_type is aws) | No |

| nginx_controller_smtp_host | "" | SMTP host | Yes | | nginx_controller_smtp_port | "25" | SMTP port | No | | nginx_controller_smtp_authentication | "" | Specify if SMTP needs authentication credentials | Yes | | nginx_controller_smtp_user | "" | SMTP user | No | | nginx_controller_smtp_password | "" | SMTP password| No | | nginx_controller_smtp_use_tls | false | Specify if SMTP should connect via HTTPS | No | | nginx_controller_noreply_address | "" | Address to show in the 'FROM' field of NGINX Controller emails | Yes |

| nginx_controller_fqdn | "" | FQDN for the NGINX Controller web frontend (e.g.: | Yes | | nginx_controller_organization_name | "" | The organization name | Yes | | nginx_controller_admin_firstname | "" | Admin user first name | Yes | | nginx_controller_admin_lastname | "" | Admin user last name | Yes | | nginx_controller_admin_email | "" | Admin user email | Yes | | nginx_controller_admin_password | "" | Admin user password | Yes |

| nginx_controller_overwrite_existing_configs | false | Specify if any existing configs for NGINX Controller should be overwritten during installation | No | | nginx_controller_auto_install_docker | false | Specify if Docker needs to be installed as part of the installation process. | No |

Example Playbook

The following playbook example will use this role to install NGINX Controller on an Ubuntu 18.04 target. Check the variables and set the values inside <> accordingly.

- name: Install NGINX Controller
  remote_user: ubuntu
  hosts: controller
  become: true
  become_user: ubuntu
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Install NGINX Controller
        name: nginxinc.nginx_controller_install
        - nginx_controller_tarball: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/{{nginx_controller_tarball}}"
        - nginx_controller_install_path: /usr/ubuntu
        - nginx_controller_db_host:
        - nginx_controller_db_user: "naas"
        - nginx_controller_db_password: ''
        - nginx_controller_db_enable_ssl: false
        - nginx_controller_tsdb_volume_type: nfs
        - nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_path: "/controllerdb"
        - nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_host: storage.internal
        - nginx_controller_smtp_host: "localhost"
        - nginx_controller_smtp_authentication: false
        - nginx_controller_smtp_use_tls: false
        - nginx_controller_noreply_address: ""
        - nginx_controller_fqdn:
        - nginx_controller_organization_name: "Example"
        - nginx_controller_admin_firstname: "Firstname"
        - nginx_controller_admin_lastname: "Lastname"
        - nginx_controller_admin_email: ""
        - nginx_controller_admin_password: ''
        - nginx_controller_self_signed_cert: true
        - nginx_controller_overwrite_existing_configs: true
        - ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
        - ansible_become_password: '<some secure password>'

# Pull the NGINX Controller install log for review
- name: Fetch NGINX Controller install log for review
  hosts: controller
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Fetch the install log
        src: /var/log/nginx-controller/nginx-controller-install.log
        dest: "{{playbook_dir}}/logs/"


Check the NGINX Controller installation logs at /var/log/nginx-controller/nginx-controller-install.log on the remote. Above task example pulls those to the Ansible server.

Other NGINX Ansible Collections and Roles

You can find the Ansible NGINX Core collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX App Protect here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX role to install NGINX OSS and NGINX Plus here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX configuration role to configure NGINX here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX App Protect role to install and configure NGINX App Protect WAF and NGINX App Protect DoS here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX Controller collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Controller here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX Unit role to install NGINX Unit here.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Alessandro Fael Garcia

Brian Ehlert

Daniel Edgar

© F5 Networks, Inc. 2020 - 2021