Pre-built decision apps serving as the base for Marketplace subscription
apps. Each app is standalone and can be executed following
the instructions in each README
Before starting:
Visit the docs for more information.
Get started with one of the following apps:
- go-hello-world: Get started with Go and the Nextmv Platform.
- java-hello-world: Get started with Java and the Nextmv Platform.
- python-hello-world: Get started with Python and the Nextmv Platform.
These examples are concrete cases of using different languages and solvers in decision apps that run on the Nextmv Platform.
- go-highs-knapsack: Use Go and the HiGHS solver to solve a knapsack problem.
- go-highs-shiftscheduling: Use Go and the HiGHS solver to solve a shift scheduling problem.
- go-nextroute: Use Go and Nextmv’s Nextroute solver to solve a vehicle routing problem.
- python-ampl-knapsack: Use Python and AMPL to solve a knapsack problem.
- python-gurobi-knapsack: Use Python and Gurobi to solve a knapsack problem.
- python-highs-knapsack: Use Python and the HiGHS solver to solve a knapsack problem.
- python-ortools-costflow: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a cost flow problem.
- python-ortools-knapsack: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a knapsack problem.
- python-ortools-knapsack-multicsv: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a knapsack problem with multiple CSV files.
- python-ortools-routing: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a vehicle routing problem.
- python-ortools-shiftassignment: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a shift assignment problem.
- python-ortools-shiftplanning: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a shift planning problem.
- python-xpress-knapsack: Use Python and FICO Xpress to solve a knapsack problem.
These apps show more complete examples and use cases of different languages and solvers. Most demonstrate how to use devcontainers to run the app like it would run on Nextmv Cloud.
- go-highs-orderfulfillment: Use Go and the HiGHS solver to solve an order fulfillment problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- java-ortools-knapsack: Use Java and Google OR-Tools to solve a knapsack problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- java-ortools-routing: Use Java and Google OR-Tools to solve a vehicle routing problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-hexaly-knapsack: Use Python and Hexaly to solve a knapsack problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-ampl-facilitylocation: Use Python and AMPL to solve a facility location problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-ampl-priceoptimization: Use Python and AMPL to solve a price optimization problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-ortools-demandforecasting: Use Python and Google OR-Tools to solve a demand forecasting problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-pyomo-knapsack: Use Python and Pyomo to solve a knapsack problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-pyomo-shiftassignment: Use Python and Pyomo to solve a shift assignment problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-pyomo-shiftplanning: Use Python and Pyomo to solve a shift planning problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-pyoptinterface-knapsack: Use Python and PyOptInterface to solve a knapsack problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.
- python-pyvroom-routing: Use Python and Pyvroom to solve a vehicle routing problem. Demonstrates how to use devcontainers.