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Build With Closed Source Extensions

Chris Turczynskyj edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

This document will walk you through importing and using a closed source Connect extension in Eclipse.


You have cloned the latest release of Connect and have it successfully building in Eclipse. For this example we'll be using Connect 3.11.0. See Clone, Build, and Run from Source.

You have one of the NextGen closed source extensions for Connect matching the version number of Connect. For this example we'll be using the FHIR extension for 3.11.0.


Extract the plugin to Connect server's build/extensions folder (for example: connect/server/build/extensions/fhir).

Extract Extension

Refresh the Connect Server project. You should see some additions to the build folder.

Copy Extension Files

Configure the Server Classpath

Add the extension jars and extension libraries to the classpath

Right Click Server > Build Path > Configure Build Path...

Open Build Path

Click the "Libraries" tab.

Libraries Tab

Click the "Add JARs..." button. Select all of the JAR files at the root of the extension and all of the JARs in the extension's lib folder. In this case, the extension should be at Server/build/extensions/fhir.

Add JARs

Set the JAR Loading Order

Order the libraries on the "Order and Export" panel, moving the extension jars above the extension library jars. Sometimes we override functionality in included libraries and if our jars aren't loaded first, it can lead to errors and missing functionality.

Order JARs

You could also edit the Server/.classpath directly.

Edit Classpath

Test the Environment

Start Connect Server.

Start Connect Server

Start Connect Client then create and deploy a FHIR Listener channel.

Create FHIR Listener

The channel should deploy without errors.

Deploy FHIR Listener

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