UZABASE Tech Blog 「TypeScriptではじめるChatGPT API」のサンプルコードです。
実行にはNode.js 18以降が必要です。
git clone
cd learn-chatgpt-api
npm install
npm run build
npm install -g .
# アンインストール
npm uninstall -g learn-chatgpt-api
export OPENAI_ORGANIZATION=<your-organization>
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
chatgpt --help
# インストールしないで使う場合
npx ts-node src/index.ts --help
Usage: chatgpt [options] [command]
Learn ChatGPT API By Example
-h, --help display help for command
simple-chat [options] simple chat with ChatGPT
summary-and-comment [options] <url> summarize a web page
classify [options] <tag> <url> classify a web page
summary-long-text [options] <file> summarize a long text file
qa-with-search [options] <question> question answering with web search
create-embedding <infile> <outfile> create embeddings for a text file
qa-with-embedding [options] <question> question answering with embeddings
help [command] display help for command