Modern computers have multiple cores which can accelerate some tasks by running them in parallel. OpenMP is a library that simplifies this process. Both the gcc and Clang/LLVM compilers support OpenMP. This project evaluates OpenMP. It applies a Gaussian blur to a each 1D row of a large 4D image (simulating a resting state fMRI dataset, though note we actually blur all 3 spatial dimensions). The computation can be done independently for each row, so this is an example of an embarrassingly parallel
task. The identical code is compiled can be compiled with both gcc and Clang.
Apple's Clang does not come with OpenMP. However, you can add this library.
- You can get a compiled library.
- Alternatively, you can compile your own copy:
git clone
cd openmp; mkdir build; cd build
make install
Once you have installed the OpenMP libraries, you can compile using this library by including the -Xclang -fopenmp -lomp
compiler arguments.
Here the performance is evaluated for a single thread versus all those provided by the computer (e.g. 24 for the Ryzen 3900X, 8 for the others). However, you can also manually set the number of threads. Doing so will reveal that running four threads on the 8259u and M1 and 12 threads on the Ryzen 3900X perform similarly to using all available threads. This suggests that the SMT (Intel/AMD) and efficiency cores (Apple) do not have much impact on this test.
Clang 11, macOS, Intel 8259U (8 threads)
g++ -O3 -o omp main.cpp; time ./omp 4
Reporting minimum time for 4 repetitions with 1 threads
blur: min/mean 1083 1088 ms
real 0m6.884s
g++ -Xclang -fopenmp -O3 -o omp main.cpp -lomp; time ./omp 4
Reporting minimum time for 4 repetitions with 8 threads
blur: min/mean 234 236 ms
real 0m2.444s
Clang 10.0, Ubuntu, AMD 3900X (24 threads)
>clang++ -O3 -o omp main.cpp; time ./omp 4
blur: min/mean 655 658 ms
real 0m3.815s
>clang++ -O3 -fopenmp -o omp main.cpp; time ./omp 4
Reporting minimum time for 4 repetitions with 24 threads
blur: min/mean 51 51 ms
real 0m0.819s
clang 12.0, macOS, Apple M1 (8 threads)
> g++ -O3 -o omp main.cpp; time ./omp 4
Reporting minimum time for 4 repetitions with 1 threads
blur: min/mean 573 576 ms
./omp 4 3.09s user 0.38s system 85% cpu 4.073 total
g++ -Xclang -fopenmp -O3 -o omp main.cpp -lomp; time ./omp 4
Reporting minimum time for 4 repetitions with 8 threads
blur: min/mean 127 128 ms
./omp 4 5.40s user 0.74s system 515% cpu 1.191 total
- This repository provides the minimal code to describe the issue. It is based on the more complicated but practical niimath software.