This package provides DICOM to Nifti conversion with the added ability to extract and summarize meta data from the source DICOMs. The meta data can be injected it into a Nifti header extension or written out as a JSON formatted text file.
Documentation can be read online:
You can build the HTML documentation under build/sphinx/html with:
$ python build_sphinx
If you have the sphinx and numpydoc packages and a make command you can build the documentation by running the make command in the doc/ directory. For example, to create the HTML documentation you would do:
$ make html
And then view doc/_build/html/index.html with a web browser.
You can run the tests with:
$ python test
Or if you already have the nose package installed you can use the nosetests command in the top level directory:
$ nosetests
You can install the .zip or .tar.gz package with the easy_install command.
$ easy_install
Or you can uncompress the package and in the top level directory run:
$ python install