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Sparsifying Image Classification Models with the CLI

This page explains how to fine-tune a pre-sparsified Torchvision image classification models like ResNet-50 with SparseML's CLI.

Sparse Transfer Learning Overview

Sparse transfer learning is quite similiar to the typical transfer learning training, where we fine-tune a checkpoint pretrained on ImageNet onto a smaller downstream dataset. However, with Sparse Transfer Learning, we simply start the fine-tuning process from a pre-sparsified checkpoint and maintain sparsity while the training process occurs.

SparseZoo contains pre-sparsified checkpoints for common image classification models like ResNet-50 and EfficientNet, which can be used as the starting checkpoints for the training process.

Check out the full list of pre-sparsified models


Install SparseML via pip.

pip install sparseml[torchvision]

Sparse Transfer Learning with ResNet-50

Let's try a simple example of Sparse Transfer Learning ResNet-50 onto FastAI's Imagenette dataset (a subset of 10 easily classified classes from ImageNet).

Download Dataset

Download Imagnette to your local directory:

tar -xvf imagenette2-320.tgz

Kick off Training

We will use SparseML's sparseml.image_classification.train training script.

Transfer Learning Recipe

To run sparse transfer learning, we first need to create/select a sparsification recipe. For sparse transfer, we need a recipe that instructs SparseML to maintain sparsity during training and to quantize the model over the final epochs.

For ResNet-50, there is premade transfer learning recipe available in SparseZoo, identified by the following stub:


Here's what the transfer learning recipe looks like:

# Epoch and Learning-Rate variables
num_epochs: 10.0
init_lr: 0.0005

# quantization variables
quantization_epochs: 6.0

  - !EpochRangeModifier
    start_epoch: 0.0
    end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)

  - !LearningRateFunctionModifier
    final_lr: 0.0
    init_lr: eval(init_lr)
    lr_func: cosine
    start_epoch: 0.0
    end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)

# Phase 1 Sparse Transfer Learning / Recovery
  - !ConstantPruningModifier
    start_epoch: 0.0
    params: __ALL_PRUNABLE__

# Phase 2 Apply quantization
  - !QuantizationModifier
    start_epoch: eval(num_epochs - quantization_epochs)

The "Modifiers" encode how SparseML should modify the training process for Sparse Transfer Learning:

  • ConstantPruningModifier tells SparseML to pin weights at 0 over all epochs, maintaining the sparsity structure of the network
  • QuantizationModifier tells SparseML to quantize the weights with quantization aware training over the last 6 epochs

SparseML parses the instructions declared in the recipe and modifies the training loop accordingly before running the fine-tuning.

Run the Training Loop

Run the following to fine-tune the 95% pruned-quantized ResNet-50 on Imagenette.

sparseml.image_classification.train \
    --recipe zoo:cv/classification/resnet_v1-50/pytorch/sparseml/imagenet/pruned95_quant-none?recipe_type=transfer-classification \
    --checkpoint-path zoo:cv/classification/resnet_v1-50/pytorch/sparseml/imagenet/pruned95_quant-none?recipe_type=transfer-classification \
    --arch-key resnet50 \
    --dataset-path ./imagenette2-320\
    --batch-size 32

Let's discuss the key arguments:

  • --checkpoint-path specifies the starting model to use in the training process. It can either be a local path to a PyTorch checkpoint or a SparseZoo stub. Here, we passed a stub that identifies a 95% pruned-quantized version of ResNet-50 in the SparseZoo. The script downloads the PyTorch model to begin training.

  • --arch-key specifies the torchvision architecture of the checkpoint. For example, resnet50 or mobilenet.

  • --dataset-path specifies the dataset used for training. We passed the local path to Imagenette. The dataset should be in the ImageFolder format (we will describe the format below).

  • --recipe specifies the transfer learning recipe. In this case, we passed a SparseZoo stub, which instructs SparseML to download a premade ResNet50 transfer learning recipe. In addition to SparseZoo stubs, you can also pass a local path to a YAML recipe.

The script uses the SparseZoo stubs to identify and download the starting checkpoint and recipe file. SparseML then parses the transfer learning recipe and adjusts the training loop to maintain sparsity during the fine-tuning process. It then kicks off the transfer learning run.

The resulting model is 95% pruned and quantized ResNet-50 trained on Imagenette!

Run the help command to inspect the full list of arguments and configurations.

sparseml.image_classification.train --help

Export to ONNX

Run the following to export your model to ONNX for deployment with DeepSparse.

sparseml.image_classification.export_onnx \
  --arch_key resnet50 \
  --checkpoint_path ./checkpoint.pth \
  --dataset-path ./imagenette2-320

Modify a Recipe

To transfer learn this sparsified model to other datasets you may have to adjust certain hyperparameters in this recipe and/or training script. Some considerations:

  • For more complex datasets, increase the number of epochs, adjusting the learning rate step accordingly
  • Adding more learning rate step milestones can lead to more jumps in accuracy
  • Increase the learning rate when increasing batch size
  • Increase the number of epochs if using SGD instead of the Adam optimizer
  • Update the base learning rate based on the number of steps needed to train your dataset

To update a recipe, you can download the YAML file from SparseZoo, make updates to the YAML directly, and pass the local path to SparseML.

Alternatively, you can use --recipe_args to modify a recipe on the fly. The following runs for 15 epochs instead of 10:

sparseml.image_classification.train \
    --recipe zoo:cv/classification/resnet_v1-50/pytorch/sparseml/imagenet/pruned95_quant-none?recipe_type=transfer-classification \
    --recipe_args '{"num_epochs": 15}' \
    --checkpoint-path zoo:cv/classification/resnet_v1-50/pytorch/sparseml/imagenet/pruned95_quant-none?recipe_type=transfer-classification \
    --arch-key resnet50 \
    --dataset-path ./imagenette2-320\
    --batch-size 32

The --recipe_args are a json parsable dictionary of recipe variable names to values to overwrite the YAML-recipe.

Dataset Format

SparseML's Torchvision CLI conforms to the Torchvision ImageFolder dataset format, where images are arranged into directories representing each class. To use a custom dataset with the SparseML CLI, you will need to arrange your data into this format.

For example, the following downloads Imagenette to your local directory:

tar -xvf imagenette2-320.tgz

The resulting imagenette-320 directory looks like the following (where each subdirectory like n01440764 represents one of the 10 classes in the Imagenette dataset) and each .JPEG file is a training example.

    | ...

Wrapping Up

Checkout the DeepSparse repository for more information on deploying your sparse Image Classification models with DeepSparse for GPU class performance on CPUs.