I'm using several Nette components like Latte and love it. Thank you for your great work!
When I need to lookup some informations I go to google and type something like nette latte syntax off
I then click on the first search result and - unfortunately - land on the docs in GERMAN, as I am from Austria. This might be helpful to some, but for me is this ennoying me every time I have to look something up, as in programming the main language is english and many translations just dont make sense. I want the terms "margin", "padding", "border" etc. to always be those terms and not be translated to "Rahmen" or such.
"Just change the language in the header" you might suggest.
Yes and no...
First, it's annoying to do this over and over again.
Second, if you are further down the page the GUI for changing the language is hidden:

Jump into the shoes of the website visitor and tell me: Where do I change the language from german to english???
IMHO this is really getting annoying and therefore I wanted to report it.
It would be great if you could either turn off this auto language "feature" or if that is not possible add a feature where the website remembers my last chosen language via localStorage for example. That way everybody could choose his/her preferred language and first time visitors get presented the website in the language of their OS.
Thx a lot in advance.