All notable changes to this project will be documented here.
- Indicator script syntax highlighter
- Threshold audio assistant
- Import audio files (dragndrop)
- Configure multiple thresholds for both trade type simultaneously
- Separate gifs for both side
- Add volume to prices pane
- Trade pane refactor
- rma() indicator functions
- pivot_high & pivot_low to take left & right argument
- Aggregate liquidations if trade aggregation is enabled
- Indicator functions pivot_high + pivot_low
- Improved search & symbol normalization
- Markets filter on chart
- Binance.US exchange
- Responsive panes
- Phemex exchange
- Tick charts
- Audio playurl()
- Audio play() accept fadeIn and fadeOut
- Audio presets
- Pane presets
- Audio pitch
- Pane volume
- Zoom pane
- Dynamic panes
- Workspaces
- Custom audio per threshold
- Liquidation threshold
- Plot function
- Outlined icons
- Custom series
- Show / hide serie without unloading
- Dynamic series (detach activeSerie from serie type allowing infinite series on chart)
- Allow change serie input from serie dialog
- Fix remove threshold
- Never unload present chunks (> minimum visible range)
- Trim chart after 30min
- Set maximum stored bars to 100 bars * 100 chunks (10000 bars, 1 bar = 1 exchange at time)
- Inline code editor for input function
- Animate threshold reordering
- Import / export settings
- Background color option
- Beep sound pitch adjustment
- Fix chart's broken cumulative data after keepalive redraw
- Fix exchange threshold (threshold x multiplier) formula
- Lowered exchange threshold slider steps (ux)
- Fix 1000k issue
- Sound varitions now match thresholds (1 bip at minimum threshold, 2 at the 2nd threshold, 4 at the third)
- Doubled sell song power
- Fixed ohlc "high" spikes at liquidation (server)
- Products autocomplete (search)
- Vue CLI 3
- Webpack dev server with proxy
- Stats histogram type for multi counters (when input is an array)
- Choose serie type (line, bar, candlestick, histogram) in serie dialog (experimental)
- Fixed aggegation accuracy
- Fixed stats chart update interval (always 1s)
- Default stats now include 1h liquidation (shorts vs longs) as multi counter
- Improved threshold colors efficiency
- Big codestyle fix
- Fixed update of stats period
- Pause stats keepAlive when mouse over stats chart
- Fixed counters edition
- Chart height when exchangesBar is visible
- Changelog !
- Stats panel is back
- Counters and stats are only updated after 1s to reduce lag
- Expose candle border colors (borderUpColor + borderDownColor) in price serie settings
- Loading indicator now working again
- Fixed a bunch of mutations subscriptions
- Increased default chart refresh rate from 50ms to 500ms
- Enabled Huobi by default
- Disabled FTX by default