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210 lines (170 loc) · 9.85 KB

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210 lines (170 loc) · 9.85 KB

Note: this file was automatically generated, to update execute "make generate-configuration"
Note: the data was generated from network definitions under the network_definitions folder

flowlogs-pipeline Metrics

Each table below provides documentation for an exported flowlogs-pipeline metric. The documentation describes the metric, the collected information from network flow-logs and the transformation to generate the exported metric.

bandwidth per network service

Description This metric observes the network bandwidth per network service
Details Sum bytes for all traffic per network service
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per network service
Tags bandwidth, graph, rate, network-service
OperationType aggregate by service, _RecordType and sum field bytes
Exposed as flp_bandwidth_per_network_service of type counter
Visualized as "Bandwidth per network service" on dashboard details

bandwidth per src dest subnet

Description This metric observes the network bandwidth per source and destination subnets
Details Sum bandwidth bytes for all traffic per source / destination subnet pair
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per source / destination subnet pair
Tags bandwidth, graph, rate, subnet
OperationType aggregate by dstSubnet24, srcSubnet24, _RecordType and sum field bytes
Exposed as flp_bandwidth_per_source_destination_subnet of type counter
Visualized as "Bandwidth per src and destination subnet" on dashboard details

connection length histogram

Description A histogram of connection size in bytes
Details Connection size in bytes distribution over time
Usage Evaluate connection size behavior including mice/elephant use-case
Tags bandwidth, mice, elephant, rate
OperationType aggregate by _RecordType and raw_values field bytes_total
OperationType aggregate by _RecordType and raw_values field bytes_AB
OperationType aggregate by _RecordType and raw_values field bytes_BA
Exposed as flp_connection_size_histogram of type agg_histogram
Exposed as flp_connection_size_histogram_ab of type agg_histogram
Exposed as flp_connection_size_histogram_ba of type agg_histogram
Visualized as "Connection size in bytes heatmap" on dashboard details
Visualized as "Connection size in bytes histogram" on dashboard totals

connection rate per dest subnet

Description This metric observes network connections rate per destination subnet
Details Counts the number of connections per subnet with network prefix length /16
Usage Evaluate network connections per subnet
Tags rate, subnet
OperationType aggregate by dstSubnet, _RecordType and count field isNewFlow
Exposed as flp_connections_per_destination_subnet of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per destinationIP /16 subnets" on dashboard details

connection rate per src subnet

Description This metric observes network connections rate per source subnet
Details Counts the number of connections per subnet with network prefix length /16
Usage Evaluate network connections per subnet
Tags rate, subnet
OperationType aggregate by srcSubnet, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_connections_per_source_subnet of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per sourceIP /16 subnets" on dashboard details

connection rate per tcp flags

Description This metric observes network connections rate per TCPFlags
Details Counts the number of connections per tcp flags
Usage Evaluate difference in connections rate of different TCP Flags. Can be used, for example, to identify syn-attacks.
Tags rate, TCPFlags
OperationType aggregate by TCPFlags, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_connections_per_tcp_flags of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per TCPFlags" on dashboard details

connections per dst as

Description This metric counts network connections per destination Autonomous System (AS)
Details Aggregates flow records by values of "DstAS" field and counts the number of entries in each aggregate with non zero value
Usage Evaluate amount of connections targeted at different Autonomous Systems
Tags rate, count, AS
OperationType aggregate by dstAS, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_connections_per_destination_as of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per destination AS" on dashboard details

connections per src as

Description This metric counts network connections per source Autonomous System (AS)
Details Aggregates flow records by values of "SrcAS" field and counts the number of entries in each aggregate with non zero value
Usage Evaluate amount of connections initiated by different Autonomous Systems
Tags rate, count, AS
OperationType aggregate by srcAS, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_connections_per_source_as of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per source AS" on dashboard details

count per src dest subnet

Description This metric counts the number of distinct source / destination subnet pairs
Details Count the number of distinct source / destination subnet pairs
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per source / destination subnet pair
Tags count, graph, rate, subnet
OperationType aggregate by dstSubnet24, srcSubnet24, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_count_per_source_destination_subnet of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate of src / destination subnet occurences" on dashboard details

egress bandwidth per dest subnet

Description This metric observes the network bandwidth per destination subnet
Details Sum egress bytes for all traffic per destination subnet
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per destination subnet
Tags bandwidth, graph, rate, subnet
OperationType aggregate by dstSubnet, _RecordType and sum field bytes
Exposed as flp_egress_per_destination_subnet of type counter
Visualized as "Bandwidth per destination subnet" on dashboard details
Visualized as "Total bandwidth" on dashboard totals

egress bandwidth per namespace

Description This metric observes the network bandwidth per namespace
Details Sum egress bytes for all traffic per namespace
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per namespace
Tags kubernetes, bandwidth, graph
OperationType aggregate by srcK8S_Namespace, srcK8S_Type, _RecordType and sum field bytes
Exposed as flp_egress_per_namespace of type counter
Visualized as "Bandwidth per namespace" on dashboard details

flows length histogram

Description A histogram of flowlog bytes
Details Flows length distribution over time
Usage Evaluate flows length behavior including mice/elephant use-case
Tags bandwidth, mice, elephant, rate
OperationType aggregate by all_Evaluate, _RecordType and raw_values field bytes
Exposed as flp_flows_length_histogram of type agg_histogram
Visualized as "Flows length heatmap" on dashboard details
Visualized as "Flows length histogram" on dashboard totals

geo location rate per dest

Description This metric observes connections geo-location rate per destination IP
Details Counts the number of connections per geo-location based on destination IP
Usage Evaluate network connections geo-location
Tags rate, connections-count, geo-location, destinationIP
OperationType aggregate by dstLocation_CountryName, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_connections_per_destination_location of type counter
Visualized as "Connections rate per destinationIP geo-location" on dashboard details

loki bandwidth per namespace

Description This metric observes the bandwidth per namespace (from Loki)
Details Sum bytes for all traffic per source namespace
Usage Evaluate network usage breakdown per source namespace
Tags loki, graph, rate, namespace
Visualized as "Bandwidth per source namespace" on dashboard details

loki logs per sec

Description This metric observes the number of loki logs
Details Rate of loki logs per sec
Usage Evaluate loki service usage
Tags loki, graph, rate
Visualized as "Loki logs rate" on dashboard details

network services count

Description This metric observes network services rate (total)
Details Counts the number of connections per network service based on destination port number and protocol
Usage Evaluate network services
Tags rate, network-services, destination-port, destination-protocol
OperationType aggregate by service, _RecordType and count
Exposed as flp_service_count of type counter
Visualized as "Network services connections rate" on dashboard details
Visualized as "Number of network services" on dashboard totals