- Authors: Mijndert Stuij, Jorijn Schrijvershof, Remco Brink
- Tags: cookies, eu, nl, vertaling, cookiewet
- Minimal WordPress version: 3.3.2
- Getest tot versie: 3.4.2
- Stable tag: 1.5
- License: GPLv2
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
A simple WordPress plugin which helps you comply with the EU cookies and privacy directive by showing a message that cookies are used on the website. The plugin shows a bar at the top of the page where website visitors are told that the site uses cookies. The plugin will also create a page within WordPress where you can place your cookie policy.
- Extract the archive in wp-content/plugins
- Activate the plugin in your WordPress administrative interface.
- Change the settings of the cookie bar
- Change the text of your cookie policy page.
The authors of this plugin are not responsible for any technical or personal injuries caused by this plugin.
Yes, this plugin will remain free forever. No money will ever be charged for this plugin.
This code was released under the GPLv2 license. You can change the code as much as you want.
You can file bugreports at GitHub: https://github.com/net2grid/eu-cookiewet-wordpress-plugin/issues