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Phil Hagelberg edited this page Jun 8, 2024 · 59 revisions


Available Commands

Cart Editing

Command Description Usage
new Creates a new Hello World cartridge. new < lua | python | ruby | js | moon | fennel | scheme | squirrel | wren | wasm | janet >
load Load cartridge from the local filesystem (there's no need to type the .tic extension). You can also load just the data (sprites, map etc) from another cart. load <cart> [ code | tiles | sprites | map | sfx | music | palette | flags | screen ]
save Save cartridge to the local filesystem, use .lua .py .rb .js .moon .fnl .nut .wren .wasmp cart extension to save it in text format to use an external editor [PRO version]. Use .png to save it in a png cartridge. save <cart>
edit Switches to the code editor. edit
run Run current project. run
resume Resume last loaded project. Accepts reload argument in 1.2 or later. resume [reload]
import Import code/images from an external file. See Importing Images. Use load to import code/sprites/music/… from another cart. import [ binary | tiles | sprites | map | code | screen] <file> [bank=0 x=0 y=0 w=0 h=0 vbank=0]
eval / = Run code. See Evaluating Code. eval / =

File System interaction

Command Description Usage
dir / ls Show list of local files. dir / ls
mkdir Make directory. mkdir
cd Change directory. cd
del Delete from the filesystem. del <file>
folder Open working directory in OS (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). folder
add Show file open dialog to add file to TIC [browser version]. add
get Show file save dialog to download file [browser version]. Save the cart first if you don't find the file. get <file>
export Export currently loaded cart to HTML or as a native build, export sprites or cover as image, or export sfx and music to wav files (0.80), export help in a markdown file. <outfile> argument is the output file name. Use alone=1 to export the game without the editors [PRO version]. export [ win | winxp | linux | rpi | mac | html | binary | tiles | sprites | map | mapimg | sfx | music | screen | help] <outfile> [bank=0 vbank=0 id=0 alone=0]


Command Description Usage
help Show current version, welcome message, specs, 80K RAM layout, 16K VRAM layout, list of available commands, api commands, keys, buttons and their corresponding codes, startup options, terms, license. help [<text> | version | welcome | spec | ram | vram | commands | api | keys | buttons | startup | terms | license]
config Show config file editor when used without parameter, use reset param to reset current configuration, use default to edit default cart template. config [reset | default]
menu Show menu where you can setup keyboard/gamepad buttons mapping, change editor options and much more. menu
surf Open carts browser. surf
cls / clear Clear screen. cls / clear
exit / quit Exit the application. exit / quit
demo Install demo carts. demo

For those operating systems that support it, tab completion and command history is available in the console.

Evaluating Code

Example of eval usage.
To log the results use trace.
Note that you need to run a cart first to launch the virtual machine, otherwise you'll get an empty string whatever you do.

> eval trace("Hello World")
Hello World
> eval t=8

> eval trace(t%3)

Importing Images

Put your file to import in the TIC-80/ folder and not the folder where your exe file is. Find the TIC-80 folder by typing folder in the console.

While importing images, colors are merged to the closest color of the palette.
For example, with default palette, this image:




Note that if the palette is all black (like default bank1) the imported image will be all black.

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