A $random nerd with a strange and dark neuro-operating-system and some complicated and weired config-files written in Haskell and Python who failed the Turing-Test. I like to hack around with the following languages completely unqualified:
I live in the ~terminal and have built my entire toolset on top of it. I use the following tools permanently and the configs can be found in my [ DOTFILES ]. I have some Computers around me in my private hackspace. Every machine is running NixOS - without Flakes and Homemanager at the moment - but organized modules which can be found in my [ NixOS CONFIGS ].
Software is one side of my life - hardware is the other. I love to build mechanical keyboards. I create a own keymap called [ KYB3R_KEYS ] and started cataloging my keyboards on [keebs.nerdbude]. When I'm not building keyboards, I talk about it on the CCH! podcast.