Top => IntelliJ IDEA on Mac OS X
The decompose conditional refactoring is used to simplify a long series of if/else blocks and/or switch blocks. This usually improves readability, and often has the side benefit of making duplicate code more obvious, when duplication hides in the repetitious blocks of code.
- ⌃⇥ (Ctrl + Tab) - navigate from the project view pane to an editor pane
- ⌘↖︎ (Command + Home) or fn⌘← (Fn + Command + Left Arrow) - navigate to the top of the file (in editor)
- ⇧ and ↓ (Shift) with (Down Arrow) - select lines
- ⌘⌥M (Command + Option + M) - open the "extract method" dialog
Keystrokes without explanations
⌘↖︎ (or fn⌘←)
⌘L 10
hold ⇧
↓ <= 20 times
release ⇧
⌘L 12
hold ⇧
↓ <= 19 times
release ⇧
⌘L 21
hold ⇧
↓ <= 19 times
release ⇧
hold ⌃
release ⌃
Reverse the changes:
⌘Z (Command + Z) repeatedly.
Walkthrough of steps with explanations
- Open the Java source file,
- If focus is not already in the editor pane for, press ⌃⇥ (Ctrl + Tab) and select the editor pane for
- Press ⌘↖︎ (Command + Home) or fn⌘← (Fn + Command + Left Arrow) to place the caret at the top of the file.
- Press ⌘L (Command + L) to open the "goto line number" dialog. Navigate to line 10. (This should be a line that reads, "int errorCount = 0;").
- Hold ⇧(Shift) and press ↓(Down Arrow) 20 times to select the if/else block that starts on line 10 (through line 29).
- Press ⌘⌥M (Command + Option +M) to open the "extract method" dialog.
- In the "extract method" dialog, select:
- Visibility: leave as private
- Name: change to validateArguments
- Arguments: leave as presented
- Press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to apply the refactoring.
- Press ⌘L (Command + L) to open the "goto line number" dialog. Navigate to line 12. (This should be a line that reads, "if (intArg >= 0 && intArg < 10) {").
- Hold ⇧(Shift) and press ↓(Down Arrow) 19 times to select the if/else block that starts on line 12 (through line 30).
- Press ⌘⌥M (Command + Option +M) to open the "extract method" dialog.
- In the "extract method" dialog, select:
- Visibility: leave as private
- Name: leave as presented
- Arguments: leave as presented
- Press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to apply the refactoring.
- IntelliJ displays a dialog for "No exact method duplicates were found" and offers the option to keep the original signature or accept the changed signature. Press ← (Left Arrow) to highlight keep original signature and press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to select that option.
- IntelliJ displays a dialog offering to replace the near-duplicate code. Press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to accept the suggestion.
- At this point there is near-duplicate code inside the extracted getString() method.
- Press ⌘L (Command + L) to open the "goto line number" dialog. Navigate to line 21. (This should be a line that reads, "if (intArg >= 0 && intArg < 10) {").
- Hold ⇧(Shift) and press ↓(Down Arrow) 7 times to select the if/else block that starts on line 21 (through line 27).
- Press ⌘⌥M (Command + Option +M) to open the "extract method" dialog.
- In the "extract method" dialog, select:
- Visibility: leave as private
- Name: change to valueForRange
- Arguments: leave as presented
- Press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to apply the refactoring.
- IntelliJ displays a drop-down message entitled "Process Duplicates," with the message "IDEA has detected 1 code fragment," etc.
- The default selection is "No." Press ⌃⇥ (Ctrl + Tab) to move the cursor to "Yes."
- Press ⏎ (Return/Enter) to accept the suggestion.
To reverse the changes:
- Press ⌘Z (Command + Z) repeatedly until the changes have been reversed.