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Fabio Biola edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 17 revisions


  • added 'enable action bar shadow' functionality
  • resolved issue #230
  • added 'Default section loaded' functionality
  • fixed issue #200
  • fixed issue #187
  • added method removeSection for removing sections at runtime


  • updated material-ripple library
  • resolved issue #157
  • resolved back to pattern issue with toolbar #181
  • resolved issue #157
  • added method removeAccount, now accounts can be removed programmatically.
  • added method isDrawerOpen for checking if drawer is open or close


  • changed ripple effect library to material-ripple
  • account type -> created methods for set programmatically the username and email text color.
  • fixed more than 3 tabs bug #149
  • fixed smallestScreenWidthDp bug #145
  • fixed background clickable bug #146
  • fixed #143 bug
  • fixed #140 bug
  • now section can use his real color using newSectionWithRealColor methods
  • fixed section click behaviour #91
  • fixed layout problems #137
  • sections are now clickable if drawer is not closed properly #120


  • added multiple profile support
  • added account section list
  • fixed bug at #33 issue
  • hiding menu when the drawer is open (testing)
  • added RTL support
  • added master/detail flow
  • added drawer dark theme on -> MaterialNavigationDrawerTheme
  • fixed OutOfMemory errors


  • Added backpattern custom
  • resolved multipanes problems
  • removed default ripple support to all devices, added possibility to set to all 14+ devices.
  • added text notifications on sections
  • fixed change to first section on device rotation
  • added DrawerListener callbacks
  • fixed multiple clicks on drawer closing
  • added drawer header types


  • added support for int resources in newSection methods
  • changed method name from addSuheader to addSubheader
  • added support to API 10 (Gingerbread)
  • added ripple effect on every device with API 14+, thanks to Android-UI library
  • added learning pattern, now as default drawer will be open on starts.
  • added back pattern.


  • added Roboto font instead default internal font, thanks to Calligraphy library
  • added subheaders support.
  • added method for remove account data section from drawer.
  • section now support custom listeners.


  • added multi pane support
  • removed arrow animation when drawer is open/close
  • bottomSections now is not pinned to the bottom following material design guidelines
  • fixed account image background height problem


  • fixed tablet width drawer bug
  • added fade effect when switching between accounts for background image


  • added Google Gmail app transitions when switching accounts.


  • fixed return null on init() issue
  • added DarkActionBar theme
  • fixed fragments overlapping issue
  • now is possible change actionbar title from fragment


  • fixed addSection bug found here
  • now there are Dark (default) and Light version of MaterialNavigationDrawerTheme
  • removed useless newBottomSection(), use newSection() instead
  • added getAccountAtCurrentPosition(int position) that get the current account at position passed.


  • navigation drawer under status bar and status bar colors


  • Async load for account informations


  • Added Multiple Account support with max of 3.


  • Added both Fragment support ( Google support Fragment and Android Fragment)


  • Added notification functionality
  • passing to from support Fragment
  • Added secondAccount and thirdAccount functionality


  • Added to maven central repository


  • Create base Navigation Drawer with material design style and Sections
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