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Library Management

System Requirements:

  1. Any library member should be able to search books by their title, author, subject category as well by the publication date.
  2. Each book will have a unique identification number and other details including a rack number which will help to physically locate the book.
  3. There could be more than one copy of a book, and library members should be able to check-out and reserve any copy. We will call each copy of a book, a book item.
  4. The system should be able to retrieve information like who took a particular book or what are the books checked-out by a specific library member.
  5. There should be a maximum limit (5) on how many books a member can check-out.
  6. There should be a maximum limit (10) on how many days a member can keep a book.
  7. The system should be able to collect fines for books returned after the due date.
  8. Members should be able to reserve books that are not currently available.
  9. The system should be able to send notifications whenever the reserved books become available, as well as when the book is not returned within the due date.
  10. Each book and member card will have a unique barcode. The system will be able to read barcodes from books and members' library cards.

Use Case:

  1. Add/Remove/Edit Book
  2. Search CatLog
  3. Register/Cancel New Account
  4. Check-out Book
  5. Reserve Book
  6. Renew Book
  7. Return Book


Object Definition
Book Book id, Title, Author, subject, Category, Count
Author Author Id, Author name, and List of books
Library Library id, and List of racks
Rack Rack id, list of Books
Person user id, name, address, email
Member This is a person with library card, and total books checked out
Librarian This is a person, with checkout, create\edit\block Member
LibraryCard Card Id, user id, bar code
Account This will extend from Librarian or from Member
BarCodeReader Reads book\member bar code
Reservation This is to reserve a book
BookingReservation This will allocate the book to user
ReturnReservation This will take away the book from user
WaitlingListReservation This will add user to the book waiting list
Fines Collect fines
Notification This will take care of sending the notification

##High Level Design