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This repo contains a list of helpful Flutter related questions you can use to interview potential candidates.


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Flutter Interview Questions

This file contains a number of Flutter interview questions.

Note: Keep in mind that many of these questions are open-ended and could lead to interesting discussions.

Title: Flutter Interview Questions

  • What is the difference between a StatelessWidget and a StatefulWidget in Flutter?
  • Explain the Stateful Widget Lifecycle?
  • When do you use the WidgetsBindingObserver?
  • What is Flutter tree shaking?
  • What is a Spacer widget?
  • What is the difference between hot restart and hot reload?
  • What is an InheritedWidget? List some examples.
  • Why is the build() method on State and not StatefulWidgets?
  • What is a pubspec file in Dart?
  • How is Flutter native?
  • What is a Navigator and what are Routes in Flutter?
  • What is a PageRoute?
  • Explain async, await and Futures.
  • How can you update a ListView dynamically?
  • What is a Stream?
  • What are keys in Flutter and when should you use it?
  • What are GlobalKeys?
  • When should you use mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment?
  • When can you use double.INFINITY?
  • What is Ticker, Tween and AnimatedBuilder?
  • What is ephemeral state?
  • What is an AspectRatio widget used for?
  • How would you access StatefulWidget properties from its State?
  • Is there a suggested limit to the number of FloatingActionButtons a screen can have? Give a reason(s) for your answer
  • Mention two or more operations that would require you to use or return a Future.
  • What is the purpose of a SafeArea?
  • When to use a mainAxisSize?
  • SizedBox VS Container?
  • List the Visibility widgets in flutter and the differences?
  • Can we use Color and Decoration property simultaneously in the Container? Explain
  • Inorder for the CrossAxisAlignment.baseline to work what is another property that we need to set?
  • when should we use a resizeToAvoidBottomInset?
  • What is the difference between 'as','show' and 'hide' in an import statement?
  • What is the importance of a TextEditingController?
  • Why do we use a Reverse property in a Listview?
  • Difference between a Modal and Persistent BottomSheet with an example?
  • How is an Inherited Widget different from a Provider?
  • What is an UnmodifiableListView?
  • Difference between these operators "?? and ?."
  • What is the purpose of ModalRoute.of()?
  • Difference between a Navigator.pushNamed and Navigator.pushReplacementNamed?
  • Difference between a Single Instance and Scoped Instance ?

Title: Animation Interview Questions

  • What is a vsync?
  • When does the animation reach completed or dismissed status?
  • Difference between `AnimationController and Animation?
  • When to use a SingleTickerProviderStateMixin and TickerProviderStateMixin?
  • Define a TweenAnimation ?
  • State the importance of a Ticker ?
  • Why do we need a mixins ?

Title: FireStore Interview Questions

  • Difference between getDocuments() vs snapshots()?

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This repo contains a list of helpful Flutter related questions you can use to interview potential candidates.







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