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560 lines (397 loc) · 18.9 KB

File metadata and controls

560 lines (397 loc) · 18.9 KB

Org-SQL Github Workflow Status MELPA VERSION

This package converts org-mode files to Structured Query Language (SQL) and stores them in a database, which can then be used for comprehensive data analysis and visualization. Supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, and Microsoft SQL-Server.


Download the package from MELPA

M-x package-install RET org-sql RET

Alternatively, clone this repository into your config directory

git clone ~/config/path/org-sql/

Once obtained, add the package to load-path and require it

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/config/path/org-sql/")
(require 'org-sql)

One can also use use-package to automate this entire process

(use-package org-sql
  :ensure t
  ;; add config options here...


Only Emacs 29.3 has been tested. It will probably work for others.

Emacs packages

  • org-ml.el (5.8.8)
  • dash.el (2.19.1)
  • s.el (1.13)
  • f.el (0.20.0)

Versions indicated those that have been tested. Others may work but are not guaranteed.

As of version 5.8.8, org-ml.el requires org 9.6.x to work. 9.7.x and later will break.

Database Clients

Only the client binary for your desired implementation are required (ensure they are in your PATH):

  • sqlite3
  • psql (PostgreSQL)
  • mysql (MariaDB/MySQL)
  • sqlcmd (SQL-Server)

See the conda environment file at env-XX.Y.yml (where XX.Y corresponds to the emacs version) for the exact versions of the each client used for testing. These were provided with the following packages:

  • sqlite (for sqlite)
  • postgresql (for PostgreSQL)
  • mysqlclient (for MariaDB and MySQL)
  • go-sqlcmd (for SQL-Server)

Database Servers

The following databases servers/versions are supported and tested:

  • PostgreSQL (16, 15, 14, 13)
  • MariaDB (11.4, 10.6, 10.5)
  • MySQL (8.4, 8.0)
  • SQL-Server (2022, 2019, 2017)

Many versions besides these will likely work; these are simply those that are in the testing suite.


General Behavior

  • org-sql-files: list of org files to sync with the database
  • org-sql-async: turn on to spawn the database client process asynchronously (and hence not block Emacs while the client is updating the database)
  • org-sql-debug: turn on SQL transaction debug output in the message buffer

Database Storage

Options following the pattern org-sql-exclude-X or org-sql-excluded-X dictate what not to store in the database. By default all these variables are nil (include everything). See the help page for each of these for further details.

Database Connection

The database connection is controlled by org-sql-db-config. This is where one would choose the database client (and server connection if applicable) as well as database-specific behavior. The format for this variable is like (DB-TYPE [KEY VAL] [[KEY VAL] ...]) where DB-TYPE is the type of database to use and the KEY-VAL pairs are options for that database.

DB-TYPE is one of sqlite, pgsql, mysql, or sqlserver (a symbol).

An explanation of the KEY-VAL pairs is below.

General Guidelines

While the docstring of org-sql-db-config is a good reference, the following are some sane guidelines for each database configuration.


This is by far the simplest and only requires the :path key (the path to the file where the database will be stored).

All Databases Except SQLite

The only required key for these is :database which is the database name to use.

Most other needs should be satisfied by the database-specific keys in each subsection below. If your configuration requires more than this, the :args and :env key exists as catchall keys. The former is a list of additional arguments to send to the client command, and the latter is a list of 2-membered lists like (VAR VAL) which sets the environmental values with which the client command will run. Consult the documentation for the client command (eg psql, mysql, or sqlcmd) for which arguments and environemtal variables make sense.


Likely one would set the :hostname key unless using the localhost.

From here many other options are possible. A simple setup (eg one using a straightforward docker deployment) might define a username, password, and port (denoted by the :username, :password, and :port keys respectively). If the database stores other data alongside that from org-sql, one can create a schema specifically for org-sql and set the :schema key with the name of this schema.

To prevent leaking a password in plain text, one can use a .pgpass file as normally used with the psql command, or set the :pass-file key to the path of the password file. More advanced setups can utilize the .pg_service file as normal, or set the :service-file key to the desired path to the service file.

As an additional performance optimization, set the :unlogged key as t to use unlogged tables. This may significantly boost performance, particularly for functions in org-sql that do bulk inserts (eg org-sql-user-push and org-sql-push-to-db). The tradeoff is data loss if the database crashes during a transaction, which may be acceptable if the org-files denoted by org-sql-files are more permanent than the database itself. NOTE: this only sets the unlogged property on the tables that org-sql uses; no other tables will be changed.


Likely one would set the :hostname key unless using the localhost.

Similar to Postgres, a simple setup might define a username, password, and port (denoted by the :username, :password, and :port keys respectively). Unlike Postgres, one might also need to set the :args key with "--protocol=TCP" if using a TCP connection (see above for explanation of :args).

To prevent leaking a password in plain text, one can use an options file as normally used with the mysql command (eg .my.cnf), as well as any other connection parameters in the place of keys. If the options file is in a non-default location, set it with the :defaults-file key. A similar key exists for the defaults-extra file (:defaults-extra-file).

SQL Server

Likely one would set the :server key to denote the instance of the server to use (eg ",1443"). Note that this takes the place of the :hostname/:port keys for MySQL and Postgres.

Specify the username and password using the keys :username and password respectively. If the database stores other data alongside that from org-sql, one can create a schema specifically for org-sql and set the :schema key with the name of this schema.

To prevent hardcoding the password in Emacs code, one can set the "SQLCMDINI" environmental variable in the :env key (see above) to the path of a startup file which sets the password using the "SQLCMDPASSWORD" environmental variable.

Database Preparation

Since org-sql cannot assume it has superuser access to your database and/or filesystem, external configuration will be necessary in many cases before running any commands with this package.


The only configuration necessary is to ensure that the path denoted by :path is writable to the same user running emacs.

Postgres and SQL-Server

The database server as well as the database itself (eg the database defined by the :database key) must already exist. Additionally, there must be a role defined that org-sql can use for the connection. If :schema is non-nil, the schema defined by this key must already exist. If it is undefined, org-sql will use the default schema (public for Postgres and usually dbo for SQL-Server). In any case, the role to be used by org-sql must have authorization to create tables and insert/delete rows from those tables on the configured schema.

See init files for Postgres and SQL-Server for bare-bones examples.


The database server must already exist and the database defined by the :database key must also already exist. The user used by org-sql to connect must have permissions to create tables and insert/delete data from said tables.

See the init file for MariaDB for bare-bones example.

Database Customization

org-sql by default will only create tables (with pimary and foreign keys) and insert/delete data in these tables. If you want to do anything beyond this such as creating additional indexes, adding triggers, defining and calling procedures, etc, one can do so through 'hooks'. These are variables that hold additional SQL statements that will be run along with the functions in org-sql.

These variables are:

  • org-sql-post-init-hooks: run after org-sql-init-db
  • org-sql-post-push-hooks: run after org-sql-push-to-db
  • org-sql-post-clear-hooks: run after org-sql-clear-db
  • org-sql-pre-reset-hooks: run before org-sql-reset-db

See the docstrings of these variables for how to define the custom SQL statements and how to control their execution.


Interactive Functions

The following functions can be invoked using M-x and should cover the simple use case of creating a database and syncing org files to it.


Run org-sql-user-init. In the case of SQLite, this will create a new database file. In all cases this will create the tables associated with org-sql.

Inserting data

Run org-sql-user-push. This will synchronize the database with all files as indicated in org-sql-files by first checking if the file is in the database and inserting it if not. Any renamed files will also be updated. If the contents of a file are changed, the entire file is deleted from the database and reinserted. Files with identical contents are only stored once (with the exception of the file paths and attributes that point to the identical files).

This may take several seconds/minutes if inserting many files depending on the speed of your device (particularly IO) and the size/number of files. This operation will also block Emacs until complete. Even if org-sql-async is t, Emacs will still block for all computation internal to Emacs (getting the org-element trees and converting them to SQL statements that will sync their contents).

If performance/blocking is a concern, the best way to improve update speeds is to use many small org files rather than a few big ones. Because the only efficient way to 'update' a file is to delete and reinsert it into the database, changing one character in a large file will cause that entire file to be inserted.

Removing all data

Run org-sql-user-clear-all. This will clear all data but leave the schema.


Run org-sql-user-reset. This will drop all tables associated with org-sql. In the case of SQLite, this will also delete the database file.

Pulling data out

If you make changes in the database, run org-sql-user-pull to obtain the current database state. This will return a list where each member has the file path and its corresponding org-tree. Each org-tree can then be converted to a string using org-ml-to-string from the org-ml library.

For now this will pull all the contents of the database. Fine-grained query control is planned for a future release.


The interactive functions above will print a "success" message if the client command returns an exit code of 0. While a non-zero exit code almost certainly means something went wrong, the transaction may still have failed even if the client returned 0. If running a command seems to have no effect on the database, set org-sql-debug to t and run the command again. This will print any additional output given by the client (which are configured when called by org-sql to print errors to stdout/stderr) and will likely explain what went wrong.

Additionally, the command org-sql-dump-push-transaction will print the transaction used by the org-sql-push-to-db and org-sql-user-push commands.

Public API

org-sql exposes the following public functions for interacting with the database beyond the use cases covered by the above interactive functions:

  • Table-level Operations
    • org-sql-create-tables
    • org-sql-drop-tables
    • org-sql-list-tables
  • Database-level Operations
    • org-sql-create-db
    • org-sql-drop-db
    • org-sql-db-exists
  • Init/Teardown Operations
    • org-sql-init-db
    • org-sql-reset-db
  • Data-level Operations
    • org-sql-dump-table
    • org-sql-push-to-db
    • org-sql-pull-from-db
    • org-sql-clear-db
  • Other SQL Commands
    • org-sql-send-sql


OS support

This has currently only been tested on Linux and will likely break on Windows (it may work on MacOS). Support for other operating systems is planned for future releases.

Logbook variables

The structure of the logbook (eg the the thing that holds clocks, notes, state changes, etc under a given headline) is determined by several variables. org-sql understands these three:

  • org-log-into-drawer
  • org-clock-into-drawer
  • org-log-note-clock-out

These variables (may not be exhaustive) are not understood:

  • org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers
  • org-log-note-headings.

The reason for this scope of support is due to org-ml, the library on which org-sql depends to parse org-mode syntax.

Inserting data

When inserting data (org-sql-push-to-db), the three supported variables above will be used to determine what a valid logbook should look like. File-level (eg defined with the #+PROPERTY keyword) and headline-level (eg defined in a PROPERTIES drawer) values of these variables are also understood.

This has two consequences:

  1. modifications to any unsupported variable that change the logbook may result in an unrecognizeable logbook that will not be inserted into the proper tables (most likely it will end up in the headlines table under the contents column)
  2. manual edits to the logbook that are out of sync with how it would normally be produced using the given variables will result in a similar situation as (1)

Pulling data

When pulling data (org-sql-pull-from-db), the three supported variables are used to reassemble the logbook data from the database into org syntax. Any unsupported variables will simply be ignored.

Unlike org-sql-push-to-db, the pull mechanism corrently only considers the global value of the three supported variables. Support for file- and headline-level values is planned for a future release.

Database Layout

General design features

  • All foreign keys are set with DELETE CASCADE
  • All time values are store as unixtime (integers in seconds)
  • No triggers or indexes (outside of the primary keys) are created by org-sql

Entity Relationship Diagrams

The table layouts for each implementation are more or less identical; the only differences are the types.




SQL Server

Table Descriptions

See here for a description of each table and its columns.


Contributions welcome! But please take advantage of the testing environment (especially when contributing to code which directly interacts with the database servers).

Reproducible Environment

The entire development environment is designed to be self-contained and reproducible. All binaries (including emacs itself) are specified in a conda environment, the databases are specified in a docker-compose file, and the dependencies for emacs are specified in a straight.el profile in .emacs/XX.Y/straight/versions/default.el.

The only prerequisites for running this are a working conda and docker-compose installation.

It isn't stricly necessary to use this, but doing so ensures that all tests run in a standardized manner across all machines and therefore minimizes 'bit rot bugs'.

Conda dependencies

Assuming a working mamba installation, install all binary dependencies and activate:

mamba env create -f env-XX.Y.yml
conda activate env-XX.Y.yml

Emacs dependencies

Run the following

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ 
make install

Note, the LD_PRELOAD setting is necessary if one gets and error about undefined symbols for malloc_set_state. This is necessary for all make ... commands.

Database setup

Except for SQLite, the each database for testing is encoded and set up using docker-compose (see the included docker-compose.yml file). These are necessary to run the stateful tests (see below).

To set up the environment, start the docker-daemon (may require sudo).

docker-compose up -d -V

Add --build to rebuild images if altered (see below).

To shut down the environment:

docker-compose down

Dockerfile/Docker-compose Layout

Customization of the docker-compose files should not be necessary except when adding a new database for testing (or a new version). The 'base' docker images are defined using Dockerfiles, which in turn are built with SQL initialization scripts (which are necessary to test the containers with minimal privileges). Each Dockerfile has an overridable IMAGE argument whose default is set to the latest version of the container to pull. Note that MariaDB and MySQL are assumed to share the exact same container configuration, and thus they share the same Dockerfile.

Running tests

Tests are divided into stateless (pure functions, don't rely on external database implementations) and stateful (impure, interacts with the database and/or files on disk).

Run all stateless tests:

make stateless

Run all stateful tests:

make stateful

Compile code and run stateful and stateless tests:

make compile

Run all tests using both interpreted and compiled code:

make test

Building documentation

To generate documentation:

make docs

requires erd (which is unfortunately not in conda).

Interactive development

To use Emacs to edit the code of org-sql, one has several options, from most to least reliable.

Emacs from conda

Simply activate the conda environment set up from above and run emacs from the shell. This will have all the required dependencies, but also won't have your personal setup.

Personal emacs with straight dependencies

More clunkily, if one wants/needs the exact versions of each emacs package, one can copy the hashes from emacs.d/XX.Y/straight/versions/default.el into their own straight config (or make a new profile).

Personal emacs config with cask

Install cask and run the following (without the conda env activated):

cask install

Run emacs as normal, and activate the conda environment to run the tests.


The idea for this is based on John Kitchin's implementation, which uses emacsql as the SQL backend.