From f62d44f06a2cae53702e4f1bf65c73ca00e07c90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SeriesCuratorBot Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 01:36:16 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] OSD Data Refresh - 2024-10-21 --- OSD/A/AGINAKTUK.txt | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/A/AGITCHUK.txt | 151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/A/AKLAK.txt | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/A/APUN.txt | 181 ++++++++++++++++--------------- OSD/C/CONTINENTALDIVIDE.txt | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/D/DEBAUCH.txt | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/F/FLUFFLE.txt | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/I/IGNIQ.txt | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/I/IKSRUKKAA.txt | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/I/IYAGAK.txt | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/I/IYYAGRIK.txt | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/K/KALASIK_CREEK.txt | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/M/MUSKOX.txt | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OSD/N/NUNANJIAK.txt | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SC/SCDB.csv | 59 ++++++---- 15 files changed, 2104 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-) create mode 100644 OSD/A/AGINAKTUK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/A/AGITCHUK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/A/AKLAK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/C/CONTINENTALDIVIDE.txt create mode 100644 OSD/D/DEBAUCH.txt create mode 100644 OSD/F/FLUFFLE.txt create mode 100644 OSD/I/IGNIQ.txt create mode 100644 OSD/I/IKSRUKKAA.txt create mode 100644 OSD/I/IYAGAK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/I/IYYAGRIK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/K/KALASIK_CREEK.txt create mode 100644 OSD/M/MUSKOX.txt create mode 100644 OSD/N/NUNANJIAK.txt diff --git a/OSD/A/AGINAKTUK.txt b/OSD/A/AGINAKTUK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f827fbbf --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/A/AGINAKTUK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +LOCATION AGINAKTUK AK + +Tentative Series +SWD/MPS +10/2024 + +AGINAKTUK SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: poorly drained +Parent material: organic material over loamy alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landscape: river valleys +Landform: depressions on terraces +Slopes: 0 to 15 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (19 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -3 degrees C. (27 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 75 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, mixed, euic Terric Cryohemists + +TYPICAL PEDON: Aginaktuk muck in a forb and shrub community on an east facing concave, linear tread on a slope of 2 percent at an elevation of 125 m (410 ft) + + Oa--0 to 10 cm (0.0 to 4 in); muck; black (10YR 2/1) moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; many very fine and fine roots throughout; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.6); abrupt smooth boundary. (5 to 20 cm, 2 to 8 in thick) + + Oe--10 to 47 cm (4 to 19 in); mucky peat; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; many very fine and fine roots throughout; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.6); clear smooth boundary. (35 to 80 cm, 14 to 32 in thick) + + Bg--47 to 85 cm (19 to 34 in); silt; dark gray (10YR 4/1) moist, gray (10YR 6/1) dry; weak medium subangular blocky parts to weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; nonfluid; few fine roots top of horizon; common very fine tubular pores; 15 percent fine distinct irregular dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4), moist, masses of reduced iron in matrix; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.1); clear smooth boundary. (20 to 50 cm, 8 to 20 in thick) + + Cg--85 to 200 cm (34 to 79 in); gravelly silt loam; dark gray (10YR 4/1) moist, gray (10YR 6/1) dry; massive; firm, moderately hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; nonfluid; common very fine tubular pores; 20 percent gravel; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.4). (50 to 140 cm, 20 to 55 in thick) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.2181732, longitude -160.1816314, datum WGS84, UTM north 7121858.61 and UTM east 442657.46, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: aquic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 1 to 3 degrees C. (34 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 40 to 100 cm (16 to 40 in) +Thickness of sapric soil materials: 5 to 20 cm (2 to 8 in) +Thickness of hemic soil materials: 35 to 80 cm (14 to 32 in) +Depth to redoximorphic concentrations: 40 to 100 cm (16 to 40 in) +Depth to reduced matrix: 40 to 100 cm (16 to 40 in) + +Oa and Oe horizons: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: muck or mucky peat +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: strongly acid to neutral (pH 5.1 to 7.3) + +Bg horizon: +Hue: 4 or 5 moist, 6 or 7 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt or silt loam +Sand: 0 to 35 percent +Silt: 50 to 97 percent +Clay: 3 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 6 percent +Reaction class: strongly acid to slightly acid (pH 5.1 to 6.5) + +Cg horizon: +Hue: 4 or 5 moist, 6 or 7 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt, silt loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 0 to 35 percent +Silt: 50 to 95 percent +Clay: 5 to 27 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 25 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +COMPETING SERIES: These are the Doroshin, Hewitt, Runkelscreek (AK) and Tepete (ID, WY, MT) series. +Doroshin soils lack sapric soil material, lack a Bg horizon, and have a clay content range of less than 3 percent +Hewitt soils have up to 35 percent clay in the mineral substratum and have a mean annual air temperature of -1 to 4 degrees C (30 to 40 degrees F) +Runkelscreek soils have ponding, have mineral substratum textures of loam and very fine sandy loam +Tepete soils have up to 35 percent clay in the mineral substratum and have a mean annual air temperature of 1 to 6 degrees C (33.8 to 42.8 degrees F) + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 50 to 600 meters (164 to 1970 feet) +Parent material: organic material over loamy alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landform: depressions on terraces +Slopes: 0 to 15 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 600 mm (16 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -5 to -1 degrees C. (23 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 75 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Alliksuk, Asriavik, Kiuriruk, Napaaktuk, Niilgik, Ottercreek, Sprucecreek soils. +Alliksuk soils have a thin organic surface, have an ochric epipedon, have cambic horizon, have cryoturbation, and occur on similar landforms on terraces +Asriavik soils have a folistic epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal particle size class, occur on terrace treads +Kiuriruk have permafrost, have a histic epipedon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on terrace treads +Napaaktuk soils have aquic conditions starting between 50 to 100cm (20 to 39 in), have a reduced matrix starting between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have a thin organic surface, have a mollic epipedon, and occur on flood plains +Niilgik soils have permafrost, have a histic epipedon, have gelic materials including cryoturbation, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on foot slopes and mountainbases +Ottercreek soils have a reduced matrix within 25 cm (10 in), have a thin organic surface, have an ochric epipedon, and occur on mountainbases and mountainflanks, lower third +Sprucecreek soils have a folistic epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a sandy particle size class, and occur on terrace treads + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: poorly drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: high in the Oa and Oe horizons, moderately high to high in the Bg and Cg horizons +Permeability: moderate to moderately rapid in the Oa and Oe horizons, moderate in the Bg and Cg horizons +Runoff: negligible to very high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: field horsetail, shrubby cinquefoil, tealeaf willow, lapland reedgrass, dwarf birch, bluejoint, moss, bog blueberry, white spruce, Canadian burnet + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of small extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 0 to 130 cm (0 to 51 in) + +Surface tier: zone from 0 to 30 cm (0 to 12 in) + +Subsurface tier: zone from 30 to 90 cm (12 to 35 in) + +Bottom tier: zone from 90 to 130 cm (35 to 51 in) + +Thickness of organic soil materials: 47 cm (19 in) (Oa and Oe horizons) + +Sapric soil materials: 0 to 10 cm (0 to 4 in) (Oa horizon) + +Hemic soil materials: 10 to 47 cm (4 to 19 in) (Oe horizon) + +Redoximorphic concentrations: 47 to 85 cm (19 to 33 in) (Bg horizon) + +Reduced matrix: 47 to 200 cm (19 to 79 in) (Bg and Cg horizons) + +Aquic conditions: 0 to 200 cm (0 to 79 in) (Oa, Oe, Bg, Cg horizons) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180856 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/A/AGITCHUK.txt b/OSD/A/AGITCHUK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2369494b --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/A/AGITCHUK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +LOCATION AGITCHUK AK + +Tentative Series +MPS +10/2024 + +AGITCHUK SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: poorly drained +Parent material: mossy organic material over loamy slope alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landscape: hills +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 1 to 30 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 400 mm (16 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (24 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, acid, subgelic Histic Gelaquepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Agitchuk peat in a black spruce with moss and shrub understory community on a south facing linear, linear toeslope on a slope of 6 percent at an elevation of 151m (495 ft) + + Oi1--0 to 7 cm (0.0 to 3 in); peat; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; many very fine and fine roots throughout; ultra acid (pH 3.4); clear smooth boundary + + Oi2--7 to 16 cm (3 to 6 in); peat; brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) broken face moist, yellow (10YR 8/6) broken face dry; many very fine and fine and common medium roots throughout; extremely acid (pH 3.8); abrupt smooth boundary. (combined thickness is 16 to 24 cm, 6 to 9 in thick) + + Oa--16 to 21 cm (6 to 8 in); muck; black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; many very fine and fine and common medium roots throughout; extremely acid (pH 4.1); abrupt smooth boundary. (4 to 15 cm, 2 to 6 in thick) + + Bg--21 to 49 cm (8 to 19 in); silt loam; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face moist, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) broken face dry; moderate very thin platy structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; moderately few very fine and fine roots throughout; common very fine dendritic tubular pores; 25 percent medium distinct irregular reddish brown (5YR 4/3), moist, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; noneffervescent; very strongly acid (pH 4.8); clear smooth boundary. (15 to 35 cm, 6 to 14 in thick) + + Cg1--49 to 68 cm (19 to 27 in); silt loam; 85 percent dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face and 15 percent yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) broken face moist, 85 percent light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) broken face and 15 percent very pale brown (10YR 7/4) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; common very fine roots throughout; many very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent very fine prominent irregular brownish yellow (10YR 6/8), moist, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; 5 percent gravel; noneffervescent; very strongly acid (pH 5.0); abrupt wavy boundary. (15 to 30 cm, 6 to 12 in thick) + + Cg/Ajj--68 to 120 cm (27 to 47 in); silt loam; 60 percent dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face and 40 percent very dark gray (10YR 3/1) broken face moist, 60 percent light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) broken face and 40 percent gray (10YR 5/1) broken face dry; massive, and weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; nonsmeary; few very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent fine distinct irregular brown (7.5YR 4/4), moist, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; 4 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.1); clear smooth boundary. (15 to 75 cm, 6 to 30 in thick) + + Cg2--120 to 200 cm (47 to 79 in); silt loam; gray (10YR 5/1) broken face moist, light gray (10YR 7/1) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, slightly plastic; nonsmeary; few very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent fine prominent irregular brown (7.5YR 4/4), moist, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; 10 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.2) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.2530833, longitude -160.1630277, datum WGS84, UTM north 7125731.73 and UTM east 443631.27, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: aquic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of histic epipedon: 20 to 40 cm (8 to 16 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 15 to 35 cm (6 to 14 in) +Depth to redoximorphic concentrations: 18 to 39 cm (7 to 15 in) +Depth to reduced matrix: 18 to 39 cm (7 to 15 in) + +Oi and Oa horizons: +Hue: 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR +Value: 2 to 6 moist, 4 to 8 dry +Chroma:1 to 8 +Texture: peat and muck +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: ultra acid to extremely acid (pH 3 to 4.4) + +Bg horizon: +Hue: 10YR, 2.5Y, or 5Y +Value: 4 or 5 moist, 6 or 7 moist +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt loam, or sandy loam +Sand: 10 to 70 percent +Silt: 18 to 80 percent +Clay: 2 to 12 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 4 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to strongly acid (pH 4.5 to 5.4) + +Cg horizons: +Hue: 10YR, 2.5Y, or 5Y +Value: 4 or 5 moist, 6 or 7 moist +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt, or silt loam +Sand: 10 to 45 percent +Silt: 50 to 88 percent +Clay: 2 to 10 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 14 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 3 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to strongly acid (pH 4.5 to 5.4) + +Cg/Ajj horizon: +Hue: 10YR, 2.5Y, or 5Y +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt, or silt loam +Sand: 10 to 45 percent +Silt: 50 to 88 percent +Clay: 2 to 10 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 10 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 6 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to strongly acid (pH 4.5 to 5.4) + +COMPETING SERIES: none + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 50 to 375 meters (164 to 1230 feet) +Parent material: mossy organic material over loamy slope alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 1 to 30 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 500 mm (12 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21.2 to 30.2 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Amigak, Fluffle, Imak, Kilguk, Nappaktuk, Shovelcreek, Sikuruk, and Stovecreek soils. +Amigak soils have a fine-loamy particle size class, have a clay range in the substratum from 16 to 35 percent, and occur on backslopes and footslopes +Fluffle soils have an ochric epipedon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have a nonacid reaction class, lack cryoturbation, have frequent, long flooding, and occur on flood plains + Imak soils have permafrost, have an isotic mineralogy class, have a surface organic layer greater than 40 cm thick, and occur on footslopes, backslopes and shoulders +Kilguk soils have permafrost, have a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, have a coarse-silty particle size class, have a nonacid reaction class, and occur on thermokarst stream terraces +Nappaktuk soils have aquic conditions starting between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have a mollic epipedon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an aniso class, lack cryoturbation, have occasional, brief flooding, and occur on flood plains +Shovelcreek soils have an ochric epipedon, have a sandy-skeletal particle size class, have a cryic soil temperature regime, lack aquic conditions, lack a cambic horizon, lack cryoturbation, and occur on flood plains and bars on flood plains +Sikuruk soils have permafrost, have a thicker organic surface, lack a cambic horizon, and occur on saddles, summits, shoulders and mountainflanks, center third +Stovecreek soils have an umbric epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack cryoturbation, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an isotic mineralogy class, and occur on similar landforms on footslopes and toeslopes of drainageways + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: poorly drained +Saturation during normal years--saturated between 0 and 25 cm (0 and 10 in) during the growing season +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: High in the Oi and Oa horizons, moderately high to high in the Bg, Cg, and Cg/Ajj horizons +Permeability: moderate to moderately rapid in the Oi and Oa horizons, moderate to rapid in the Bg horizon, moderate in the Cg and Cg/Ajj horizons +Runoff: negligible + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: sphagnum, cloudberry, Schreber's big red stem moss, bog blueberry, marsh Labrador tea, black spruce, dwarf birch, small cranberry, moss, Bigelow's sedge + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 46 to 121 cm (18 to 48 in) + +Histic epipedon: 0 to 21cm (0 to 8 in) (Oi and Oa horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 21 to 49 cm (8 to 19 in) (Bg horizon) + +Redoximorphic concentrations: 21 to 200 cm (8 to 79 in) (Bg, Cg, and Cg/Ajj horizons) + +Reduced matrix: 21 to 200 cm (8 to 79 in) (Bg, Cg, and Cg/Ajj horizons) + +Cryoturbation: 68 to 120 cm (27 to 47 in) (Cg/Ajj horizon) + +Aquic conditions: 0 to 200 cm (0 to 79 in) (Oi, Oa, Bg, Cg, and Cg/Ajj horizons) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180731 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/A/AKLAK.txt b/OSD/A/AKLAK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f8f94ce --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/A/AKLAK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +LOCATION AKLAK AK + +Tentative Series +MPS +10/2024 + +AKLAK SERIES + +Depth class: deep to lithic bedrock +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from sandstone +Landscape: mountains +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 15 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (17.7 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 85 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fragmental, mixed, subgelic Typic Haplogelolls + +TYPICAL PEDON: Aklak extremely gravelly silt loam in a dryas lichen alpine scrubland community on a northwest facing linear, linear backslope on a slope of 45 percent at an elevation of 931m (3055 ft) + + Oa--0 to 3 cm (0 to 1 in); gravelly highly decomposed plant material; black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; many very fine, fine roots throughout and very few medium roots throughout; 30 percent gravel; 16 percent soil organic carbon; 28 percent soil organic matter; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.7); clear smooth boundary. (0 to 10 cm, 0 to 4 in thick) + + A1--3 to 35 cm (1 to 14 in); extremely gravelly silt loam; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; weak fine subangular blocky parts to weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; many very fine and fine roots throughout; common very fine dendritic tubular pores; 5 percent cobbles, 65 percent gravel; 2 percent prominent white (7.5YR 9/1), moist, carbonate coats on bottom of rock fragments; 5 percent soil organic carbon; 9 percent soil organic matter; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.6); clear wavy boundary. (14 to 35 cm, 6 to 14in thick) + + A2--35 to 45 cm (14 to 18 in); extremely gravelly silt loam; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; weak fine subangular blocky parts to weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; common very fine and fine roots throughout; few very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent cobbles, 70 percent gravel; 5 percent soil organic carbon; 8 percent soil organic matter; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.9); gradual wavy boundary. (8 to 33 cm, 3 to 13 in thick) + + C--45 to 120 cm (18 to 47 in); gravel; common medium and coarse interstitial pores; 15 percent cobbles, 80 percent gravel; clear wavy boundary. (68 to 82 cm, 27 to 32 in thick) + + 2R--120 to 145 cm (48 to 58 in); strongly coherent to indurated sandstone bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.828001, longitude -159.4525920, datum WGS84, UTM north 7189362.64 and UTM east 478520.28, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30.2 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 0 to 10 cm (0 to 4 in) +Thickness of mollic epipedon: 40 to 70 cm (16 to 28 in) +Depth to fragmental layer: 22 to 78 cm (9 to 31 in) +Depth to lithic contact: 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in) + +Oa horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 or 2.5 moist, 4 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: highly decomposed material or its gravelly analogue +Rock fragments: 0 to 34 percent +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A1 horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR to 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 11 to 45 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 14 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 80 percent +Gravels: 25 to 70 percent +Cobbles: 0 to 20percent +Organic matter: 3 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A2 horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: loam, sandy loam, silt loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 11 to 45 percent +Silt: 21 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 14 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 85 percent +Gravels: 25 to 75 percent +Cobbles: 0 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 3 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +C horizon: +In lieu of texture: gravel +Rock fragments: 90 to 100 percent +Gravels: 75 to 85 percent +Cobbles: 10 to 25 percent + +2R horizon +Strongly coherent to indurated sandstone bedrock. + +Some pedons have a lithic contact at depths between 90 to 165 cm (35 to 65 in). + +COMPETING SERIES: none + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 300 to 850 meters (985 to 2790 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from sandstone +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 15 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 600 mm (16 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -2 degrees C. (21 to 28 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 85 days +Aspect: 270 to 90 degrees + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Atkaktuk, Continentaldivide, Egoosikcreek, Imnak, Ingik, Kikku, Kulik, Managaarak, and Tui soils. +Atkaktuk soils have an umbric epipedon, have an acid reaction class, lack a surface organic horizon, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, upper third +Continentaldivide soils have a lithic contact between 25 and 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, lack a surface organic horizon, and occur on ridges +Egoosikcreek soils have a cambic horizon, have a fine-loamy particle size class, and occur on swales +Imnak soils have a paralithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on mountainflanks, center third and upper third +Ingik soils have paralithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39in), have an ochric epipedon, have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, have a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, upper third +Kikku soils have ponding, have a reduced matrix within 50 cm, have a histic epipedon, have a fine-loamy particle size class, have free carbonates between 40 to 200 cm (16 to 79 in), and occur on on shoulders and mountainflanks, upper third +Kulik soils have a lithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have a cambic horizon, have a loamy-particle size class, and occur on mountainflanks, center third and upper third +Managaarak soils have an ochric epipedon, have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, have an acid reaction class, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, upper third +Tui soils have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, have a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on nose slopes and mountainflanks + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oa horizon, moderately high to high in the A1 and A2 horizons, and very high in the C horizon +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oa horizon, moderate in the A1 horizon, moderate to rapid in the A2 horizon, very rapid in the C horizon +Runoff: high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: eightpetal mountain avens, Flavocetraria cucullata, Flavocetraria nivalis witch's hair lichen, golden asahinea lichen, cup lichen, greygreen reindeer lichen, glacier avens, globe ball lichen, whiteworm lichen + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 28 to 103 cm (11 to 41 in) + +Mollic epipedon: 3 to 45 cm (1 to 18 in) (A1 and A2 horizons) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 120 to 145 cm (47 to 57 in) (2R horizon) + +Lithic contact: 120 to 145 cm (47 to 57 in) (2R horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2023AK290317 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/A/APUN.txt b/OSD/A/APUN.txt index a813efd2..342b387a 100644 --- a/OSD/A/APUN.txt +++ b/OSD/A/APUN.txt @@ -1,118 +1,123 @@ LOCATION APUN AK Established Series -SAS/TJR -02/2022 +Rev. MPS/SAS +10/2024 APUN SERIES -Landscape--mountains, hills -Landform--mountain slopes, hillslopes -Slope--4 to 20 percent -Parent material--mossy organic material over grassy organic material over cryoturbate over loess -Mean annual precipitation--about 330 mm -Mean annual air temperature--about -3 degrees C -Depth class--shallow to permafrost -Drainage class--poorly drained -Soil moisture regime--aquic -Soil temperature regime--gelic -Soil moisture subclass--typic +Depth class: shallow to permafrost +Drainage class: poorly drained +Parent material: mossy organic material over grassy organic material over cryoturbate over loess +Landscape: mountains, hills, river valleys +Landform: mountain slopes, hillslopes, terraces +Slope: 4 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 350 mm (13.8 inches) +Mean annual air temperature: about -3 degrees C (27 degrees F) +Frost-free period: 55 to 90 days TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic Typic Histoturbels -TYPICAL PEDON: Apun peat on a north by northwest facing convex, concave footslope on a hill, on a slope of 8 percent at an elevation of 276 m (The soil was moist throughout when described on June 23, 2016.) +TYPICAL PEDON: Apun peat in a tussock-scrub community on a north by northwest facing convex, concave footslope of a hill on a slope of 8 percent at an elevation of 276 m (906 ft). - Oi--0 to 15 cm; peat; common very fine roots and many medium roots and many fine roots; strongly acid (pH 5.4); clear smooth boundary + Oi--0 to 15 cm (0 to 6 in); peat; dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) moist, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) dry, common very fine, many fine and medium roots throughout; strongly acid (pH 5.4); clear smooth boundary. (10 to 20 cm, 4 to 8 in thick) - Oe--15 to 38 cm; mucky peat; common very fine roots and common fine roots; strongly acid (pH 5.1); clear smooth boundary + Oe--15 to 38 cm (6 to 15 in); mucky peat; very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) moist, brown (7.5YR 4/2) dry, common very fine and fine roots throughout; strongly acid (pH 5.1); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 30 cm, 2 to 12 in thick) - Ajj--38 to 42 cm; silt loam, brown (7.5YR 5/2) dry, very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) moist; weak, coarse, granular structure; friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; common very fine roots; common fine irregular pores; strongly acid (pH 5.3); abrupt irregular boundary + Ajj--38 to 42 cm (15 to 17 in); silt loam, brown (7.5YR 5/2) dry, very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) moist; weak, coarse, granular structure; friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; common very fine roots throughout; common fine irregular pores throughout; strongly acid (pH 5.3); abrupt irregular boundary. (5 to 35 cm, 2 to 14 in thick) + + Cgf--42 to 150 cm (17 to 60 in); permanently frozen silt loam, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; massive; very firm, slightly sticky, nonplastic; common very fine slightly acid (pH 6.1). 2-inch ice lens at top of Cf, thin ice lenses throughout horizon. (68 to 125 cm, 27 to 49 in thick) - Cgf--42 to 150 cm; permanently frozen silt loam, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; massive; very firm, slightly sticky, nonplastic; common very fine slightly acid (pH 6.1). 2 inch ice lens at top of Cf, thin ice lenses throughout horizon - -TYPE LOCATION: Nome Census Area County, Alaska, latitude 63.4516510 degrees, longitude -160.9589380 degrees, datum WGS84 (Coordinates determined with a GPS unit) +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills Area, Alaska, latitude 63.4516510 degrees, longitude -160.9589380 degrees, datum WGS84, UTM north 7037406 and UTM east 402322, zone 4, datum WGS84. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: -Mean annual soil temperature-- -1 to 0 degrees C -Soil moisture control section--saturated between 0 and 25 cm for about two months during the growing season (aquic moisture regime) -Histic epipedon thickness--20 to 40 cm -Depth to permafrost contact--35 to 70 -Depth to reduced matrix--35 to 70 -Depth to cryoturbation--20 to 40 cm - -Particle Size Control Section: -*Clay--10 to 18 percent -*Total fragments--0 to 25 percent gravels or channers - -Oi horizon -Thickness--10 to 20 cm - -Oe horizon -Thickness--5 to 30 cm +Soil moisture regime: aquic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of histic epipedon: 20 to 40 cm +Thickness of reduced matrix: 68 to 125 cm (27 to 49 in) +Thickness of cryoturbation: 5 to 35 cm (2 to 14 in) +Depth to permafrost contact: 15 to 70 cm (6 to 28 in) + +Oi and Oe horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2.5 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 2 to 4 +Texture: peat or mucky peat +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to moderately acid (pH 3.5 to 6.0) Ajj horizon -Hue--7.5YR or 10YR -Value--2.5 to 4 moist, 3 to 6 dry -Chroma--1 to 3 -Fine-earth texture--mucky silt, mucky silt loam, silt loam -Clay--5 to 15 percent -Sand--8 to 45 percent -Organic carbon--5 to 15 percent -Total fragments--0 to 15 percent gravels or channers -Reaction--4.8 to 5.7 -Thickness--5 to 35 cm +Hue:7.5YR or 10YR +Value:2.5 to 4 moist, 3 to 6 dry +Chroma:1 to 3 +Fine-earth texture: mucky silt, mucky silt loam, silt loam +Sand: 8 to 45 percent +Clay: 5 to 15 percent +Silt: 40 to 87 percent +Organic carbon: 5 to 15 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 15 percent gravels or channers +Reaction class: very strongly to moderately acid (pH 4.8 to 5.7) Cgf horizon -Hue--2.5Y or 10YR -Value--3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry -Chroma--1 to 2 -Fine-earth texture--permanently frozen silt loam, permanently frozen loam -Clay--5 to 18 percent -Sand--12 to 50 percent -Organic carbon--2 to 9 percent -Total fragments--0 to 25 percent gravels or channers -Reaction--5.5 to 6.1 - -COMPETING SERIES: -*Tanacross-no coarse fragments, visible mica, alluvial parent material -*Tulebagh- no coarse fragments, cryoturbated organic material throughout pedon, pH ranges to 8.5 +Hue: 2.5Y or 10YR +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: permanently frozen silt loam, permanently frozen loam +Sand: 12 to 50 percent +Clay: 5 to 18 percent +Silt: 32 to 83 percent +Organic carbon: 2 to 5 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 25 percent gravels or channers +Reaction: strongly acid to slightly acid (pH 5.5 to 6.5) + +COMPETING SERIES: These are the Tanacross and Tulebagh (AK) series +Tanacross soils lack coarse fragments and have visible mica +Tulebagh soils lack coarse fragments, have cryoturbated organic material throughout pedon, and have pH ranging up to 8.5 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: -*Elevation--10 to 550 m -*Climate--warm, moist summers; cold, dry winters -*Mean annual precipitation--350 to 600 mm -*Mean annual air temperature-- -5 to -1 degrees C -*Frost-free period--55 to 90 days - -GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: -*Willowcreek--aquic conditions at the soil surface, drainageways -*Nikaat--aquic conditions at the soil surface, plains and toeslopes of hills -*Piak--aquic conditions below 25 cm, mounds on hillslopes - -DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: -*Drainage class--poorly drained -*Saturation during normal years--saturated at a depth of between 0 and 25 cm during June, saturated at a depth of 25 to 70 cm for the remainder of the growing season -*Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)--moderately high or high in the upper part of the profile, very low in the lower part +Elevation: 10 to 550 m (33 to 1804 feet) +Parent material: mossy organic material over grassy organic material over cryoturbate over loess +Landscape: mountains, hills and river valleys +Landform: mountain slopes, hillslopes and terraces +Slope: 4 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 350 to 600 mm (13.8 to 19.7 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -5 to -1 degrees C. (23 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 55 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Willowcreek and the Nikaat soils. +Willowcreek soils have an ochric epipedon, lack permafrost, lack gelic soil material, and occur in drainageways +Nikaat soils have cryoturbation throughout the profile, have a layer containing volcanic glass, occur on slopes of 0 to 5 percent, and occur on plains and toeslopes of hills + +DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: +Drainage class: poorly drained +Saturated hydraulic conductivity: moderately high or high in the Oi and Oe horizons, very low in the Ajj and Cgf horizons +Permeability: moderate to moderately rapid in the Oi and Oe horizons, very slow in the Ajj and Cgf horizons USE AND VEGETATION: -Use--wildlife habitat, recreation, subsistence -Potential native vegetation--sphagnum moss, marsh Labrador tea, tussock cottongrass, Schreber's big red stem moss, Bigelow's sedge, splendid feather moss, dwarf birch +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, subsistence +Native vegetation: sphagnum moss, marsh Labrador tea, tussock cottongrass, Schreber's big red stem moss, Bigelow's sedge, splendid feather moss, dwarf birch + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands, Alaska; MLRA 240. This series is of large extent + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills Area, Alaska, Nome Census Area, Alaska; 2021 + +REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this profile include: +Particle-size control section: 63 to 138 cm + +Histic epipedon: 0 to 38 cm (0 to 15 in) (Oi and Oe horizons) + +Cryoturbation: 38 to 42 cm (15 to 17 in) (Ajj horizon) -DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands, Alaska; MLRA 240; large extent +Permafrost: 42 to 150 cm (17 to 59 in) (Cgf horizon) -SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: WASILLA, ALASKA +Gelic materials: 42 to 150 cm (17 to 59 in) (Cgf horizon) -SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills BLM area, Nome Census Area, Alaska; 2021 +Aquic conditions: 0 to 150 cm (0 to 59 in) (Oi, Oe, Ajj, and Cgf horizons) -REMARKS: -Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon -*Particle-size control section--zone from 63 to 138 cm -*Histic epipedon--zone from 0 to 38 cm -*Cryoturbation--zone from 38 to 42 cm -*Depth to permafrost 42 cm -*Gelic materials--zone from 42 to 150 cm -*Aquic conditions--zone from 0 to 150 cm -*Reduced matrix--zone from 42 to 150 +Reduced matrix: 42 to 150 cm (17 to 59 in) (Cgf horizon) National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/C/CONTINENTALDIVIDE.txt b/OSD/C/CONTINENTALDIVIDE.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eda4a248 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/C/CONTINENTALDIVIDE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +LOCATION CONTINENTALDIVIDE AK + +Tentative Series +SAS/MPS +10/2024 + +CONTINENTALDIVIDE SERIES + +Depth class: shallow to lithic bedrock +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: loess over coarse-grained residuum weathered from sandstone +Landscape: mountains +Landform: ridges +Slopes: 0 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (17.7 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (24.8 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 85 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic Lithic Haplogelolls + +TYPICAL PEDON: Continentaldivide extremely cobbly highly organic silt loam in an alpine dryas lichen scrubland community on a south facing convex, convex shoulder on a slope of 5 percent at an elevation of 534m (1752 ft) + + A1--0 to 3 cm (0 to 1 in); extremely cobbly highly organic silt loam; black (10YR 2/1) moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; many very fine roots and common fine roots throughout; common very fine irregular pores; 20 percent gravel, 50 percent cobbles; 10 percent soil organic carbon; 17 percent soil organic matter; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.4); abrupt smooth boundary. (1 to 5 cm, 0.5 to 2 in thick) + + A2--3 to 23 cm (1 to 9 in); extremely cobbly loam; dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; moderate medium granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; weakly smeary; many very fine roots and common fine roots throughout; few very fine irregular pores; 30 percent gravel, 35 percent cobbles; 3.3 percent of soil organic carbon; 5.7 percent of soil organic matter; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.1); clear smooth boundary. (12 to 20 cm, 5 to 8 in thick) + + A3--23 to 45 cm (9 to 18 in); extremely cobbly loam; dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; weak very coarse granular structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; weakly smeary; common very fine roots and few fine roots throughout; common very fine tubular pores; 15 percent prominent pinkish gray (7.5YR 6/2), moist, carbonate coats on bottom of rock fragments; 30 percent gravel, 40 percent cobbles; 3.5 percent of soil organic carbon; 6 percent of soil organic matter; noneffervescent in the soil matrix and strongly effervescent on the bottom of rock fragmetns; moderately acid (pH 6.0); very abrupt irregular boundary. (15 to 45 cm, 6 to 18 in thick) + + 2R--45 to 70 cm (18 to 28 in); strongly coherent to indurated coarse grained sandstone bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 65.0162610, longitude -159.5083010, datum WGS84, UTM north 7210363.16 and UTM east 476045.00, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30.2 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of mollic epipedon: 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in) +Depth to lithic contact: 20 to 50 cm (8 to 20 in) + +A1 horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: highly organic silt loam or its cobbly analogues +Sand: 15 to 45 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 80 percent +Gravels: 5 to 30 percent +Cobbles: 30 to 55 percent +Organic matter: 10 to 19 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A2 horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam, loam or their gravelly, cobbly analogues +Sand: 15 to 50 percent +Silt: 38 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 80 percent +Gravels: 20 to 40 percent +Cobbles: 20 to 50 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A3 horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: loam, sandy loam or their gravelly, cobbly analogues +Sand: 35 to 75 percent +Silt: 10 to 50 percent +Clay: 4 to 15 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 85 percent +Gravels: 15 to 45 percent +Cobbles: 15 to 70 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +2R horizon +Strongly coherent to indurated coarse grained sandstone bedrock. + +Some pedons have AC horizons at the bottom of the mollic epipedon or have thin Bw horizons directly above the lithic contact. + +COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 150 to 850 meters (492 to 2789 feet) +Parent material: loess over coarse-grained residuum weathered from sandstone +Landform: ridges +Slopes: 0 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 600 mm (16 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -2 degrees C. (21.2 to 28.4 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 85 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Aklak, Atkaktuk, Ingik, Iyyagrik, Kikku, Kimialuk, Kulik, Managaarak, Myoukchuk, Tatkik, Tui, and Ugguktuk soils. +Aklak soils have a lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have a fragmental layer at depths starting between 22 to 78 cm (9 to 31 in), have a fragmental particle size class, have an organic surface, and occur on mountainflanks, upper and center thirds +Atkaktuk soils have a fragmental layer at depths starting between 35 to 60 cm (14 to 79 in), have an umbric epipedon, have a loamy-skeletal over fragmental particle size class, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Ingik soils have paralithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have an ochric epipedon, have an organic surface, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Iyyagrik soils have lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an organic surface, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Kikku soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix starting within 50 cm (20 in), lack lithic contact within 200cm (79in), have a histic epipedon, have a fine-loamy particle size class, have free carbonates below 40 cm (16 in), have ponding, and occur on shoulders and mountainflanks, upper third +Kimialuk soils have lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have cryoturbation, have an organic surface, have free carbonates below 40 cm (16 in), and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Kulik soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have a cambic horizon, have an organic surface, and occur on mountainflanks, upper and center thirds + Managaarak soils have lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have a fragmental layer at depths starting between 41 to 93 cm (16 to 37 in), have an ochric epipedon, have an acid reaction class, have an organic surface, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Myoukchuk soils have paralithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have a fragmental layer at depths starting between 4 to 86 cm (2 to 34 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a fragmental particle size class, have an organic surface, and occur on valley sides and mountainflanks, upper and lower thirds +Tatkik soils have aquic conditions starting between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a reduced matrix starting within 50 cm (20 in), lack lithic contact within 200cm (79in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an organic surface, and occur on swales of mountains +Tui soils lack lithic contact within 200cm (79in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an organic surface, and occur on nose slopes and mountainflanks +Ugguktuk soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 39 in), have aquic conditions starting between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a reduced matrix starting within 50 cm, have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have an acid reaction class, and occur on saddles and broad ridges + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: moderately high to high in the A1, A2, and A3 horizons +Permeability: moderate to moderately rapid in the A1 and A2 horizons, and moderate to rapid in the A3 horizon +Runoff: low + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: eightpetal mountain-avens, crustose lichen, moss, whiteworm lichen, globe ball lichen, skeletonleaf willow, locoweed, smallawned sedge + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 25 to 45 cm (10 to 18 in) + +Mollic epipedon: 0 to 45 cm (0 to 18 in) (A1, A2, and A3 horizons) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 45 to 70 cm (18 to 28 in) (2R horizon) + +Lithic contact: 45 to 70 cm (18 to 28 in) (2R horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2022AK290544 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/D/DEBAUCH.txt b/OSD/D/DEBAUCH.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2da05bf --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/D/DEBAUCH.txt @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +LOCATION DEBAUCH AK + +Tentative Series +SWD/MPS +10/2024 + +DEBAUCH SERIES + +Depth class: shallow to paralithic bedrock +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy residuum weathered from mudstone +Landscape: mountains +Landform: ridges +Slopes: 1 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 500 mm (20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic, shallow Typic Gelorthents + +TYPICAL PEDON: Debauch extremely cobbly silt loam in a dryas lichen alpine community on a convex, convex summit on a slope of 5 percent at an elevation of 564 m (1850 ft) + + Oe--0 to 5 cm (0.0 to 2.0 in); moderately decomposed plant material; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; common very fine, fine, and few medium roots throughout; 5 percent gravel; noneffervescent; neutral (pH 6.7); abrupt smooth boundary. (1 to 6 cm, 0.3 to 2 in thick) + + C--5 to 45 cm (2.0 to 18 in); extremely cobbly silt loam; dark olive brown (2.5Y 3/3) broken face moist, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonfluid; few very fine and fine throughout, and common medium roots top of horizon; common very fine irregular pores; 11 percent gravel, 50 percent cobbles; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.6); clear wavy boundary. (30 to 45 cm, 12 to 18 in thick) + + Cr--45 to 70 cm (18 to 28 in); weakly to moderately coherent mudstone bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude64.3980730, longitude -160.1984182, datum WGS84, UTM north 7141918.72 and UTM east 442220.76, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 1 to 6 cm (0.3 to 2 in) +Thickness of ochric epipedon: 1 to 6 cm (0.3 to 2 in) +Depth to paralithic contact: 20 to 50 cm (8 to 20 in) + +Oe horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 or 2.5 moist, 4 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: moderately decomposed material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +C horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam or its gravelly or cobbly analogues +Sand: 5 to 45 percent +Silt: 50 to 83 percent +Clay: 3 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 75 percent +Gravels: 5 to 30 percent +Cobbles: 20 to 50 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Cr horizon +Weakly to moderately coherent mudstone bedrock. + +COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 300 to 1000 meters (985 to 3280 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy residuum weathered from mudstone +Landform: ridges +Slopes: 1 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 600 mm (16 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Apkun, Ingik, Iyyagrik, Kanik, Savik, Ugguktuk, Uniat soils. +Apkun soils have a lithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a umbric epipedon, have an acid reaction class, and occur on mountainflanks, center third and upper third +Ingik soils have a paralithic contact between 50 to100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Iyyagrik soils have a lithic contact between 100 to 150cm (40 to 60 in), have a mollic epipedon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Kanik soils have a lithic contact between 100 to 150cm (40 to 60 in), and occur on mountainflanks, center third and upper third +Savik soils have an umbric epipedon, have a fragmental particle size class, and occur on nose slopes and mountainflanks, upper third +Ugguktuk soils have a lithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have aquic conditions starting between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have a cambic horizon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have an acid reaction class, and occur on similar landforms on ridges and saddles +Uniat soils have a lithic contact between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have a cambic horizon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have a fragmental particle size class, and occur on mountainbases, mountaintops, and mountainflanks, upper third + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oe horizon and moderately high to high in the C horizon +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oe horizon and moderate in the C horizon +Runoff: very high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: eightpetal mountain-avens, reindeer lichen, greygreen reindeer lichen, witch's hair lichen, Flavocetraria nivalis, Flavocetraria cucullate, island cetraria lichen, snow lichen, whiteworm lichen, golden asahinea lichen, star reindeer lichen, moss, Bigelow's sedge, alpine sweetgrass, skeletonleaf willow, dwarf birch, sphagnum, common woodrush, polytrichum moss, blackish oxytrope + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 in) + +Ochric epipedon: 0 to 5 cm (0 to 2 in) (Oe horizon) + +Paralithic contact: 45 to 70 cm (18 to 28 in) (Cr horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180852 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/F/FLUFFLE.txt b/OSD/F/FLUFFLE.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abc4f822 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/F/FLUFFLE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +LOCATION FLUFFLE AK + +Tentative Series +MJS/CBB +10/2024 + +FLUFFLE SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: poorly drained +Parent material: loamy alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landscape: river valleys +Landform: flood plains +Slopes: 0 to 12 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 420 mm (16 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid Fluvaquentic Cryaquepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Fluffle silt loam in a willow and forb community on a linear, linear flood plain talf on a slope of 0 percent at an elevation of 310 m (1017 ft) + + Oe--0 to 8 cm (0 to 3 in); moderately decomposed plant material, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) dry; many very fine and common fine roots throughout; neutral (pH 6.6); clear wavy boundary. (3 to 14 cm, 1 to 6 in thick) + + A--8 to 11 cm (3 to 4 in); silt loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry; weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few fine roots throughout; very fine irregular pores; 5 percent gravel; noneffervescent; neutral (pH 7.1); clear wavy boundary. (1 to 16 cm, 0.5 to 6 in thick) + + Bg1--11 to 32 cm (4 to 13 in); gravelly silt loam, dark gray (N 4/), moist, gray (N 6/), dry; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; nonsmeary; few fine roots throughout; very fine irregular pores; 5 percent prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) masses of oxidized iron; 20 percent gravel; noneffervescent; neutral (pH 7.1); clear wavy boundary. (5 to 25 cm, 2 to 20 in thick) + + Bg2--32 to 200 cm (13 to 80 in); gravelly loam, dark gray (N 4/), moist, gray (N 6/), dry; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm, moderately hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; very fine irregular pores; 20 percent gravel; noneffervescent; neutral (pH 6.9). (145 to 191 cm, 57 to 75 in thick) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64 degrees 30 minutes 10.56 seconds north, longitude 160 degrees 18 minutes 18.03 seconds west, datum WGS84, UTM north 7153703.64 and UTM east 437322.36, zone 4W, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: aquic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 3 to 14 cm (1 to 6 in) +Thickness of ochric epipedon: 4 to 18 cm (2 to 7 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 186 to 197 cm (73 to 78 in) +Depth to redoximorphic concentrations: 11 to 32 cm (4 to 13 in) +Depth to reduced matrix: 11 to 200 cm (4 to 80 in) +Depth to aquic conditions: 11 to 200 cm (4 to 80 in) + +Oe horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 7.5YR +Value: 2 to 2.5 moist, 4 to 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: moderately decomposed plant material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y or 7.5YR +Value: 2 to 4 moist, 4 to 6 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: silt loam or loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 10 to 50 percent +Silt: 34 to 80 percent +Clay: 2 to 16 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 30 percent +Gravels: 0 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bg1 horizon: +Hue: N or 2.5Y or 5Y +Value: 3 to 4 moist, 5 to 6 dry +Chroma: 0 to 2 +Texture: silt loam, loam, fine sandy loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 20 to 50 percent +Silt: 38 to 78 percent +Clay: 2 to 16 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 30 percent +Gravels: 0 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bg2 horizon: +Hue: N or 2.5Y or 5Y +Value: 3 to 4 moist, 5 to 6 dry +Chroma: 0 to 2 +Texture: loam, silt loam, fine sandy loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 20 to 50 percent +Silt: 33 to 70 percent +Clay: 3 to 17 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 30 percent +Gravels: 0 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Some pedons have aquic conditions at the soil surface and/or buried genetic horizons at depths greater than 50 cm (20 in). + +COMPETING SERIES: These are the Kawuneeche (CO), Rabbit, and Willowcreek (AK) series. +Kawuneeche soils have textures ranging to clay loam in the upper part of the profile and have a lithologic discontinuity to glaciofluvial deposits between 61 to 109 cm (24 to 43 in). +Rabbit soils have surface textures of gravelly mucky peat and are saturated to the soil surface during much of the growing season. +Willowcreek soils have surface textures of peat and stratified textures below 85 cm (33 in). + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 30 to 550 meters (100 to 1805 feet) +Parent material: loamy alluvium derived from metamorphic and sedimentary rock +Landform: flood plains +Slopes: 0 to 12 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 500 mm (12 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Napaaktuk, Nunapik, Apun, Muskox, Tagluk, Tuttu, Aagiak, and Siku soils. +Napaaktuk soils have a mollic epipedon and occur on moderately well drained floodplains. +Nunapik soils have a histic epipedon and permafrost within 50 cm (x in) and occur on poorly drained hillslopes and saddles of hills. +Apun soils have a histic epipedon and permafrost within 50 cm (x in) and occur on poorly drained hillslopes. +Muskox soils have an umbric epipedon and occur on well drained swales of mountain slopes. +Tagluk soils have a mollic epipedon and occur on well drained mountain slopes. +Tuttu soils have an umbric epipedon and andic soil properties and occur on well drained mountain slopes. +Aagiak soils have an umbric epipedon and occur on somewhat poorly drained mountain slopes. +Siku soils have a folistic epipedon and occur on poorly drained mountain slopes. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: poorly drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oe horizon and moderately high to high in the A and Bg horizons +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oe horizon and moderate to moderately rapid in the A and Bg horizons +Runoff: high or very high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: Sphagnum, field horsetail, tealeaf willow, bluejoint, bog blueberry, dwarf birch, Schreber's big red stem moss, white spruce, lingonberry, Bigelow's sedge, arctic sweet coltsfoot, black crowberry, dwarf raspberry, shrubby cinquefoil, and sedge + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 33 to 108 cm (13 to 42 in) + +Ochric epipedon: 0 to 11 cm (0 to 4 in) (Oe and A horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 11 to 200 cm (4 to 80 in) (A and Bg horizons) + +Redoximorphic concentrations: 11 to 32 cm (4 to 13 in) (Bg1 horizon) + +Reduced matrix: 11 to 200 cm (4 to 80 in) (A and Bg horizons) + +Aquic conditions: 11 to 200 cm (4 to 80 in) (A and Bg horizons) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180795 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/I/IGNIQ.txt b/OSD/I/IGNIQ.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7247252e --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/I/IGNIQ.txt @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +LOCATION IGNIQ AK + +Tentative Series +MPS +10/2024 + +IGNIQ SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: somewhat poorly drained +Parent material: mossy organic material over loamy slope alluvium over organic material and/or loamy slope alluvium derived from sedimentary rock +Landscape: hills +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 3 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 400 mm (16 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -5 degrees C. (23 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 65 to 85 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic Turbic Gelaquepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Igniq slightly decomposed material in a sedge and willow scrubland boreal community on a northwest facing linear, linear footslope on a slope of 14 percent at an elevation of 129m (423 ft) + + Oi--0 to 8 cm (0 to 3 in); slightly decomposed plant material; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; many very fine, fine, and medium roots throughout; neutral (pH 7.2); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 10 cm, 2 to 4 in thick) + + Oe--8 to 23 cm (3 to 9 in); moderately decomposed plant material; black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; many very fine, fine, and few medium roots throughout; neutral (pH 6.9); clear broken boundary. (10 to 16 cm, 4 to 6 in thick) + + Oe/Oijj--23 to 33 cm (9 to 13 in); moderately decomposed plant material; 70 percent very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face and 30 percent very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face moist, 70 percent dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face and 30 percent grayish brown (10YR 5/2) broken face dry; common very fine roots throughout; slightly acid (pH 6.4); clear broken boundary. (5 to 12 cm, 2 to 5 in thick) + + Cg--33 to 90 cm (13 to 35 in); silt loam; dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face moist, gray (10YR 6/1) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; common very fine roots throughout; common very fine dendritic tubular pores; 20 percent coarse distinct irregular dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4), moist, masses of oxidized iron; positive to alpha-alpha dipyridyl measured in matrix; noneffervescent; very strongly acid (pH 4.9); gradual smooth boundary. (30 to 120 cm, 12 to 47 in thick) + + Cg/Oejj--90 to 200 cm (35 to 79 in); fine sandy loam and mucky peat; 90 percent greenish gray (10Y 5/1) broken face and 10 percent black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, 90 percent dark greenish gray (10Y 3/1) broken face and 10 percent dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few very fine irregular pores; 15 percent coarse prominent irregular dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4), moist, masses of oxidized iron; positive to alpha-alpha dipyridyl measured in matrix surrounding redox concentrations; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 5.9). + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 65.2245720, longitude -160.2052970, datum WGS84, UTM north 7234021.31 and UTM east 443642.53, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: aquic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of folistic epipedon: 20 to 38 cm (8 to 15 in) +Thickness of cryoturbation: 47 to 162cm (19 to 64 in) +Depth to redoximorphic concentrations: 25 to 38 cm (10 to 15 in) +Depth to reduced matrix: 25 to 38 cm (10 to 15 in) +Depth to aquic conditions: 25 to 38cm (10 to 15 in) + +Oi, Oe, Oe/Oijj horizons: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: slightly decomposed material and moderately decomposed material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: slightly acid to neutral (pH 6.1 to 7.3) + +Cg horizon: +Hue: 10YR, 10Y, or 5GY +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt loam, loam, sandy loam +Sand: 15 to 60 percent +Silt: 24 to 79 percent +Clay: 6 to 16 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 2 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +Cg/Oejj horizon: +Hue: 10YR, 10Y, or 5GY +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt loam, loam, sandy loam +Sand: 20 to 80 percent +Silt: 3 to 74 percent +Clay: 6 to 17 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 100 to 375 meters (325 to 1230 feet) +Parent material: mossy organic material over loamy slope alluvium over organic material and/or loamy slope alluvium derived from sedimentary rock +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 3 to 20 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 500 mm (12 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -7 to -2 degrees C. (19 to 28 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 65 to 85 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Jacksoncreek, Kaluk, Quammaqik, Tikigak, and Uvluutit soils. +Jacksoncreek soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a histic epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have an acid reaction class, have an isotic mineralogy, and occur on earth hummocks on terraces and terraces +Kaluk soils have a sandy-skeletal particle size class, lack an organic surface, lack cryoturbation, lack aquic conditions, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have frequent, brief flooding, and occur on point bars on floodplains +Quammaqik soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a mollic epipedon, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have a calcic horizon, have free carbonates throughout the soil profile, have marl at the soil surface, and occur on fens +Tikigak soils have a mollic epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a fine-loamy particle size class, lack aquic conditions, and occur on similar landforms on side slopes +Uvluutit soils have a lithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (25 to 40 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, have a cryic soil temperature regime, have free carbonates within 50 cm (20 in), lack aquic conditions, and occur on similar landforms on side slopes + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: somewhat poorly drained +Saturation during normal years: saturated at a depth of between 25 and 50 cm (10 and 20 in) for at least two weeks during the growing season +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oi, Oe, and Oe/Oijj horizons, moderately high to high in the Cg horizon, and moderately low to high in the Cg/Oejj horizon +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oi, Oe, and Oe/Oijj horizons, moderate to rapid in the Cg horizon, and very slow to moderate in the Cg/Oejj horizon +Runoff: very high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: Bigelow's sedge, sphagnum, dwarf birch, cloudberry, tealeaf willow, bog blueberry, marsh Labrador tea, splendid feather moss, Schreber's big red stem moss, lingonberry, moss, aulacomnium moss, black crowberry, dwarf scouringrush + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 58 to 133 cm (23 to 52 in) + +Folistic epipedon: 0 to 33 cm (0 to 13 in) (Oi, Oe, and Oe/Oijj horizons) + +Cryoturbation: 23 to 33 cm (9 to 13 in) (Oe/Oijj horizon) + +Reduced matrix: 33 to 200 cm (13 to 79 in) (Cg and Cg/Oejj horizons) + +Redoximorphic concentrations: 33 to 200 cm (13 to 79 in) (Cg and Cg/Oejj horizons) + +Cryoturbation: 90 to 200 cm (35 to 79 in) (Cg/Oejj horizon) + +Aquic conditions: 33 to 200 cm (13 to 79 in) (Cg and Cg/Oejj horizons) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2023AK290311 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/I/IKSRUKKAA.txt b/OSD/I/IKSRUKKAA.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b00394f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/I/IKSRUKKAA.txt @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +LOCATION IKSRUKKAA AK + +Tentative Series +SWD/CBB +10/2024 + +IKSRUKKAA SERIES + +Depth class: moderately deep to bedrock, paralithic +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from slate +Landscape: hills +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 10 to 45 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (18 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -3 degrees C. (27 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 75 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive Folistic Dystrocryepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Iksrukkaa very cobbly silt loam in an alder community on a northwest facing convex, linear backslope on a slope of 30 percent at an elevation of 271 m (890 ft) + + Oe--0 to 18 cm (0 to 7 in); moderately decomposed plant material, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) dry; very friable; very strongly acid (pH 4.7); abrupt smooth boundary. (15 to 20 cm, 6 to 8 in thick) + + C--18 to 60 cm (7 to 24 in); very cobbly silt loam, brown (10YR 4/3) moist, pale brown (10YR 6/3) dry; structureless massive; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonfluid; 20 percent gravel, 35 percent cobbles; strongly acid (pH 5.4); clear smooth boundary. (10 to 75 cm, 4 to 30 in thick) + + 2Cr--60 to 85 cm (24 to 34 in); extremely weakly to moderately coherent slate bedrock (25 to 95 cm, 10 to 37 in thick) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64 degrees 7 minutes 22.64 seconds north, longitude 160 degrees 15 minutes 55.48 seconds west, datum WGS84, UTM north 7111327.97 and UTM east 561618.77, zone 57W, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in) +Thickness of folistic epipedon: 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in) +Depth to lithologic discontinuity: 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in) +Depth to paralithic contact: 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in) + +Oe horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 7.5YR +Value: 2 to 2.5 moist, 4 to 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: moderately decomposed plant material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to very strongly acid (pH 3.5 to 5.0) + +C horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 2 to 4 +Texture: silt loam, loam, or its cobbly or gravelly analogues +Sand: 15 to 45 percent +Silt: 45 to 80 percent +Clay: 2 to 11 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 75 percent +Gravels: 15 to 65 percent +Cobbles: 0 to 40 percent +Organic matter: 0.2 to 3 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to strongly acid (pH 4.5 to 5.5) + +2Cr horizon + +Some pedons have a paralithic contact at depths from 38 to 114 cm (15 to 45 in). + +COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 200 to 450 meters (655 to 1480 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from slate +Landform: hillslopes +Slopes: 10 to 45 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 500 mm (16 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -5 to -1 degrees C. (23 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 75 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Ugguktuk, Tui, Sikuruk, Kimigaak, Siksrik, and Amigak soils. +Ugguktuk soils are somewhat poorly drained with aquic conditions between 37 to 90 cm (15 to 35 in) and occur on broad ridges on summit positions. +Tui soils have a cambic horizon between 6 to 44 cm (2 to 17 in) and occur on similar landforms on nose slopes. +Sikuruk soils have permafrost at depths below 80 cm (31 in), aquic conditions at the surface, and occur on saddles of hills. +Kimigaak soils have andic soil properties at depths between 3 to 16 cm (1 to 6 in) and occur on ridges of hills. +Siksrik soils do not have paralithic contact within 200 cm (80 in) and occur on footslopes and backslopes of hillslopes. +Amigak soils have aquic conditions at the soil surface and a cambic horizon at depths between 27 and 95 cm (11 to 37 in) and occur on side slopes of backslopes. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: high to very high in the Oe horizon and moderately high in the C horizon +Permeability: very rapid in the Oe horizon and moderate in the C horizon +Runoff: high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: Siberian alder, dwarf birch, bog blueberry, black crowberry, marsh Labrador tea, Bigelow's sedge, alpine bearbery, polytrichum moss, lingonberry, Beauverd spirea, fireweed, and splendid feather moss. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 43 to 60 cm (17 to 24 in) + +Folistic epipedon: 0 to 18 cm (6 to 8 in) (Oe horizon) + +Hemic soil materials: 0 to 18 cm (6 to 8 in) (Oe horizon) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 60 to 85 cm (24 to 33 in) (2Cr horizon) + +Paralithic contact: 60 to 85 cm (24 to 33 in) (2Cr horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180867 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/I/IYAGAK.txt b/OSD/I/IYAGAK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45a10080 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/I/IYAGAK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +LOCATION IYAGAK AK + +Tentative Series +MJS/CBB +10/2024 + +IYAGAK SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock +Landscape: mountains +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 15 to 65 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (18 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fragmental, mixed Typic Haplocryepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Iyagak silt in an alder, willow, and ericaceous scrub shrubland on an east facing concave, linear backslope on a slope of 52 percent at an elevation of 315 m (1035 ft) + + Oe--0 to 7 cm (0 to 3 in); moderately decomposed plant material, dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) moist, dark reddish gray (5YR 4/2) dry; many very fine and fine roots throughout; slightly acid (pH 6.5); clear smooth boundary. (0 to 8 cm, 0 to 3 in thick) + + Oa--7 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in); highly decomposed plant material, dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) moist, dark reddish gray (5YR 4/2) dry; many very fine, fine, and common medium roots throughout; neutral (pH 6.6); clear smooth boundary. (2 to 6 cm, 1 to 2 in thick) + + A--10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in); silt, very dark gray (10YR 3/1) moist, gray (10YR 5/1) dry; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few fine and medium roots throughout; very fine irregular pores; neutral (pH 6.8); clear smooth boundary. (8 to 15 cm, 3 to 6 in thick) + + Bw--20 to 37 cm (8 to 15 in); gravelly silt, dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) moist, gray (2.5Y 6/1) dry; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few fine and medium roots throughout; very fine irregular pores; 30 percent gravel; neutral (pH 6.7); clear smooth boundary. (15 to 30 cm, 6 to 12 in thick) + + C--37 to 200 cm (15 to 80 in); gravel; coarse and very coarse interstitial pores; 25 percent stones, 70 percent gravel. (141 to 175 cm, 56 to 69 in thick) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64 degrees 37 minutes 36.20 seconds north, longitude 160 degrees 9 minutes 36.55 seconds west, datum WGS84, UTM north 7167362.08 and UTM east 444531.21, zone 4W, datum WGS84 + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 2 to 14 cm (1 to 6 in) +Thickness of ochric epipedon: 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) + +Oe and Oa horizons: +Hue: 5YR, 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 to 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: moderately decomposed plant material or highly decomposed plant material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +A horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 7.5YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 to 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: silt or silt loam +Sand: 0 to 30 percent +Silt: 60 to 99 percent +Clay: 1 to 10 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 6 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bw horizon: +Hue: 2.5Y or 10YR +Value: 2 to 4 moist, 4 to 6 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: silt loam, silt or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 0 to 35 percent +Silt: 53 to 97 percent +Clay: 3 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 59 percent +Gravels: 15 to 59 percent +Organic matter: 0.5 to 3 percent +Reaction class: slightly acid to slightly alkaline (pH 6.1 to 7.8) + +C horizon: +Texture: gravel +Rock fragments: 90 to 100 percent +Gravels: 60 to 95 percent +Cobbles: 0 to 35 percent +Organic matter: 0 percent + +Some pedons have a folistic epipedon and/or do not have a cambic horizon. + +COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 100 to 550 meters (325 to 1805 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 15 to 65 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 500 mm (19 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Iyyagrik, Nunanjiak, Tui, Kikku, Tagluk, Aniruk, and Anugi soils. +Iyyagrik soils have a mollic epipedon and occur on similar landforms on the upper third of mountainflanks. +Nunanjiak soils spodic materials and andic soil properties and occur on similar landforms on linear, linear backslopes. +Tui soils have a lithologic discontinuity, a loamy-skeletal particle size class, and occur on similar landforms on nose slope positions. +Kikku soils have a fine-loamy particle size class, a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on similar landforms on shoulder positions. +Tagluk soils have a mollic epipedon, a loamy-skeletal particle size class, and occur on similar landforms on backslopes. +Aniruk soils have a deep cambic horizon between 18 to 200 cm (7 to 80 in) and occur on similar landforms on nose slope positions. +Anugi soils have extremely cobbly and stony textures at depths between 4 to 170 cm (2 to 67 in), lithic contact at depths between 150 to 199 cm (59 to 78 in) and occur on similar landforms on side slope positions. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oe and Oa horizons, moderately high in the A and Bw horizons, and very high in the C horizon +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oe and Oa horizons, moderate in the A and Bw horizons, and very rapid in the C horizon +Runoff: high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: Schreber's big red stem moss, bog blueberry, dwarf birch, marsh Labrador tea, splendid feather moss, Siberian alder, black crowberry, tealeaf willow, resin birch, Beauverd spirea, bluejoint, meadow horsetail, reindeer lichen, and greygreen reindeer lichen. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 35 to 110 cm (14 to 43 in) + +Ochric epipedon: 0 to 17 cm (0 to 7 in) (Oe, Oa, and A horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 20 to 37 cm (8 to 15 in) (Bw horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180806 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/I/IYYAGRIK.txt b/OSD/I/IYYAGRIK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51fea004 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/I/IYYAGRIK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +LOCATION IYYAGRIK AK + +Tentative Series +MPS +10/2024 + +IYYAGRIK SERIES + +Depth class: deep to lithic bedrock +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from graywacke +Landscape: mountains +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 20 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 500 mm (20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (40 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive Pachic Haplocryolls + +TYPICAL PEDON: Iyyagrik very cobbly silt loam in a dryas lichen scrubland community on a southeast facing linear, convex backslope on a slope of 51 percent at an elevation of 611m (2005 ft) + + Oe--0 to 6 cm (0 to 2 in); moderately decomposed plant material; black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face dry; many very fine and fine, and moderately few medium roots throughout; slightly acid (pH 6.2); abrupt smooth boundary. (1 to 10 cm, 0.5 to 4 in thick) + + A--6 to 19 cm (2 to 8 in); very cobbly silt loam; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) broken face dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; many very fine and fine roots throughout; common very fine dendritic tubular pores; 20 percent gravel, 35 percent cobbles; noneffervescent; moderately acid (pH 6.0); clear smooth boundary. (8 to 30 cm, 3 to 12 in thick) + + Bw1--19 to 38 cm (8 to 15 in); very gravelly silt loam; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face moist, brown (10YR 4/3) broken face dry; weak medium subangular blocky structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; moderately few very fine and common fine roots throughout; few very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent cobbles, 30 percent gravel; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.2); clear smooth boundary. (10 to 22 cm, 4 to 9 in thick) + + Bw2--38 to 79 cm (15 to 31 in); very gravelly silt loam; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face moist, brown (10YR 4/3) broken face dry; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; moderately few very fine roots and common fine roots throughout; few very fine irregular pores; 15 percent cobbles, 40 percent gravel; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.2); clear smooth boundary. (25 to 45 cm, 10 to 18 in thick) + + Bw3--79 to 100 cm (31 to 39 in); extremely gravelly silt loam; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face moist, brown (10YR 4/3) broken face dry; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; moderately few very fine roots throughout; few very fine irregular pores; 21 percent cobbles, 40 percent gravel; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.3); clear smooth boundary. (10 to 24 cm, 4 to 9 in thick) + + 2C--100 to 135 cm (39 to 53 in); extremely gravelly silt loam; dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) moist, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few very fine irregular pores; 30 percent cobbles, 50 percent gravel; noneffervescent; slightly acid (pH 6.5); gradual irregular boundary. (20 to 60 cm, 8 to 24 in thick) + + 2R--135 to 160 cm (53 to 63 in); strongly coherent to indurated greywacke bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.5921475, longitude -159.5130975, datum WGS84, UTM north 7163100.78 and UTM east 475435.97, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 1 to 10 cm (0.5 to 4 in) +Thickness of mollic epipedon: 53 to 121 cm (21 to 48 in) +Depth to lithic contact: 100 to 150 cm (39 to 60 in) + +Oe horizon: +Hue: 5YR, 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 to 2.5 moist, 4 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: moderately decomposed material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to slightly acid (pH 4.5 to 6.5) + +A horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 or 2 +Texture: silt loam or their gravelly or cobbly analogues +Sand: 10 to 47 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 11 percent +Rock fragments: 20 to 59 percent +Gravels: 15 to 35 percent +Cobbles: 5 to 40 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bw1 horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam, sandy loam or their gravelly or cobbly analogues +Sand: 25 to 60 percent +Silt: 30 to 72 percent +Clay: 3 to 10 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 59 percent +Gravels: 25 to 40 percent +Cobbles: 8 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bw2 horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam, very fine sandy loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 25 to 65 percent +Silt: 23 to 71 percent +Clay: 4 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 40 to 65 percent +Gravels: 30 to 45 percent +Cobbles: 10 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +Bw3 horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam, sandy loam or their gravelly or cobbly analogues +Sand: 25 to 70 percent +Silt: 22 to 70 percent +Clay: 2 to 8 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 75 percent +Gravels: 25 to 50 percent +Cobbles: 15 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +2C horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 2 to 4 +Texture: silt loam, sandy loam or their gravelly or cobbly analogues +Sand: 35 to 70 percent +Silt: 20 to 63 percent +Clay: 2 to 10 percent +Rock fragments: 60 to 85 percent +Gravels: 30 to 70 percent +Cobbles: 15 to 35 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +2R horizon +strongly coherent to indurated greywacke bedrock. + +Some pedons have a paralithic contact at depths between 85 to 100 cm (34 to 40 in), or mollic epipedons with thicknesses from 30 to 40 cm. + +COMPETING SERIES : These are the Tagluk (AK), Behanco, Dressel, and Gateview (CO), Behanin (CO, UT), Povey (CO, ID), Lund (ID), Hobacker and Mundos (ID, WY), Nagisty (ID, UT), Boatman and Marcetta (MT), Harcany (NV, OR), Baconcamp (OR), Croesus (NV), Parkcity (UT), and Hapgood (CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, OR) series. +Tagluk soils lack a lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have a folistic epipedon +Behanco soils have an albic horizon, have clay films, have a cambic horizon +Dressel soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have an albic horizon, have a cambic horizon +Gateview soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in). +Behanin soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have a cambic horizon +Povey soils have a xeric soil moisture regime, have a cambic horizon +Lund soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have a calcic horizon below 100 cm (39 in) +Hobacker soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have a cambic horizon, and have a calcic horizon below 15 cm +Mundos soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have calcareous material below 25 cm (10 in), and have a cambic horizon +Nagisty soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have clay ranging from 18 to 27 percent in the substratum +Boatman soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have clay ranging from 18 to 27 percent in the substratum +Marcetta soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have an albic horizon, have an ustic soil moisture regime +Harcany soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), and have a xeric soil moisture regime +Baconcamp soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a xeric soil moisture regime +Croesus soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a xeric soil moisture regime +Parkcity soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80in), have surface rock fragments +Hapgood soils have a xeric soil moisture regime + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 200 to 900 meters (655 to 2955 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from graywacke +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 20 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 400 to 600 mm (16 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days +Aspect: 90 to 270 degrees + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Continentaldivide, Debauch, Ingik, Isimnjaatuk, Iyagak, Kanik, Managaarak, Myoukchuk, Nautchiak, Nunanjiak, Savik, Siku, Tui, and Tumi soils. +Continentaldivide soils have a lithic contact at depths between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on ridges of mountains +Debauch soils have a paralithic contact at depths between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on ridges of mountains +Ingik soils have a paralithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have an ochric epipedon, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, upper third +Isimnjaatuk soils have a paralithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime +Iyagak soils have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 25 to 59 cm (10 to 23 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a fragmental particle size class, and occur on swales and mountainflanks, center third +Kanik soils have a lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 66 to 100 cm (26 to 40 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on mountainflanks, upper and center thirds +Managaarak soils have a lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 41 to 93 cm (16 to 37 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, have an acid reaction class, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, upper third +Myoukchuk soils have a lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 4 to 16 cm (2 to 6 in), have an ochric epipedon, and occur on valley sides and mountain flanks, upper thirds +Nautchiak soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, clay ranges up to 25 percent in the substratum, and occur on drainageways and swales on mountain slopes +Nunanjiak soils have a paralithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (40 to 60 in), have andic soil properties, have a folistic epipedon, have an umbric epipedon, can have spodic materials, have a cambic horizon, have a medial over loamy-skeletal particle size class, and occur on head slopes and mountainflanks, center third +Savik soils have a paralithic contact at depths between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 13 to 39 cm (5 to 15 in), have an umbric epipedon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, have a fragmental particle size class, and occur on nose slopes on knife ridges and mountainflanks, upper third on knife ridges +Siku soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 and 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix within 25 cm (10 in), have a folistic epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, have an acid reaction class, and occur on mountainflanks, upper, center and lower thirds +Tui soils lack lithic contact within 200 cm (80 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, and occur on nose slopes and mountainflanks +Tumi soils have lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a fragmental layer starting at depths between 33 to 141 cm (13 to 56 in), have an ochric epipedon, have a cambic horizon, have a loamy-skeletal over fragmental particle size class, and occur on mountainflanks, upper, center and lower thirds + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oe horizon, moderately high to high in the A, Bw1, Bw2, Bw3, and 2C horizons +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oe horizon, moderate in the A horizon, moderate to moderately rapid in the Bw2 horizon, and moderate to rapid in the Bw1, Bw2, and 2C horizons +Runoff: high + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: eightpetal mountain-avens, alpine bearberry, bog blueberry, black crowberry, rhytidium moss, Flavocetraria cucullata lingonberry, star reindeer lichen, greygreen reindeer lichen, Altai fescue, Fries' pussytoes, alpine sweetvetch, cetraria lichen, snow lichen, reindeer lichen, purple reedgrass + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 31 to 106 cm (12 to 42 in) + +Mollic epipedon: 6 to 100 cm (2 to 39 in) (A, Bw1, Bw2, and Bw3 horizons) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 100 to 160 cm (39 to 63 in) (2C and 2R horizons) + +Lithic contact: 135 to 160 cm (53 to 63 in) (2R horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK290720 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/K/KALASIK_CREEK.txt b/OSD/K/KALASIK_CREEK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8861b913 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/K/KALASIK_CREEK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +LOCATION KALASIK CREEK AK + +Tentative Series +SAS/CBB +10/2024 + +KALASIK CREEK SERIES + +Depth class: moderately deep to bedrock, paralithic +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from calcareous sandstone +Landscape: mountains +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 2 to 25 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (18 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 85 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic Typic Haplogelepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Kalasik Creek channery highly organic silt loam in a dryas, moss, and lichen community on a north facing convex, linear summit on a slope of 7 percent at an elevation of 877 m (2877 ft) + + A--0 to 7 cm (0 to 3 in); channery highly organic silt loam, black (10YR 2/1) moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; many very fine, common fine, and few medium roots throughout; very fine tubular pores; 30 percent gravel; 15 percent of VFS; strongly acid (pH 5.4); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 12 cm, 2 to 5 in thick) + + Bw--7 to 15 cm (3 to 6 in); very channery silt loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) dry; weak medium granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; common very fine and fine roots throughout; very fine tubular pores; 40 percent gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.1); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 30 cm, 2 to 12 in thick) + + 2BC--15 to 50 cm (6 to 20 in); extremely channery sandy loam, dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) moist, gray (2.5Y 6/1) dry; weak medium granular structure; very friable, soft, slightly sticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few very fine and fine roots throughout; fine interstitial pores; 65 percent gravel; neutral (pH 6.7); gradual smooth boundary. (10 to 45 cm, 4 to 18 in thick) + + 2C--50 to 68 cm (20 to 27 in); extremely channery sandy loam, very dark gray (2.5Y 3/1) moist gray (2.5Y 5/1) dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; fine interstitial pores; 75 percent gravel; neutral (pH 6.7); abrupt irregular boundary. (15 to 25 cm, 6 to 10 in thick) + + 2Cr--68 to 93 cm (27 to 37 in); extremely weakly to moderately coherent calcareous sandstone bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64 degrees 29 minutes 37.12 seconds north, longitude 159 degrees 33 minutes 59.80 seconds west, datum WGS84, UTM north 7152145.75 and UTM east 472776.13, zone 4W, datum WGS84 + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: gelic +Mean annual soil temperature: -1 to 0 degrees C. (30 to 32 degrees F.) +Thickness of ochric epipedon: 10 to 18 cm (4 to 7 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 15 to 82 cm (6 to 32 in) +Depth to lithologic discontinuity: 10 to 42 cm (4 to 16 in) +Depth to paralithic contact: 35 to 112 cm (14 to 44 in) + +A horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 7.5YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 to 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: channery silt loam +Sand: 20 to 49 percent +Silt: 50 to 79 percent +Clay: 1 to 8 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 34 percent +Channers: 15 to 34 percent +Organic matter: 10 to 19 percent +Reaction class: strongly acid to slightly acid (pH 5.1 to 6.5) + +Bw horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 to 4 moist, 5 to 6 dry +Chroma: 2 to 3 +Texture: silt loam, fine sandy loam or their channery analogues +Sand: 20 to 70 percent +Silt: 18 to 78 percent +Clay: 2 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 50 percent +Channers: 15 to 50 percent +Organic matter: 1 to 6 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to slightly acid (pH 5.6 to 6.5) + +2BC horizon: +Hue: 2.5Y or 5Y +Value: 3 to 4 moist, 5 to 6 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: sandy loam, silt loam or their channery analogues +Sand: 20 to 80 percent +Silt: 6 to 77 percent +Clay: 3 to 14 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 75 percent +Channers: 35 to 75 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +2C horizon: +Hue: 2.5Y or 5Y +Value: 4 to 5 moist, 6 to 7 dry +Chroma: 1 to 2 +Texture: sandy loam, silt loam or their channery analogues +Sand: 20 to 84 percent +Silt: 2 to 77 percent +Clay: 3 to 14 percent +Rock fragments: 40 to 85 percent +Channers: 40 to 85 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: moderately acid to neutral (pH 5.6 to 7.3) + +2Cr horizon +Extremely weakly to moderately coherent calcareous sandstone bedrock. + +COMPETING SERIES: These are the Isimnjaatuk, Cirquecreek, and Reindeerhills (AK) series. +Isimnjaatuk soils have hemic soil materials at depths between 0 to 10 centimeters and have flagstones at depths between 5 and 166 centimeters. +Cirquecreek soils have low runoff, fibric soil materials at depths between 0 and 10 centimeters, occur between an elevation of 800 to 1600 meters (2625 to 5250 feet), and a mean annual precipitation of 300 to 1400 mm (12 to 55 in). +Reindeerhills soils are very deep, occur on 8 to 90 percent slopes at elevations of 1000 to 1500 meters (3280 to 4290 feet), and have a frost-free period of 5 to 50 days. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 250 to 900 meters (820 to 2950 feet) +Parent material: gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from calcareous sandstone +Landform: mountain slopes +Slopes: 2 to 25 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 600 mm (12 to 24 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -2 degrees C. (21 to 28 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 85 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Akiuk, Talikridge, Tui, Nagruk, and Kikku soils. +Akiuk soils have an extremely to strongly acid reaction class (pH 4.2-5.4) throughout the profile, a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on ridges of mountains. +Talikridge soils have a mollic epipedon, a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on ridges of mountains. +Tui soils have a cryic soil temperature regime, buried genetic horizons, and occur on similar landforms on nose slopes of backslopes. +Nagruk soils have a fine-loamy particle size class, a cryic soil temperature regime, and occur on similar landforms on summit positions and on saddles of mountains. +Kikku soils have a fine-loamy particle size class, aquic conditions throughout the profile, and occur on similar landforms on shoulder positions and on saddles of mountains. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: moderately high to high in the A and Bw horizons and moderately low to moderately high in the 2BC and 2C horizons +Permeability: moderate to moderately rapid in the A horizon, moderate to rapid in the Bw horizon, and very slow to moderate in the 2BC and 2C horizons +Runoff: medium + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: eightpetal mountain-avens, bryocaulon lichen, blackish oxytrope, rhytidium moss, polytrichum moss, witch's hair lichen, cup lichens, Flavocetraria culcullata , Fries' pussytoes, and smallawned sedge. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 25 to 68 cm (10 to 27 in) + +Ochric epipedon: 0 to 15 cm (0 to 6 in) (A and Bw horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 7 to 50 cm (3 to 20 in) (Bw and 2BC horizons) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 15 to 93 cm (6 to 37 in) (2BC, 2C, and 2Cr horizons) + +Paralithic contact: 68 cm (27 in) (2Cr horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK290610 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/M/MUSKOX.txt b/OSD/M/MUSKOX.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47432c38 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/M/MUSKOX.txt @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +LOCATION MUSKOX AK + +Tentative Series +MPS +10/2024 + +MUSKOX SERIES + +Depth class: very deep +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: loamy colluvium derived from graywacke +Landscape: mountains, hills +Landform: mountain slopes, hillslopes +Microfeature: swales +Slopes: 2 to 30 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 400 mm (16 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -4 degrees C. (25 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive Typic Humicryepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Muskox silt loam in a white spruce woodland on a south facing linear, convex backslope on a slope of 14 percent at an elevation of 415m (1365 ft) + + Oi--0 to 5 cm (0 to 2 in); slightly decomposed plant material; very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) broken face moist, brown (7.5YR 4/2) broken face dry; slightly decomposed plant material; many very fine and fine roots throughout; very strongly acid (pH 4.6); clear smooth boundary. (4 to 10 cm, 2 to 4 in thick) + + A--5 to 14 cm (2 to 6 in); silt loam; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face moist, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face dry; weak fine granular structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; many very fine, fine roots and common medium roots throughout; common very fine dendritic tubular pores; 5 percent gravel; noneffervescent; very strongly acid (pH 4.5); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 15 cm,2 to 6 in thick) + + AB--14 to 33 cm (6 to 13 in); silt loam; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) broken face moist, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) broken face dry; moderate coarse subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; moderately few very fine and fine roots throughout; few very fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.2); abrupt wavy boundary. (14 to 25 cm, 6 to 10 in thick) + + Bw1--33 to 60 cm (13.0 to 24 in); silt loam; grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) broken face moist, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) broken face dry; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; very few very fine roots throughout; common fine dendritic tubular pores; 10 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.3); gradual smooth boundary. (15 to 30 cm, 6 to 12 in thick) + + Bw2--60 to 120 cm (24 to 47 in); gravelly silt loam; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) broken face moist, pale yellow (2.5Y 7/3) broken face dry; 4 percent very fine prominent irregular strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) and 10 percent fine distinct irregular very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) mottles; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; firm, moderately hard, nonsticky, slightly plastic; nonsmeary; very few very fine roots throughout; few fine dendritic tubular pores; 20 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.3); gradual smooth boundary. (30 to 85 cm, 12 to 33 in thick) + + C--120 to 200 cm (47 to 79 in); gravelly silt loam; brown (10YR 5/3) moist, very pale brown (10YR 7/3) dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, nonsticky, nonplastic; nonsmeary; few very fine irregular pores; 20 percent gravel; noneffervescent; strongly acid (pH 5.5). (35 to 132 cm, 14 to 52 in thick) + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.5898618, longitude -160.1965116, datum WGS84, UTM north 7163287.09 and UTM east 442715.48, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 4 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) +Thickness of umbric epipedon: 19 to 40 cm (8 to 16 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 45 to 115 cm (18 to 45 in) + +Oi horizon: +Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR +Value: 2 or 2.5 moist, 4 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: slightly decomposed material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to moderately acid (pH 3.5 to 6.0) + +A horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam +Sand: 10 to 40 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 16 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 10 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to strongly acid (pH 3.5 to 5.4) + +AB horizon: +Hue: 10YR +Value: 2 or 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: silt loam or its gravelly analogue +Sand: 10 to 47 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 16 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 8 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to strongly acid (pH 4.5 to 5.4) + +Bw1 horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 1 to 4 +Texture: silt loam or its gravelly analogue +Sand: 10 to 47 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 16 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 1 to 5 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +Bw2 horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 2 to 4 +Texture: silt loam, loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 15 to 50 percent +Silt: 33 to 88 percent +Clay: 3 to 17 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 25 percent +Organic matter: 1 to 5 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +C horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 to 5 moist, 5 to 7 dry +Chroma: 2 to 4 +Texture: silt loam, sandy loam or their gravelly analogues +Sand: 15 to 70 percent +Silt: 18 to 80 percent +Clay: 3 to 12 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 50 percent +Organic matter: 0.4 to 3 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +COMPETING SERIES: These are the Blaquirre, Maquinna (AK) and Donnel, Gestrin (ID) series. +Blaquirre soils have lithic contact between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in) +Maquinna soils lack a cambic horizon, have lithic contact between 100 to 150cm (40 to 60 in), and have a mean annual air temperature of -3 to 9 degrees C (26 to 48 degrees F) +Donnel soils lack a surface organic horizon and have coarser textures throughout +Gestrin soils have redoximorphic depletions below 100 cm (40 in), lack a surface organic horizon, and have coarser texture in the C horizon + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 50 to 500 meters (164 to 1640 feet) +Parent material: loamy colluvium derived from graywacke +Landform: mountain slopes, hillslopes +Slopes: 2 to 30 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 500 mm (12 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -6 to -1 degrees C. (21 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Apun, Cranberryslough, Fluffle, Sagvaktuk, Sikuruk, Stovecreek, Tagluk, Tenmileriver, Tuttu, Uluun, Umilguk soils. +Apun soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in ), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have permafrost, have a histic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on mountainbases +Cranberryslough soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have permafrost, have a histic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, have a fine-loamy particle size class, and occur on saddles of hills. +Fluffle soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix within 25 cm (10 in), have an ochric epipedon, and occur on floodplains +Sagvaktuk soils have an ochric epipedon, have an isotic mineralogy, and occur on drainageways +Sikururk soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have permafrost, lack a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on shoulders and summits of hillslopes, saddles, and mountainflanks, center third +Stovecreek soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), lack a cambic horizon, have an isotic mineralogy class, and occur on toeslopes and drainageways +Tagluk soils have folistic and mollic epipedons, lack a cambic horizon, have a loamy-skeletal particle size class, and occur on similar landforms on headslopes and mountainflank, center third +Tenmileriver soils have andic soil properties in the surface, lack a cambic horizon, have an amorphic over mixed mineralogy class, have a gelic soil temperature regime, have a medial over loamy-skeletal particle size class, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, lower third and side slopes +Tuttu soils have andic soil properties in the surface, lack a cambic horizon, have a gelic soil temperature regime, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, lower third and side slopes +Uluun soils have aquic conditions starting between 25 to 50cm (10 to 20 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have a folistic epipedon, have a fine-loamy particle size class, have free carbonates within 150 cm, and occur on nose slopes and side slopes +Umilguk soils have aquic conditions starting between 25 to 50cm (10 to 20 in), have a reduced matrix within 50 cm (20 in), have a mollic epipedon, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, lower third and nose slopes + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oi horizon, moderately high in the A, AB, and Bw1 layers, moderately high to high in the Bw2 and C layers +Permeability: very rapid to rapid in the Oi horizon, moderate in the A, AB, and Bw1 horizons, moderate to moderately rapid in the Bw2 horizon, and moderate to rapid in the C horizon +Runoff: medium + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation, and subsistence +Native vegetation: woodland horsetail, tealeaf willow, dwarf birch, bog blueberry, knights plume moss, white spruce, bluejoint, black crowberry, marsh labrador tea, bunchberry dogwood, polytrichum moss, sphagnum, cloudberry, lingonberry, beauverd spirea, dwarf raspberry, red currant + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024. + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 30 to 105 cm (12 to 41 in) + +Umbric epipedon: 5 to 33 cm (2 to 13 in) (A and AB horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 33 to 120 cm (13 to 47 in) (Bw1 and Bw2 horizons) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: 2021AK180746 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/N/NUNANJIAK.txt b/OSD/N/NUNANJIAK.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42a50f82 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/N/NUNANJIAK.txt @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +LOCATION NUNANJIAK AK + +Tentative Series +SAS/MPS +10/2024 + +NUNANJIAK SERIES + +Depth class: deep to paralithic bedrock +Drainage class: well drained +Parent material: herbaceous organic material over volcanic ash influenced loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from mudstone +Landscape: mountains, hills +Landform: mountain slopes, hillslopes +Slopes: 20 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: about 450 mm (18 in) +Mean annual air temperature: about -3 degrees C. (27 degrees F.) +Frost-free period: 70 to 90 days + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Medial over loamy-skeletal, mixed over isotic Andic Humicryepts + +TYPICAL PEDON: Nunanjiak highly organic silt loam in an alder community on a west facing linear, linear backslope on a slope of 45 percent at an elevation of 450m (1475 ft). + + Oe--0 to 7 cm (0 to 3 in); moderately decomposed plant material; very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) broken face moist, brown (7.5YR 4/2) broken face dry: common very fine, fine, medium, coarse, and very coarse roots throughout; extremely acid (pH 4.0; clear wavy boundary. (4 to 10 cm, 2 to 4 in thick) + + Oa--7 to 21 cm (3 to 8 in); highly decomposed plant material; black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; common very fine, fine, and medium roots throughout; 10 percent channers; extremely acid (pH 3.7), slightly acid (NaF pH 6.5); gradual wavy boundary. (10 to 16 cm, 4 to 6 in thick) + + Bw--21 to 35 cm (8 to 14 in); channery highly organic silt loam; dark olive brown (2.5Y 3/3) broken face moist, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) broken face dry; weak medium granular structure; very friable, soft, nonsticky, nonplastic, nonsmeary; common very fine, fine, and medium roots throughout; common very fine, fine, and medium tubular pores; 25 percent channers; very strongly acid (pH 5.0), very strongly alkaline (NaF pH 9.3); 6 percent volcanic glass; clear wavy boundary. (8 to 20 cm, 3 to 8 in thick) + + A--35 to 46 cm (14 to 18 in); very channery highly organic silt loam; 60 percent very dark brown (10YR 2/2) broken face and 40 percent black (10YR 2/1) broken face moist, 60 percent dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) broken face and 40 percent dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable, soft, slightly sticky, nonplastic, nonsmeary; common very fine and fine roots throughout; common very fine, fine, and medium tubular pores; 40 percent channers; very strongly acid (pH 4.9), strongly alkaline (NaF pH 9.0); 15 percent volcanic glass; clear wavy boundary. (5 to 35 cm, 2 to 14 in thick) + + Bhs--46 to 67 cm (18 to 26 in); flaggy highly organic medial silt loam; 60 percent black (10YR 2/1) broken face and 40 percent very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) broken face moist, 60 percent dark gray (10YR 4/1) broken face and 40 percent brown (7.5YR 4/2) broken face dry; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic, weakly smeary; common very fine and fine roots throughout; common very fine and fine tubular pores; 5 percent channers and 15 percent flagstones; moderately acid (pH 5.6), very strongly alkaline (NaF pH 9.9); 28 percent volcanic glass; abrupt wavy boundary. (5 to 24 cm, 2 to 9 in thick) + + 2Bw--67 to 90 cm (26 to 35 in); channery silt loam; olive brown (2.5Y 4/3) broken face moist, light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) broken face dry; weak medium granular structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic, nonsmeary; common very fine tubular pores; 20 percent channers and 10 percent flagstones; moderately acid (pH 5.7), very strongly alkaline (NaF pH 9.2); 1 percent volcanic glass; clear wavy boundary. (15 to 25 cm, 6 to 10 in thick) + + 2C--90 to 110 cm (35 to 43 in); very flaggy fine sandy loam; dark olive brown (2.5Y 3/3) broken face moist, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) broken face dry; massive; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, nonplastic, nonsmeary; 20 percent channers and 30 percent flagstones; moderately acid (pH 5.8), very strongly alkaline (NaF pH 9.0); 3 percent volcanic glass; abrupt irregular boundary. (10 to 25 cm, 4 to 10 in thick) + + 3Cr--110 to 135 cm (43 to 53 in); weakly to moderately coherent mudstone bedrock. + +TYPE LOCATION: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey Area, Alaska; latitude 64.2954568, longitude-160.0522120, datum WGS84, UTM north 7130359.73 and UTM east 449079.94, zone 4, datum WGS84. + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: + +Soil moisture regime: udic +Soil temperature regime: cryic +Mean annual soil temperature: 0 to 3 degrees C. (32 to 37 degrees F.) +Thickness of organic material: 15 to 26 cm (6 to 10 in) +Thickness of folistic epipedon: 15 to 26 cm (6 to 10 in) +Thickness of andic soil properties: 5 to 24 cm (2 to 9 in) +Thickness of umbric epipedon: 18 to 79 cm (7 to 31 in) +Thickness of cambic horizon: 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) +Depth to paralithic contact: 100 to 150 cm (40 to 40 in) + +Oe and Oa horizon: +Hue: 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: moderately or highly decomposed plant material +Organic matter: 60 to 90 percent +Reaction class: ultra acid to strongly acid (pH 3.0 to 5.5) + +Bw horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 to 6 dry +Chroma: 3 or 4 +Texture: highly organic silt loam, or their channery analogues +Sand: 10 to 40 percent +Clay: 4 to 12 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 10 to 19 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to strongly acid (pH 3.5 to 5.5) + +A horizon: +Hue: 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 3 +Texture: highly organic silt loam, highly organic silt, or their channery analogues +Sand: 5 to 40 percent +Clay: 4 to 12 percent +Silt: 50 to 91 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 50 percent +Organic matter: 10 to 19 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to very strongly acid (pH 3.5 to 5.0) + +Bhs horizon: +Hue: 2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR +Value: 2 to 3 moist, 4 or 5 dry +Chroma: 1 to 4 +Texture: highly organic medial silt loam, or their flaggy analogues +Sand: 15 to 40 percent +Clay: 4 to 10 percent +Silt: 50 to 80 percent +Rock fragments: 0 to 30 percent +Channers: 0 to 15 percent +Flagstones: 0 to 20 percent +Organic matter: 10 to 19 percent +Bulk density: 0.5 to 1.0 g/cm3 +Al plus 1/2 Fe:1 to 2 percent +Volcanic glass content: 20 to 35 percent +Phosphorus retention: 70 to 100 percent +Reaction class: extremely acid to moderately acid (pH 3.5 to 6.0) + +2Bw horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 3 or 4 +Texture: silt loam, loam, or their channery analogues +Sand: 10 to 45 percent +Clay: 6 to 16 percent +Silt: 39 to 80 percent +Rock fragments: 15 to 59 percent +Channers:15 to 55 percent +Flagstones: 0 to 30 percent +Organic matter: 2 to 4 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +2C horizon: +Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y +Value: 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry +Chroma: 2 or 3 +Texture: loam, fine sandy loam, or their channery or flaggy analogues +Sand: 34 to 70 percent +Clay: 4 to 16 percent +Silt: 14 to 50 percent +Rock fragments: 35 to 59 percent +Channers: 15 to 45 percent +Flagstones: 0 to 35 percent +Organic matter: 1 to 3.5 percent +Reaction class: very strongly acid to moderately acid (pH 4.5 to 6.0) + +3Cr horizon +Weakly to moderately coherent mudstone bedrock. + +Some pedons have a lithic contact at depths between 58 cm (50 in) and 180 cm (71 in) + +COMPETING SERIES: none + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Elevation: 100 to 550 meters (325 to 1805 feet) +Parent material: herbaceous organic material over volcanic ash influenced loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy colluvium over gravelly loamy residuum weathered from mudstone +Landform: mountain slopes and hillslopes +Slopes: 20 to 70 percent +Mean annual precipitation: 300 to 600 mm (12 to 20 in) +Mean annual air temperature: -5 to -1 degrees C. (23 to 30 degrees F.) +Frost free period: 70 to 90 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Apkun, Atkaktuk, Aullasik, Iyagak, Iyyagrik, Kimigaak, Kinak, Niakuk, Piksrun, Siku, Sikuruk, Tagluk, Tui, Tumi, and Urgiilik soils. +Apkun soils have a lithic contact at depths betweeen 50 to100 cm (20 to 40 in), have a gelic soil temperature regime, lack a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, center third +Atkaktuk soils have a fragmental layer at depths less than 50 cm (20 in), have a gelic soil temperature regime, lack a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, center-third +Aullasik soils have a lithic contact at depths between 150 to 200 cm (60 to 80 in), lack a folistic epipedon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, center third +Iyagak soils have an ochric epipedon, have a fragmental particle-size class, lack andic soil properties and occur on similar landforms swales and mountainflanks, center third +Iyyagrik soils have lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150cm (40 to 60 in), have a mollic epipedon, lack a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Kimigaak soils have a lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100cm (20 to 40 in), have an ochric epipedon, and occur on ridges on hills +Kinak soils lack a folistic epipedon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on headslopes of hills +Niakuk soils have a fragmental layer at depths less than 100 cm (40 in), have a lithic contact at depths between 100 to 150 cm (39 to 59 in), have an ochric epipedon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on mountainflanks, upper third +Piksrun soils have a gelic soil temperature regime, lack a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, center and upper third +Siku soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to10 in), have a gelic soil temperature regime, lack an umbric epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on mountainflanks, lower third +Sikuruk soils have aquic conditions starting between 0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 in), have a reduced matrix starting between 25 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in), have a gelic soil temperature regime, have permafrost, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on saddles of hills +Tagluk soils have a mollic epipedon, lack a folistic epipedon, lack a cambic horizon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on headslopes of hillslopes +Tui soils have an ochric epipedon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on nose slopes of hillslopes +Urgiilik soils have a lithic contact at depths between 50 to 100 cm (20 to 40 in), have an ochric epipedon, lack andic soil properties, and occur on similar landforms on mountainflanks, center third + +DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: +Drainage class: well drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: very high in the Oe and Oa horizons, moderately high to high in the Bw, A, Bhs, 2Bw and 2C horizons +Permeability: rapid to very rapid in the Oe and Oa horizons, moderate to moderately rapid in the Bw, A, Bhs, and 2Bw horizons, moderate to rapid in the 2C horizon +Runoff: medium + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Use: wildlife habitat, recreation and subsistence. +Native vegetation: Sitka alder, bluejoint, spreading woodfern, beauverd spirea, stiff clubmoss, tealeaf willow, red currant + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 240, Nulato Hills-Southern Seward Peninsula Highlands, Alaska. The series is of moderate extent. + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Wasilla, Alaska + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Nulato Hills - Continental Divide and Blackburn Hills Soil Survey, Alaska, 2024 + +REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include: + +Particle-size control section: 46 to 110 cm (18 to 43 in) + +Folistic epipedon: 0 to 21 cm (0 to 8 in) (Oe and Oa horizons) + +Umbric epipedon: 21 to 67 cm (8 to 26 in) (Bw, A, and Bhs horizons) + +Volcanic glass: 21 to 110 cm (8 to 43 in) (Bw, A, Bhs, 2Bw, and 2C horizons) + +Spodic materials : 46 to 67 cm (18 to 26 in) (Bhs horizon) + +Andic soil properties: 46 to 67 cm (18 to 26 in) (Bhs horizon) + +Lithological discontinuity: 67 to 110 cm (26 to 43 in) (2Bw and 2C horizons) + +Cambic horizon: 67 to 90 cm (26 to 35 in) (2Bw horizon) + +Lithologic discontinuity: 110 to 135 cm (43 to 53) (3Cr horizon) + +Paralithic contact: 110 to 135 cm (43 to 53 in) (3Cr horizon) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: + +User pedon ID: S2021AK180916 + +KSSL lab pedon: 22N0121 + +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/SC/SCDB.csv b/SC/SCDB.csv index 3f26f041..608967b2 100644 --- a/SC/SCDB.csv +++ b/SC/SCDB.csv @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ 5763,"AGERDELLY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC CHROMIC HAPLOXERERTS","Vertisols","Xererts","Haploxererts","Chromic Haploxererts","very-fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1990,1992,1997 5764,"AGFAYAN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"CLAYEY, SMECTITIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC, SHALLOW UDIC HAPLUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Haplustolls","Udic Haplustolls","clayey",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"isohyperthermic","davis, ca","GU","Guam","State or Territory",NA,1985,2007 5765,"AGIAPUK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUBGELIC TYPIC DYSTROGELEPTS","Inceptisols","Gelepts","Dystrogelepts","Typic Dystrogelepts","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"subgelic","wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2005,2005,2005 +30183,"AGINAKTUK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, EUIC TERRIC CRYOHEMISTS","Histosols","Hemists","Cryohemists","Terric Cryohemists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"euic",NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 +30184,"AGITCHUK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, ACID, SUBGELIC HISTIC GELAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Gelaquepts","Histic Gelaquepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","acid","subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 5766,"AGNAL","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, THERMIC TYPIC AQUISALIDS","Aridisols","Salids","Aquisalids","Typic Aquisalids","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1983,1984,2002 5767,"AGNESS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC PACHIC HUMUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Humudepts","Pachic Humudepts","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1991,1995,2011 5768,"AGNESTON","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE TYPIC HAPLOCRYALFS","Alfisols","Cryalfs","Haplocryalfs","Typic Haplocryalfs","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","CO","Colorado","State or Territory",NA,1973,2022 @@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ 5838,"AKINA","Established",TRUE,FALSE,"VERY-FINE, KAOLINITIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC INCEPTIC HAPLUSTOX","Oxisols","Ustox","Haplustox","Inceptic Haplustox","very-fine",NA,"kaolinitic",NA,NA,"isohyperthermic","davis, ca","GU","Guam","State or Territory",NA,1985,2007 5839,"AKINVILLE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, GYPSIC, THERMIC TYPIC CALCIGYPSIDS","Aridisols","Gypsids","Calcigypsids","Typic Calcigypsids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"gypsic",NA,NA,"thermic","davis, ca","AZ","Arizona","State or Territory",1990,1994,1998 29736,"AKIUK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, SHALLOW TYPIC DYSTROCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Dystrocryepts","Typic Dystrocryepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2020,2021,2021 +30185,"AKLAK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FRAGMENTAL, MIXED, SUBGELIC TYPIC HAPLOGELOLLS","Mollisols","Gelolls","Haplogelolls","Typic Haplogelolls","fragmental",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 5840,"AKLER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"CLAYEY, SMECTITIC, FRIGID, SHALLOW XERIC HAPLARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Haplargids","Xeric Haplargids","clayey",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"frigid","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1979,1986,1997 29714,"AKPIK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC, NONACID, SUBGELIC TYPIC GELAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Gelaquents","Typic Gelaquents","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,"nonacid","subgelic","wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2020,2021,2021 5842,"AKSARBEN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC TYPIC ARGIUDOLLS","Mollisols","Udolls","Argiudolls","Typic Argiudolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","NE","Nebraska","State or Territory",1992,1995,1997 @@ -349,7 +352,7 @@ 30086,"ALENEVA","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, AMORPHIC OVER MIXED, SUPERACTIVE OXYAQUIC HAPLOCRYANDS","Andisols","Cryands","Haplocryands","Oxyaquic Haplocryands","medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"amorphic over mixed","superactive",NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 5914,"ALESNA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Ustic Calciargids","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",1994,2001,2006 5915,"ALET","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC ARGIUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Argiustolls","Typic Argiustolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"hyperthermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",1998,2010,2010 -30100,"ALEWIFE COVE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic",NA,"CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 +30100,"ALEWIFE COVE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic",NA,"CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2024,2024,2024 5916,"ALEX","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE AQUIC HAPLOCRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Haplocryolls","Aquic Haplocryolls","fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1962,2018,2018 5917,"ALEXANDER","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID TYPIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Typic Argixerolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1981,NA,2002 5918,"ALEXANDRIA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, ILLITIC, MESIC OXYAQUIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Oxyaquic Hapludalfs","fine",NA,"illitic",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","OH","Ohio","State or Territory",NA,1930,2021 @@ -1438,7 +1441,7 @@ 29995,"BARLEY","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CALCIC UDIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Calcic Udic Haplustepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 4960,"BARLING","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC FLUVAQUENTIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","AR","Arkansas","State or Territory",NA,1971,2008 4961,"BARLOW","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC TYPIC HAPLOCRYODS","Spodosols","Cryods","Haplocryods","Typic Haplocryods","coarse-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1975,2002 -30053,"BARN ISLAND","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, EUIC, MESIC TERRIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Terric Sulfisaprists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30053,"BARN ISLAND","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, EUIC, MESIC TERRIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Terric Sulfisaprists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 4962,"BARNABE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, ACTIVE, ISOMESIC LITHIC HAPLUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Haplustolls","Lithic Haplustolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"isomesic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,1979,2003 4963,"BARNARD","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC ARGIDURIDIC DURIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Durixerolls","Argiduridic Durixerolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1941,1997 29993,"BARNEGAT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, ACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HISTIC-HAPLIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Histic-Haplic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"siliceous","active","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","NJ","New Jersey","State or Territory",2023,2023,2023 @@ -2962,7 +2965,7 @@ 29929,"BROAD CREEK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUBACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","subactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","MD","Maryland","State or Territory",2022,2022,2022 3283,"BROADALBIN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC FRAGIUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Fragiudepts","Typic Fragiudepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","NY","New York","State or Territory",NA,1969,1999 3284,"BROADAX","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC CALCIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Calcic Argixerolls","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1978,1997 -30067,"BROADAXE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC FLUVENTIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Fluventic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30067,"BROADAXE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC FLUVENTIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Fluventic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 3285,"BROADBROOK","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC OXYAQUIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Oxyaquic Dystrudepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",NA,1959,1999 3286,"BROADHEAD","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, FRIGID PACHIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Pachic Argixerolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1971,1997 82,"BROADHURST","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, SMECTITIC, ACID, MESIC TORRERTIC USTORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Ustorthents","Torrertic Ustorthents","very-fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,"acid","mesic","st. paul, mn","SD","South Dakota","State or Territory",NA,1970,1999 @@ -3393,7 +3396,7 @@ 2607,"BUTTONCREEK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC HAPLOXERANDIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Haploxerandic Haplocryepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",1995,2005,2006 29672,"BUTTONFLAT","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CUMULIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Cumulic Haploxerolls","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2020,NA,2020 2608,"BUTTONWILLOW","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"CLAYEY OVER LOAMY, SMECTITIC, NONACID, THERMIC VERTIC TORRIFLUVENTS","Entisols","Fluvents","Torrifluvents","Vertic Torrifluvents","clayey over loamy",NA,"smectitic",NA,"nonacid","thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1979,1982,1997 -30075,"BUTTONWOOD","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 +30075,"BUTTONWOOD","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,2024,2024 2609,"BUXIN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, SMECTITIC, THERMIC AQUIC HAPLUDERTS","Vertisols","Uderts","Hapluderts","Aquic Hapluderts","very-fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"thermic","temple, tx","LA","Louisiana","State or Territory",NA,1910,2004 2610,"BUXTON","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE, ILLITIC, FRIGID AQUIC DYSTRIC EUTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Eutrudepts","Aquic Dystric Eutrudepts","fine",NA,"illitic",NA,NA,"frigid","amherst, ma","ME","Maine","State or Territory",NA,1941,2000 2611,"BUZZARDSPRINGS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, MIXED, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Typic Haplocalcids","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",2001,2012,2012 @@ -3556,7 +3559,7 @@ 2753,"CALUMET","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"OK","Oklahoma","State or Territory",NA,NA,1987 2754,"CALVERT","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, MESIC TYPIC FRAGIAQUALFS","Alfisols","Aqualfs","Fragiaqualfs","Typic Fragiaqualfs","fine-silty",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","MD","Maryland","State or Territory",NA,1959,2005 2755,"CALVERTON","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC AQUIC FRAGIUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Fragiudults","Aquic Fragiudults","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","VA","Virginia","State or Territory",NA,1949,2005 -30052,"CALVES","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HISTIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Histic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 +30052,"CALVES","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HISTIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Histic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 2756,"CALVIN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Typic Dystrudepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","PA","Pennsylvania","State or Territory",NA,1940,2001 2757,"CALVISTA","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC LITHIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Lithic Haplocalcids","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,1971,2003 2758,"CALWASH","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, CALCAREOUS, THERMIC, SHALLOW TYPIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Typic Torriorthents","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","calcareous","thermic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",2000,2006,2006 @@ -5072,6 +5075,7 @@ 1096,"CONTIDE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC TYPIC PALECRYALFS","Alfisols","Cryalfs","Palecryalfs","Typic Palecryalfs","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",1972,NA,2000 1097,"CONTINE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, HYPERTHERMIC VERTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Vertic Calciargids","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"hyperthermic","davis, ca","AZ","Arizona","State or Territory",NA,1971,2003 1098,"CONTINENTAL","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC VERTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Vertic Calciargids","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","AZ","Arizona","State or Territory",NA,1931,2006 +30186,"CONTINENTALDIVIDE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, SUBGELIC LITHIC HAPLOGELOLLS","Mollisols","Gelolls","Haplogelolls","Lithic Haplogelolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 1099,"CONTO","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC ANDIC HAPLOCRYODS","Spodosols","Cryods","Haplocryods","Andic Haplocryods","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1981,2004 1100,"CONTRA COSTA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC MOLLIC HAPLOXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Haploxeralfs","Mollic Haploxeralfs","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,1935,1997 1101,"CONTRARY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC DYSTRIC EUTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Eutrudepts","Dystric Eutrudepts","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","MO","Missouri","State or Territory",1982,1984,2022 @@ -5961,6 +5965,7 @@ 839,"DEARYTON","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, ISOTIC, MESIC VITRANDIC PALEXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Palexeralfs","Vitrandic Palexeralfs","fine",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1964,2004 840,"DEATMAN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC PACHIC ULTIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Pachic Ultic Haploxerolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1975,2002 841,"DEAVER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, CALCAREOUS, MESIC TYPIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Typic Torriorthents","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,"calcareous","mesic","bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",NA,1972,1997 +30187,"DEBAUCH","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, SUBGELIC, SHALLOW TYPIC GELORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Gelorthents","Typic Gelorthents","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 842,"DEBENGER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC HAPLOXEREPTS","Inceptisols","Xerepts","Haploxerepts","Typic Haploxerepts","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1979,1999 843,"DEBEQUE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID ENTIC HAPLUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Haplustolls","Entic Haplustolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","CO","Colorado","State or Territory",1983,1988,1999 844,"DEBOLT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"CLAYEY OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, FRIGID OXYAQUIC GLOSSUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Glossudalfs","Oxyaquic Glossudalfs","clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"frigid","amherst, ma","MI","Michigan","State or Territory",1998,1999,2000 @@ -7343,7 +7348,7 @@ 6081,"ENCROW","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, THERMIC TYPIC GLOSSAQUALFS","Alfisols","Aqualfs","Glossaqualfs","Typic Glossaqualfs","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"thermic","raleigh, nc","LA","Louisiana","State or Territory",NA,1987,1997 6082,"ENDCAV","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"VERY-FINE, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC CHROMIC VERTIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Chromic Vertic Hapludalfs","very-fine",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","VA","Virginia","State or Territory",NA,1977,2005 6083,"ENDCREEK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"ASHY OVER LOAMY-SKELETAL, AMORPHIC OVER ISOTIC, FRIGID TYPIC VITRIXERANDS","Andisols","Xerands","Vitrixerands","Typic Vitrixerands","ashy over loamy-skeletal",NA,"amorphic over isotic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",2004,2018,2019 -30068,"ENDEAVOR","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, MIXED, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30068,"ENDEAVOR","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, MIXED, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 6084,"ENDERS","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Hapludults","Typic Hapludults","fine",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","AR","Arkansas","State or Territory",NA,1939,2012 6085,"ENDERSBY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC CUMULIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Cumulic Haploxerolls","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1975,2002 6086,"ENDICOTT","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC HAPLIC DURIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Durixerolls","Haplic Durixerolls","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1970,1998 @@ -8056,6 +8061,7 @@ 7550,"FLOYD","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC AQUIC PACHIC HAPLUDOLLS","Mollisols","Udolls","Hapludolls","Aquic Pachic Hapludolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","IA","Iowa","State or Territory",NA,1922,2021 7551,"FLUE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC VITRIXERANDIC NATRIDURIDS","Aridisols","Durids","Natridurids","Vitrixerandic Natridurids","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1988,1993,2007 7552,"FLUETSCH","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID USTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Ustic Calciargids","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","CO","Colorado","State or Territory",NA,1973,1999 +30188,"FLUFFLE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID FLUVAQUENTIC CRYAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Cryaquepts","Fluvaquentic Cryaquepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid",NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 7553,"FLUGLE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARIDIC HAPLUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Haplustalfs","Aridic Haplustalfs","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",1981,1982,2004 7554,"FLUKER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, SILICEOUS, ACTIVE, THERMIC AQUIC FRAGLOSSUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Fraglossudalfs","Aquic Fraglossudalfs","fine-silty",NA,"siliceous","active",NA,"thermic","raleigh, nc","LA","Louisiana","State or Territory",NA,1985,2003 7555,"FLUME","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC OXYAQUIC HAPLUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Hapludults","Oxyaquic Hapludults","fine",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","raleigh, nc","VA","Virginia","State or Territory",2003,2009,2009 @@ -8481,7 +8487,7 @@ 7939,"GALEN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC OXYAQUIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Oxyaquic Hapludalfs","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","NY","New York","State or Territory",NA,1948,1998 7940,"GALENA","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"IN","Indiana","State or Territory",NA,NA,1987 7941,"GALEPPI","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARGIDURIDIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Argiduridic Argixerolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,1973,1999 -30062,"GALES FERRY","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30062,"GALES FERRY","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 7942,"GALESTINA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARIDIC PALEUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Paleustalfs","Aridic Paleustalfs","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",1982,1985,2006 7943,"GALESTOWN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"SILICEOUS, MESIC PSAMMENTIC HAPLUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Hapludults","Psammentic Hapludults",NA,NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","MD","Maryland","State or Territory",NA,1951,2002 7944,"GALEY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC ULTIC PALEUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Paleustalfs","Ultic Paleustalfs","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","OK","Oklahoma","State or Territory",NA,1970,2000 @@ -8783,7 +8789,7 @@ 8223,"GILLENDER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, NONACID, THERMIC, SHALLOW TYPIC XERORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Xerorthents","Typic Xerorthents","loamy",NA,"mixed","active","nonacid","thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1983,1986,2003 8224,"GILLETT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC PALEUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Paleustalfs","Typic Paleustalfs","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",1990,1992,1997 8225,"GILLETT GROVE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC ENDOAQUOLLS","Mollisols","Aquolls","Endoaquolls","Typic Endoaquolls","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","IA","Iowa","State or Territory",2002,2002,2022 -30057,"GILLETTE CASTLE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC FRASIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Frasiwassents","Fluventic Frasiwassents","loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30057,"GILLETTE CASTLE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC FRASIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Frasiwassents","Fluventic Frasiwassents","loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 8226,"GILLIAM","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC FLUVAQUENTIC HAPLUDOLLS","Mollisols","Udolls","Hapludolls","Fluvaquentic Hapludolls","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","MO","Missouri","State or Territory",NA,1982,2022 8227,"GILLIGAN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC, MESIC VITRANDIC DYSTROXEREPTS","Inceptisols","Xerepts","Dystroxerepts","Vitrandic Dystroxerepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1953,2003 8228,"GILLINGHAM","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARENIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Arenic Hapludalfs","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","WI","Wisconsin","State or Territory",2002,2002,2009 @@ -9477,7 +9483,7 @@ 8869,"GUIDA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, FRIGID OXYAQUIC UDIPSAMMENTS","Entisols","Psamments","Udipsamments","Oxyaquic Udipsamments",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"frigid","st. paul, mn","MN","Minnesota","State or Territory",2007,2010,2010 8870,"GUIJARRAL","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Typic Haplocalcids","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1987,2002,2002 8871,"GUILDER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID MOLLIC HAPLOXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Haploxeralfs","Mollic Haploxeralfs","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1975,2003 -30064,"GUILFORD","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30064,"GUILFORD","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 8872,"GUIN","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"AL","Alabama","State or Territory",NA,NA,1987 8873,"GUISER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE XERIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Xeric Argicryolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1982,1990,2017 8874,"GULCH","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC USTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Ustic Calciargids","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","AZ","Arizona","State or Territory",1993,1996,1999 @@ -9684,8 +9690,8 @@ 9063,"HAMMACK","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC GLOSSIC PALEUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Paleudalfs","Glossic Paleudalfs","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","raleigh, nc","KY","Kentucky","State or Territory",NA,1977,2001 9064,"HAMMAHAMMA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL-SKELETAL, FERRIHYDRITIC, FRIGID TYPIC DURUDANDS","Andisols","Udands","Durudands","Typic Durudands","medial-skeletal",NA,"ferrihydritic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",1993,2000,2000 9065,"HAMMERSLEY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE PACHIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Pachic Argicryolls","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1990,1991,2001 -30060,"HAMMOCK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 -30054,"HAMMONASSET","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"EUIC, MESIC TYPIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Typic Sulfisaprists",NA,NA,NA,NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 +30060,"HAMMOCK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 +30054,"HAMMONASSET","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"EUIC, MESIC TYPIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Typic Sulfisaprists",NA,NA,NA,NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 9066,"HAMMOND","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, THERMIC UDIC USTORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Ustorthents","Udic Ustorthents","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","thermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",1995,NA,1997 9067,"HAMMONTON","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC AQUIC HAPLUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Hapludults","Aquic Hapludults","coarse-loamy",NA,"siliceous","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","NJ","New Jersey","State or Territory",NA,1972,2008 9068,"HAMPDEN","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"amherst, ma","MA","Massachusetts","State or Territory",NA,NA,1999 @@ -10918,6 +10924,7 @@ 10228,"IGDELL","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, FRIGID ABRUPTIC ARGIDURIDIC DURIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Durixerolls","Abruptic Argiduridic Durixerolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"frigid","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1980,1986,2001 10229,"IGERT","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC DURINODIC XERIC HAPLARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Haplargids","Durinodic Xeric Haplargids","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1981,1992,2003 10230,"IGNACIO","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC HAPLOCAMBIDS","Aridisols","Cambids","Haplocambids","Ustic Haplocambids","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",1962,1983,2004 +30189,"IGNIQ","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, SUBGELIC TURBIC GELAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Gelaquepts","Turbic Gelaquepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 10231,"IGNORD","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC PACHIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Pachic Haploxerolls","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1995,2005,2006 10232,"IGO","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC, SHALLOW TYPIC DURIXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Durixeralfs","Typic Durixeralfs","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1959,1960,2005 24928,"IGOR","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE PACHIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Pachic Argicryolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2011,NA,2011 @@ -10931,6 +10938,7 @@ 10239,"IKE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, CARBONATIC, FRIGID LITHIC XERIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Lithic Xeric Haplocalcids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1992,1999,1999 10240,"IKIT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, CARBONATIC, MESIC LITHIC XERORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Xerorthents","Lithic Xerorthents","loamy-skeletal",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",1995,1997,1998 10241,"IKSGIZA","Established",TRUE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, SUBGELIC TYPIC HISTOTURBELS","Gelisols","Turbels","Histoturbels","Typic Histoturbels","coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"subgelic","wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",1986,1995,2005 +30190,"IKSRUKKAA","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE FOLISTIC DYSTROCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Dystrocryepts","Folistic Dystrocryepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 10242,"ILACHETOMEL","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"EUIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC TYPIC SULFIHEMISTS","Histosols","Hemists","Sulfihemists","Typic Sulfihemists",NA,NA,NA,NA,"euic","isohyperthermic","davis, ca","PW","Palau","State or Territory",NA,1981,2006 10243,"ILDECARB","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, CARBONATIC, MESIC USTIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Ustic Haplocalcids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",NA,NA,2006 10244,"ILDEFONSO","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Ustic Haplocalcids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",NA,1970,2006 @@ -11138,7 +11146,7 @@ 10436,"ITMANN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, ACID, MESIC TYPIC UDORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Udorthents","Typic Udorthents","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","semiactive","acid","mesic","amherst, ma","WV","West Virginia","State or Territory",1983,1984,2000 10437,"ITME","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC TYPIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Typic Torriorthents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1982,1984,1994 10438,"ITSWOOT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL-SKELETAL, MIXED, ISOFRIGID PACHIC FULVUDANDS","Andisols","Udands","Fulvudands","Pachic Fulvudands","medial-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"isofrigid","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1971,2000 -30069,"ITTSANAPPER","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY OVER CLAYEY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, NONACID, HYPERTHERMIC GROSSIC HYDROWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Hydrowassents","Grossic Hydrowassents","coarse-loamy over clayey",NA,"mixed","semiactive","nonacid","hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30069,"ITTSANAPPER","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY OVER CLAYEY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, NONACID, HYPERTHERMIC GROSSIC HYDROWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Hydrowassents","Grossic Hydrowassents","coarse-loamy over clayey",NA,"mixed","semiactive","nonacid","hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 10439,"ITULILIKFAMILY","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID TYPIC CRYAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Cryaquepts","Typic Cryaquepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid",NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2007,NA,2008 10440,"ITWO","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE XERIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Xeric Argicryolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1997,NA,2001 10441,"ITZEE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, MIXED, MESIC CUMULIC ULTIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Cumulic Ultic Haploxerolls","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",2000,2003,2003 @@ -11161,7 +11169,9 @@ 10458,"IWELA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARIDIC HAPLUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Haplustalfs","Aridic Haplustalfs","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",1991,1993,2004 10459,"IWICA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, FRIGID CALCIC PACHIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Calcic Pachic Argixerolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"frigid","davis, ca","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1988,1992,1997 10460,"IXIAN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, CALCAREOUS, MESIC AQUIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Aquic Torriorthents","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive","calcareous","mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1985,1986,2003 +30191,"IYAGAK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FRAGMENTAL, MIXED TYPIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Typic Haplocryepts","fragmental",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 10461,"IYERS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC USTIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Ustic Haplocryepts","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","CO","Colorado","State or Territory",1982,1984,2008 +30192,"IYYAGRIK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE PACHIC HAPLOCRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Haplocryolls","Pachic Haplocryolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 10462,"IZAGORA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, SEMIACTIVE, THERMIC AQUIC PALEUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Paleudults","Aquic Paleudults","fine-loamy",NA,"siliceous","semiactive",NA,"thermic","raleigh, nc","AL","Alabama","State or Territory",NA,1942,1997 10463,"IZAMATCH","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC TYPIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Typic Torriorthents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1990,1994,1994 10464,"IZAR","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, CALCAREOUS, MESIC LITHIC XERIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Lithic Xeric Torriorthents","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","calcareous","mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1982,1986,2003 @@ -11607,6 +11617,7 @@ 10859,"KALAMBACH","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE TYPIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Typic Haplocryepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",1989,1995,2008 10860,"KALAPA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, KAOLINITIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC TYPIC PALEHUMULTS","Ultisols","Humults","Palehumults","Typic Palehumults","very-fine",NA,"kaolinitic",NA,NA,"isohyperthermic","davis, ca","HI","Hawaii","State or Territory",NA,1971,2000 10861,"KALAPANA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL, FERRIHYDRITIC, ISOTHERMIC LITHIC UDIVITRANDS","Andisols","Vitrands","Udivitrands","Lithic Udivitrands","medial",NA,"ferrihydritic",NA,NA,"isothermic","davis, ca","HI","Hawaii","State or Territory",1999,2008,2012 +30193,"KALASIK CREEK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, SUBGELIC TYPIC HAPLOGELEPTS","Inceptisols","Gelepts","Haplogelepts","Typic Haplogelepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","subgelic",NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 10862,"KALAUPAPA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"MEDIAL, AMORPHIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC LITHIC HAPLUSTANDS","Andisols","Ustands","Haplustands","Lithic Haplustands","medial",NA,"amorphic",NA,NA,"isohyperthermic","davis, ca","HI","Hawaii","State or Territory",NA,1971,2000 10863,"KALEETAN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC, FRIGID TYPIC HAPLOHUMODS","Spodosols","Humods","Haplohumods","Typic Haplohumods","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",1982,1987,2002 10864,"KALEVA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, ISOTIC, MESIC TYPIC HAPLORTHODS","Spodosols","Orthods","Haplorthods","Typic Haplorthods","sandy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","MI","Michigan","State or Territory",1996,2005,2016 @@ -15716,7 +15727,7 @@ 14722,"MULLEN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARENIC HAPLUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Haplustalfs","Arenic Haplustalfs","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","NE","Nebraska","State or Territory",2006,2006,2009 30047,"MULLENCAMP","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID SODIC USTIC HAPLOCAMBIDS","Aridisols","Cambids","Haplocambids","Sodic Ustic Haplocambids","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 14723,"MULLERS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, KAOLINITIC, ACID, THERMIC FLUVENTIC ENDOAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Endoaquepts","Fluventic Endoaquepts","fine",NA,"kaolinitic",NA,"acid","thermic","raleigh, nc","SC","South Carolina","State or Territory",1992,1993,2009 -30070,"MULLET","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC FLUVENTIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Fluventic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30070,"MULLET","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC FLUVENTIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Fluventic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 14724,"MULLICA","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, SEMIACTIVE, ACID, MESIC TYPIC HUMAQUEPTS","Inceptisols","Aquepts","Humaquepts","Typic Humaquepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"siliceous","semiactive","acid","mesic","amherst, ma","NJ","New Jersey","State or Territory",NA,1978,2008 14726,"MULLIGAN","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, CALCAREOUS, MESIC LITHIC TORRIORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Torriorthents","Lithic Torriorthents","loamy",NA,"mixed","active","calcareous","mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",2010,2011,2011 14727,"MULLINS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC FRAGIAQUULTS","Ultisols","Aquults","Fragiaquults","Typic Fragiaquults","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","KY","Kentucky","State or Territory",NA,1938,2001 @@ -15787,6 +15798,7 @@ 14790,"MUSKELLUNGE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, ACTIVE, FRIGID AERIC EPIAQUALFS","Alfisols","Aqualfs","Epiaqualfs","Aeric Epiaqualfs","fine",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"frigid","amherst, ma","NY","New York","State or Territory",1982,1983,1998 14791,"MUSKINGUM","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Typic Dystrudepts","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","KY","Kentucky","State or Territory",NA,1922,2022 14792,"MUSKOGEE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC AQUIC PALEUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Paleudalfs","Aquic Paleudalfs","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","AR","Arkansas","State or Territory",NA,1913,2002 +30194,"MUSKOX","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE TYPIC HUMICRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Humicryepts","Typic Humicryepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 14793,"MUSKRAT","Inactive",FALSE,FALSE,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"IL","Illinois","State or Territory",NA,NA,1987 14794,"MUSOFARE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Ustic Calciargids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",NA,NA,2006 14795,"MUSQUIZ","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC CALCIDIC ARGIUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Argiustolls","Calcidic Argiustolls","fine",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","TX","Texas","State or Territory",NA,1971,2008 @@ -15995,7 +16007,7 @@ 14983,"NATOMAS","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC ULTIC PALEXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Palexeralfs","Ultic Palexeralfs","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1985,1986,2003 14984,"NATROY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC XERIC ENDOAQUERTS","Vertisols","Aquerts","Endoaquerts","Xeric Endoaquerts","very-fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1981,1997 14985,"NATURITA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC CALCIARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Calciargids","Ustic Calciargids","fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","CO","Colorado","State or Territory",NA,1939,1999 -30063,"NAUGATUCK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC PSAMMENTIC FRASIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Frasiwassents","Psammentic Frasiwassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30063,"NAUGATUCK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC PSAMMENTIC FRASIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Frasiwassents","Psammentic Frasiwassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 29271,"NAUGHTON","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC TYPIC HAPLOCRYERTS","Vertisols","Cryerts","Haplocryerts","Typic Haplocryerts","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2017,NA,2018 14986,"NAUKATI","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE LITHIC HUMICRYODS","Spodosols","Cryods","Humicryods","Lithic Humicryods","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",1968,1994,2002 14987,"NAUMBURG","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"SANDY, ISOTIC, FRIGID TYPIC ENDOAQUODS","Spodosols","Aquods","Endoaquods","Typic Endoaquods","sandy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"frigid","amherst, ma","NY","New York","State or Territory",NA,1973,1998 @@ -16265,7 +16277,7 @@ 15247,"NGERUNGOR","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"EUIC, ISOHYPERTHERMIC TYPIC HAPLOHEMISTS","Histosols","Hemists","Haplohemists","Typic Haplohemists",NA,NA,NA,NA,"euic","isohyperthermic","davis, ca","PW","Palau","State or Territory",NA,1981,2017 15248,"NIAGARA","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC AERIC ENDOAQUALFS","Alfisols","Aqualfs","Endoaqualfs","Aeric Endoaqualfs","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","NY","New York","State or Territory",NA,1963,2012 15249,"NIANGUA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"VERY-FINE, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Typic Hapludalfs","very-fine",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","MO","Missouri","State or Territory",1986,1988,1999 -30056,"NIANTIC","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30056,"NIANTIC","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 15250,"NIARADA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CALCIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Calcic Haploxerolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",1975,1991,2008 15251,"NIART","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, CARBONATIC, FRIGID ARIDIC CALCIUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Calciustolls","Aridic Calciustolls","fine-loamy",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",1981,1991,2008 15252,"NIAVI","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Typic Haplocalcids","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"thermic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",2001,2001,2001 @@ -16391,7 +16403,7 @@ 15365,"NIZINA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED TYPIC CRYORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Cryorthents","Typic Cryorthents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",1963,1986,2023 15366,"NOAGUA","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC ARGIDIC ARGIDURIDS","Aridisols","Durids","Argidurids","Argidic Argidurids","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",2002,NA,2002 15367,"NOAH","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Hapludults","Typic Hapludults","fine",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","raleigh, nc","TN","Tennessee","State or Territory",1998,1998,2001 -30055,"NOANK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30055,"NOANK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 15368,"NOARK","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"CLAYEY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC PALEUDULTS","Ultisols","Udults","Paleudults","Typic Paleudults","clayey-skeletal",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","st. paul, mn","AR","Arkansas","State or Territory",NA,1973,2006 15369,"NOBE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, CALCAREOUS, FRIGID TORRERTIC USTORTHENTS","Entisols","Orthents","Ustorthents","Torrertic Ustorthents","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,"calcareous","frigid","bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",NA,1970,1999 15370,"NOBLE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, ACTIVE, THERMIC UDIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Udic Haplustepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"siliceous","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","OK","Oklahoma","State or Territory",NA,1939,1999 @@ -16581,7 +16593,7 @@ 29472,"NOTREES","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, SILICEOUS, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC ARENIC ARIDIC HAPLUSTALFS","Alfisols","Ustalfs","Haplustalfs","Arenic Aridic Haplustalfs","loamy",NA,"siliceous","superactive",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",2013,2014,2018 15535,"NOTSPIER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, ISOTHERMIC SODIC HAPLUSTERTS","Vertisols","Usterts","Haplusterts","Sodic Haplusterts","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"isothermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,NA,2019 15536,"NOTSTEW","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE LITHIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Lithic Argicryolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1994,NA,2003 -30061,"NOTT ISLAND","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30061,"NOTT ISLAND","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, MESIC SULFIC PSAMMOWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Psammowassents","Sulfic Psammowassents",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 15537,"NOTTAWA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, MESIC OXYAQUIC ARGIUDOLLS","Mollisols","Udolls","Argiudolls","Oxyaquic Argiudolls","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","MI","Michigan","State or Territory",NA,1980,2011 15538,"NOTTER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CALCIDIC ARGIUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Argiustolls","Calcidic Argiustolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",1975,1985,1999 15539,"NOTUS","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC AQUIC XEROFLUVENTS","Entisols","Fluvents","Xerofluvents","Aquic Xerofluvents","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",NA,1962,1992 @@ -16631,6 +16643,7 @@ 29767,"NUNA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, DYSIC TERRIC CRYOSAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Cryosaprists","Terric Cryosaprists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"dysic",NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2020,2021,2021 15580,"NUNACHUAK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC, ACID TYPIC CRYAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Cryaquents","Typic Cryaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,"acid",NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2009,2019,2019 15581,"NUNANIQ","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE TYPIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Typic Haplocryepts","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2007,2007,2008 +30195,"NUNANJIAK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL OVER LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED OVER ISOTIC ANDIC HUMICRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Humicryepts","Andic Humicryepts","medial over loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed over isotic",NA,NA,NA,NA,"AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 15582,"NUNAPIK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, ISOTIC, NONACID, SUBGELIC TYPIC HISTORTHELS","Gelisols","Orthels","Historthels","Typic Historthels","fine-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,"nonacid","subgelic","wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2009,2021,2021 29730,"NUNARUK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"CINDERY, MIXED FOLISTIC DYSTROCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Dystrocryepts","Folistic Dystrocryepts","cindery",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2020,2021,2021 29320,"NUNATAK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE TYPIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Typic Haplocryepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2017,2020,2021 @@ -17285,7 +17298,7 @@ 16183,"OXY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC CUMULIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Cumulic Haploxerolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",1990,2003,2003 16184,"OYHUT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MEDIAL, FERRIHYDRITIC, ISOMESIC AQUIC DURUDANDS","Andisols","Udands","Durudands","Aquic Durudands","medial",NA,"ferrihydritic",NA,NA,"isomesic","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",NA,1979,1997 16185,"OYLEN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID OXYAQUIC ARGIUDOLLS","Mollisols","Udolls","Argiudolls","Oxyaquic Argiudolls","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","st. paul, mn","MN","Minnesota","State or Territory",1985,1987,1999 -30066,"OYSTER RIVER","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC THAPTO-HISTIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Thapto-Histic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 +30066,"OYSTER RIVER","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC THAPTO-HISTIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Thapto-Histic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 16186,"OYSTERLAKE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC, FRIGID OXYAQUIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Oxyaquic Dystrudepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"frigid","st. paul, mn","MN","Minnesota","State or Territory",1999,2005,2005 28997,"OYSTERRIDGE","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, FRIGID TORRERTIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Torrertic Haplustepts","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2015,NA,2015 16187,"OZAMIS","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC FLUVAQUENTIC ENDOAQUOLLS","Mollisols","Aquolls","Endoaquolls","Fluvaquentic Endoaquolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1962,1991,1999 @@ -18826,7 +18839,7 @@ 17634,"QUAGWA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC USTIC HAPLARGIDS","Aridisols","Argids","Haplargids","Ustic Haplargids","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","AZ","Arizona","State or Territory",1992,1993,1997 17635,"QUAILPRAIRIE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, ISOTIC, MESIC PACHIC HUMUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Humudepts","Pachic Humudepts","fine-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1993,1995,2011 17636,"QUAILRIDGE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC ARIDIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Aridic Argixerolls","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1996,2012,2012 -30065,"QUAIMBOG","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30065,"QUAIMBOG","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC FLUVENTIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Fluventic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 17637,"QUAINT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID LITHIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Lithic Haplustepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",1993,1998,2005 26202,"QUAKENASP","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC VERTIC ARGICRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Argicryolls","Vertic Argicryolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2013,NA,2013 17638,"QUAKER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, CARBONATIC, MESIC XERIC TORRIFLUVENTS","Entisols","Fluvents","Torrifluvents","Xeric Torrifluvents","fine-silty",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1971,2009 @@ -18903,7 +18916,7 @@ 17707,"QUINN","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, ACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC ENDOAQUALFS","Alfisols","Aqualfs","Endoaqualfs","Typic Endoaqualfs","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"mesic","amherst, ma","IN","Indiana","State or Territory",NA,1945,2011 17708,"QUINNAMOSE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC, FRIGID VITRANDIC HAPLOXEREPTS","Inceptisols","Xerepts","Haploxerepts","Vitrandic Haploxerepts","coarse-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WA","Washington","State or Territory",2002,2012,2013 17709,"QUINNEY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC NATRIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Natrixerolls","Typic Natrixerolls","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1972,2003 -30051,"QUINNIPIAC","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC TYPIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Typic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 +30051,"QUINNIPIAC","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC TYPIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Typic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 17710,"QUINTANA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC CALCIUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Calciustepts","Typic Calciustepts","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",NA,1977,2003 17711,"QUINTO","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, THERMIC LITHIC MOLLIC HAPLOXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Haploxeralfs","Lithic Mollic Haploxeralfs","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",1983,1984,1998 17712,"QUINTON","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"MIXED, MESIC XERIC TORRIPSAMMENTS","Entisols","Psamments","Torripsamments","Xeric Torripsamments",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1977,1993 @@ -20305,7 +20318,7 @@ 19011,"SANDCREEK","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"SANDY, MIXED, FRIGID LITHIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Lithic Haploxerolls","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1982,1989,1989 19013,"SANDERSON","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, CARBONATIC, THERMIC USTIC HAPLOCAMBIDS","Aridisols","Cambids","Haplocambids","Ustic Haplocambids","loamy-skeletal",NA,"carbonatic",NA,NA,"thermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",1964,1971,2016 26336,"SANDFLAT","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, MIXED, FRIGID ARIDIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Aridic Haplustepts","sandy",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","WY","Wyoming","State or Territory",2014,NA,2014 -30076,"SANDFLY","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUBACTIVE, NONACID, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","subactive","nonacid","hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 +30076,"SANDFLY","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUBACTIVE, NONACID, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","subactive","nonacid","hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,2024,2024 19014,"SANDGAP","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"MIXED, FRIGID HAPLODURIDIC TORRIPSAMMENTS","Entisols","Psamments","Torripsamments","Haploduridic Torripsamments",NA,NA,"mixed",NA,NA,"frigid","davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1996,1997,2001 19015,"SANDHILL","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, SEMIACTIVE, THERMIC ULTIC HAPLUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Hapludalfs","Ultic Hapludalfs","fine-loamy",NA,"mixed","semiactive",NA,"thermic","raleigh, nc","TN","Tennessee","State or Territory",NA,1974,2002 19016,"SANDIA","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID TYPIC HAPLUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Haplustolls","Typic Haplustolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","NM","New Mexico","State or Territory",NA,1973,2002 @@ -22867,7 +22880,7 @@ 21361,"TAYLORSPRING","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"CLAYEY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE USTIC HAPLOCRYALFS","Alfisols","Cryalfs","Haplocryalfs","Ustic Haplocryalfs","clayey-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",2008,2011,2012 21362,"TAYLORSVILLE","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC CALCIXEREPTS","Inceptisols","Xerepts","Calcixerepts","Typic Calcixerepts","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1941,1999 21363,"TAYLOW","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID LITHIC HAPLOXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Haploxerolls","Lithic Haploxerolls","loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",2002,2008,2008 -30077,"TEA HAMMOCK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, DREDGIC, SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,NA,2024 +30077,"TEA HAMMOCK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, DREDGIC, SILICEOUS, HYPERTHERMIC TYPIC FLUVIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Fluviwassents","Typic Fluviwassents","sandy",NA,"siliceous",NA,NA,"hyperthermic","raleigh, nc","FL","Florida","State or Territory",2024,2024,2024 21365,"TEABRUSH","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC HAPLOCALCIDS","Aridisols","Calcids","Haplocalcids","Typic Haplocalcids","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",2009,2011,2011 29790,"TEACREEK","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE AQUIC HAPLOCRYEPTS","Inceptisols","Cryepts","Haplocryepts","Aquic Haplocryepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2020,2021,2021 21366,"TEAGARD","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLUSTERTS","Vertisols","Usterts","Haplusterts","Typic Haplusterts","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"thermic","temple, tx","OK","Oklahoma","State or Territory",1992,1995,1998 @@ -23075,7 +23088,7 @@ 21552,"THADER","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, ISOTIC ANDIC HUMICRYODS","Spodosols","Cryods","Humicryods","Andic Humicryods","loamy-skeletal",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1964,1976,2017 21553,"THAGE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, SEMIACTIVE, THERMIC FRAGIAQUIC PALEUDALFS","Alfisols","Udalfs","Paleudalfs","Fragiaquic Paleudalfs","fine-loamy",NA,"siliceous","semiactive",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","TX","Texas","State or Territory",NA,1971,2004 26267,"THAINCREEK","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY-SKELETAL, MIXED USTIC HAPLOCRYOLLS","Mollisols","Cryolls","Haplocryolls","Ustic Haplocryolls","sandy-skeletal",NA,"mixed",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","MT","Montana","State or Territory",2014,NA,2014 -30059,"THAMES","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 +30059,"THAMES","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HAPLIC SULFIWASSENTS","Entisols","Wassents","Sulfiwassents","Haplic Sulfiwassents","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,2024,2024 29574,"THARPSLOG","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"SANDY, ISOTIC, MESIC VITRANDIC HUMIXEREPTS","Inceptisols","Xerepts","Humixerepts","Vitrandic Humixerepts","sandy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",2019,2021,2021 21554,"THATCHER","Established",TRUE,TRUE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CALCIC ARGIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Argixerolls","Calcic Argixerolls","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1925,2005 21555,"THATCHERFLATS","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID TYPIC NATRIXERALFS","Alfisols","Xeralfs","Natrixeralfs","Typic Natrixeralfs","fine-silty",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",1989,1997,2002