In some cases, there are communication issues with the facedancer. It might not be clear that that's the problem at first, as the error that is raised is "struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4, line 39 in" but it indicates that not enough bytes were read from the Facedancer hardware.
This error can be raised by variuos issues:
Outdated Firmware
Download and install an updated firmware on the facedancer, as described here:
Bad driver state
If unexcpected data was sent to the facedancer, it might lose synchronization. Remove and re-insert the USB cables (on both sides of the facedancer).
Faulty USB connection
Sometimes the link is not good enough. Replace the USB cable and try different USB port/hub.
Faulty hardware
If the Facedancer was assembled by hand, there might be a loose connection on the board, inspect the Facedancer board to make sure all connections are stable and that there are no shorts.