Here you can find most of the configuration files that I use everyday at work and when I hack in my free time. I keep some bits in private repositories to which you may find references. This is mainly for privacy reasons.
As you can see I mostly live inside Emacs, which apart from being a magnificent editor, I also use as my window manager, my news reader, my shell, my e-mail client, my calendar/planner, my web browser (combined with Firefox) and as an interface to many non-Emacs-native utilities like Git or Ripgrep.
Most of the keybindings declared by this configuration are aimed to be comfortable when typing on a Kinesis Advantage keyboard.
This repository is constantly evolving and receives new patches as I learn about new things (mostly Emacs packages). Feel free to explore the contents and to make use of any ideas that you might find interesting.
- Sourcehut (main)
- GitHub (mirror)
- CERN's GitLab (mirror)
Clone the dotfiles:
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm git stow
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Now create the necessary directories so some trees are unfolded and Stow it! or,
$ bash ~/.dotfiles/
From time to time I record screencasts showcasing some custom or interesting Emacs configurations that I have in my dotfiles. They can be found in my YouTube channel.