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Lantern: Security considerations


Lantern is a censorship circumvention tool focused on efficiency, convenience, and availability. Anonymity is explicitly not a goal. To the extent possible, Lantern attempts to avoid being detectable by censoring regimes. However, with present technology, this is not reliably possible. So, Lantern should not be used where censorship circumvention is punished.

Lantern consists of:

  • The lantern client (Java, desktop, cross-platform)
  • The lantern client installer downloader (Java, desktop, cross-platform)
  • lantern-controller (Java, Google App Engine)
  • laeproxy (Java, Google App Engine)
  • AWS "Invited Servers" (instances of the lantern client on AWS)
  • AWS "Invited Server Launcher" (Python, AWS)

The lantern client has two modes of operation: give and get.

Give mode is intended for users in uncensored counries. It is disabled when Lantern detects (from the GeoLiteCity ip address database) that it is in a censored country. In Give mode, Lantern acts as a HTTP proxy for Get mode clients.

Get mode is intended for users in censored countries (but anyone can use it). In Get mode, Lantern acts as a local HTTP proxy, forwarding HTTP requests over SSL to give mode peers and various fallback proxies. Peers are discovered via the Kaleidoscope protocol over XMPP (over SSL).

Social network

Lantern's social network is an overlay on Google Talk. All peers use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate to Google Talk. Give mode peers connect directly to Google's oauth servers over HTTPS. Get mode peers connect to Google OAuth via fallback proxies. Then they connect directly to Google Talk, which is assumed to be not blocked.

Lantern users log in with an XMPP resource containing the substring -lan-, which Lantern uses to decide which XMPP peers should get Kaleidoscope messages (

Lantern automatically adds the Lantern Controller XMPP user to their XMPP roster.

Lantern users can choose whom they trust. At installation time, Lantern allows users to choose "friends" among their XMPP roster or by entering email addresses directly. The friend relationship is one-way: if A has B listed as a friend, this means that A trusts B and will send Kaleidoscope messages to B and accept them from B. If a user friends another user who is not on their XMPP roster, they will attempt to XMPP subscribe to that XMPP user (and accept that XMPP user's subscription request, if and when one is sent). This subscription is necessary to know when the user is online (and thus can receive Kaleidoscope notifications).

Lantern friends are synchronized to the controller, so that if a user is running multiple clients (or loses their local data), their network is preserved

Known issues

If Google stops maintaining XMPP servers (for instance, due to their deprecation of Talk in favor of Hangouts), then Lantern would no longer operate anywhere.

Anyone who is subscribed to a user over XMPP can tell that they are Lantern users by the -lan- substring in their XMPP resource. Lantern depends on this to recommend new friends.


At present, in order to use Lantern in either give mode or get mode, a user must be invited to join the network by an existing user.

When a user friends another user whom they do not know to be already a Lantern user:

  • The inviter's Lantern client sends an XMPP message to the Lantern controller, notifying it that wants to invite This request also includes some credentials (i.e. a refresh token) that allows the bearer to login to Google Talk as

  • The controller queues this invitation, allowing BNS to pick and choose which friendings become real invitations. (The client also queues the invitation until the server acknowledges it, so that invitaitons aren't lost). Invites from admin users (BNS staff) are dequeued automatically.

  • When an invitation is dequeued, Lantern controller sends an XMPP (XXX SQS?) message to the invited server launcher, asking it to create a new Invited Server that will run as the inviter. To this end, it sends the refresh token it was passed from the Lantern client, and the name of the S3 bucket where the installers created by this server should be stored.

  • The invited server launcher spawns and configures a new Invited Server with the given refresh token and bucket name.

  • The Invited Server configures a Lantern installer downloader and uploads it to a 'folder' with a randomly generated name (XXX) in the given bucket, builds Lantern itself and runs it as a service, then notifies Lantern controller that it's done starting up, passing it the location where the installer downloader has been uploaded.

    The newly built installer downloader includes the address of the Invited Server as a fallback proxy.

  • The Lantern controller stores the installer downloader location for and sends an e-mail to (and to whomever else may have been invited by while the previous steps were taking place), telling them that they were invited, and where they can download a Lantern installer for their platform.

  • From here on, whenever invites a new buddy, the invite e-mail will be sent immediately to them (upon dequeue), using the install location stored for the inviter.

Known issues

If lantern-controller, the invited server launcher, or an invited server is compromised, an adversary could impersonate the user on Google Talk, exposing them and their contacts to risks.

See also the EC2 section

Lantern Controller

Lantern Controller has an admin interface. Access is controlled via OAuth. BNS staff have access. The admin interface can turn on/off invitation queueing (allowing all invitations to go through), and dequeue particular invitations.

AppEngine’s admin interface allows BNS staff to view and edit all controller data. Access is controlled via Google login.


LAEProxy is a proxy that runs on Google App Engine. App Engine does not support HTTP CONNECT, so proxying happens over HTTP GET/POST. This causes problems on https sites, because the client's browser cannot authenticate the proxied site. We could use MITMProxy-like techniques to solve this, but that would expose the user's HTTP traffic to Google App Engine.

LAEProxy is not actually used right now.

Centralized fallback proxy

BNS also maintains a fallback proxy for development purposes. This is not used for ordinary Lantern clients.

Invited servers

Invited servers run the same software as Lantern's desktop client. They run on Amazon EC2 micro instances.

Invited servers act as fallback proxies, so that users can connect to Google Talk (if it is blocked) and kick off the rest of the proxy discovery process.

Users authenticate the invited servers using a SSL certificate that is distributed with the installer.

The invited servers also need to authenticate users (#798), so that censoring regimes can't detect that it is a proxy. And we need to switch to a dynamically generated SSL cert for the server, so that connections which use that SSL cert can't be blocked (#799).

Known issues

BNS can only afford a small number of these servers (relative to the number of prospective Lantern users). So, we'll have to start sharing them, or finding new funding sources.

IF EC2 were blocked in some country, the entire lantern distribution and fallback proxy scheme would fall apart in that country. Diversifying cloud hosting providers could help with this.


Lantern stores anonymous usage statistics: numbers of users, peers, and bytes transfered by country. These statistics are maintained by lantern-controller.


The Lantern client uses STUN to determine its public IP address. The public IP address is used to determined the country in order to prevent give mode in censored contries.

Known issues

STUN servers are always accessed in the same order, which might allow Lantern to be detected.


Lantern uses the Barchart-UDT library to provide connectivity over UDP when TCP connections cannot be established (for instance due to firewalls).

Known issues

UDT is rare and could allow Lantern to be fingerprinted.

Proxy discovery

Lantern achieves its censorship resistance by only telling each get mode peer about a limited subset of proxies. The subset is based on the user's XMPP social network. The Kaleidoscope protocol is designed to do this in a secure manner. Lantern implements only the "Limited relay advertisement" portion of Kaleidoscope; the "Traffic forwarding"

portion is not implemented. According to the Kaleidoscope paper, this will not allow all get-mode users to reach a proxy. The percent who can reach a proxy depends on the level of infiltration of the network and the ratio of give-mode users to get-mode users. With 10% give-mode users, and levels of infiltration under 2%, well over 99% of get-mode users should be able to reach some proxy.

Details of the Kaleidoscope protocol itself are outside the scope of this document. For more information about, see:

Unblocking the Internet: Social networks foil censors Yair Sovran, Jinyang Li, Lakshminarayanan Submaranian NYU Computer Science Technical Report TR2008-918, Sep 2009

Lantern's implementation of Kaleidoscope's limited relay advertisement can be found at:

In addition to proxies discovered through Kaleidoscope, Lantern uses fallback proxies, which are operated by Brave New Software on EC2 on behalf of its users. We have not analyzed how this will affect availability.


Lantern uses SSL for all connections that it initiates (except STUN, which does not support SSL). The SSL certificate for Google Talk is pinned.

The Bouncy Castle SSL provider is used.

Lantern uses TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA when it can. It falls back to TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA.

Open questions

  • What revisions did Lantern make to the Kaleidoscope algorithm? How does that affect its security and performance?

  • How does Kaleidoscope work when not all peers are online?

  • How does Kaleidoscope (or Lantern's implementation thereof) handle multiple peers representing the same user?

Future plans

We would like to allow any user to sponsor a cloud proxy; that proxy would be treated as that user for the purposes of Kaleidoscope routing.

It would also be nice to support obfsproxy.